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FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

I’m loving it so far. I’m not used to the default FoV anymore by now.

Though I did notice that while in windowed fullscreen, the game freezes/crashes when you exit the game. I need to enter the Task Manager and force exit the program. That never happens to me with the command line argument is off, or if I’m in a real fullscreen mode. Kinda sad because windowed fullscreen allows for faster alt-tabs, which I do when I’m chatting with buddies that aren’t in the game, or checking the wiki or other things.

Running 64-bit Windows 7 Home Edition, AMD HD6850 graphics.

(edited by Takuya Hosokawa.8712)

Stealth does not prevent capture?

in WvW

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Actually I’m a stealth Thief too and I get killed a lot when the enemy team figures out what I’m doing. You get blasts of AoE or Warriors swinging their GS in the general vicinity and you die if you don’t move. That’s how it goes. You don’t need to be tagged or rendered to be killed. I like it that way. Makes life more exciting as a stealth build.

I don’t think the stealth build needs to be fixed at all, and the rendering issue isn’t really a problem unless you really haven’t figured out that tagging is unnecessary to kill. Just swing in the direction you think he might be if you’re a melee class, or bunch up and spam AoEs around you if you’re a magic/support class and it’ll keep the thief away from you. If you still stubbornly want to fight us one-on-one and tag us, that’s not our fault.

If 20 people can’t stop one thief, it sounds like a teamwork/communication issue. At least one of you should have figured it out. If even one of them is an experienced WvW/PvPer they’ll know how to stop a stealth thief.

And before you say I don’t know what I’m talking about, yes I have alts and yes I have fought stealth builds in WvW and sPvP. That’s how I learned how to counter my own build in fact. Even stealthy PvE monsters are stopped the same way.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

All’s fair in love and war, etc. As long as it’s not cheating or they aren’t doing that after cheating I don’t see a problem with it. If you find it offensive you probably got some pride or other personal issues. It’s just a game!

I personally don’t dance on top of a corpse, but I do dance sometimes when capping or defending an objective and it was a rough battle. It’s more for celebration than humiliating the other side, but again I’m not really against it so I don’t reprimand my allies that do it.

As my Thief though I personally prefer to stealth away after a kill if I can. I think it’s cooler than dancing or sitting on top of a corpse lol.

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Heya. I’m one of the WvWers from Tarnished Coast and we had you guys this week. When the match ups were first announced, I thought this week would be an awesome and difficult one. I was surprised that DB wasn’t as deadly as I remember you guys, as I remember losing to you in one of the daily matches up before and team/map chat was full of all this anger and frustration against your server.

But I know exactly what you mean. Last week we had Blackgate and they completely destroyed us most of the time, though we didn’t give up or anything and kept trying to win land back, but they were just too good and numerous.

I’m worried about TC going too high up the ladder that we’re always faced with these rough career WvW servers, because it really does get frustrating sometimes when the matches aren’t nice and even. But at the same time I completely get what you mean when you say “hard mode”. It is kinda fun when you somehow succeed at something that seems impossible, like defending a castle with like 10 guys and siege defense weapons versus the entire enemy zerg with golems. There’s this awesome rush that goes through you.

Good luck to you, Dragonbrand, and I hope you continue to have fun in WvW!

Using a macro (grenade auto attack)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

You’ve probably already tried this, but the only surefire legal way to do it, which isn’t very hard, is using the option that makes AoE targeting simpler. Casting automatically where your mouse pointer is. It takes some getting used to, but it’s awesome for grenades especially since there’s no cooldown for the base grenade, or for Thief shortbow AoE skills that are spammable.

It’s not exactly what you’re looking for, but if you get used to it you can simply move your mouse around and press the 1 key (or whatever you have assigned) and stuff.

Servers down? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Actually it went down maybe 9 hours ago, but went back up soon after. It went down again just several minutes ago (at about the time of the first post in this thread), and it might be back up now but I’m still doubting the stability for now.