Showing Posts For Takit Isy.7635:
Oh, message body length must at least be 15.
Bump again, yeah.
Any planning on polishing the bugs someday ?
Oh so Flame and Frost will come back for all those who missed it? And Sky Pirates?
There’s nothing wrong with more optional story lines in a game, unless it’s temporary so we’ll never see it again.You can’t deny that the temporary content is making players leave the game and new players reluctant to buy it. Stop defending it so much just because Anet says it’s great.
100% my opinion.
I think i will quit gaming if I cant do old achivements.
I dont have any problem with waiting a year. That’s okay.
But never see it again and forever incompleted achivements
in the achivement summary is just not acceptable.
That is absolutely Ridiculous.
When you miss an event in real life, you’re not going to tell the people “Hey, could you please get married again ? I missed it.”
You’re going to tell me “The game is NOT the real life”, and you’ll be right.
But… Anet created the game as a living world. And like any other living world, it’s not going to wait for you if you’re not there.
If you want to quit because you miss 50 achievement points from a past living story, go on and leave, because that means you didn’t/can’t understand how the game works.
(edited by Takit Isy.7635)
The only thing I dislike about temporary contents is that it seems to take all Anet’s time of work.
There are some problems and bugs in the game since the beginning which are still not repaired ( e.g. Trading Post font readability when UI is set to small ).
There are others bugs that appear with the constant updates, but there is no time to correct it… Even if you report that bugs in game since months, and even if this is an “half-hour patch” to be done.
The biggest part of the work is about the next temporary content, that’s all.
It makes me hurt to see unfixed things. No need to give examples, just browse the forum.
The game temporary contents are great, sure… But the game needs polishing as well.
I venture to say it needs polishing BEFORE new contents.
4 teams on Living Stories, is that it ?… And how many on polishing ?
I wish it could be fixed.
I hate that issue since the beginning of the game and reported it like 3 or 4 times. ( When I couldn’t stand anymore to make my eyes hurt to read. )
I don’t understand how it is possible to let this cruel lack of polish in the game…
It seems Anet prefer adding and adding and adding content instead of polishing the current one.
A lot of things in the game is just “Waw, wonderful”. And that issue makes the trading post just “Aww, awful”.
Please Anet…
(edited by Takit Isy.7635)
Bump, yes.
Is it going to be repaired, some day ?
I encounter a texture problem on a piece of armor since a few… months.
That may be an update that created that problem because it wasn’t there before.
I attach great importance to clothes and all… and when I put back that coat on, I figured out it was causing a texture/shading problem in the neck of my character.
The coat is an “Explorer Rascal Coat”.
Thanks in advance.