Showing Posts For Talasir.2387:

Game crash each time try to login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Talasir.2387


I too am now having this problem. The update before started periodically crashing but now I am just plain old crashing upon starting the game.

Sea Of Sorrows - Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Talasir.2387


A great goup of people. Very active. I ended up in the guild by pure chance. The best “loot drop” I have ever gotten.

The guild leaders are awesome and bend over backwards to help members. I can’t say enough nice things about this guild. I will be here until Anet shuts the servers down!

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: Talasir.2387


Only a WvW player would find extreme hilarity at being portaled or portaling near a cliff to destroy siege only to find half of the portaled group fall to their deaths.

Mesmer and Dungeons

in Mesmer

Posted by: Talasir.2387


Ashley’s post describes exactly what I do. It allows you to pace the event. If I feel the need to burst, I can spit out clones, mindwrack, and then spit out another set of clones and hit cry of frustration, dodge out and settle in for sustained dps. If I need to set up for long term, I concentrate on keeping the clones/phantasms alive a bit longer to take more hits and relieve the group from some damage. In this situation, I would run a circle at distance from the mob and drop a clone/phantasm every once in a while. This sets up a daze shatter if required and also makes the mob run around smacking my clones vice swinging at party members. If I have aggro, I kite and if it gets to hot, decoy out, drop clones and blink out if required.

I think one of the things which keeps mesmers alive is constant movement. I am very very rarely stationary. If I happen to be in travel mode (carrying my sword and focus) I just drop a clone, swap, blurred frenzy, drop a warden, dart out. Sometimes I even make sure the mob stays there on “me” by decoying out so the warden can do it’s thing.

I find blink is a great skill in dungeons. For instance, the bonus boss in AC – troll, does a stomp that if you can’t get outta the circle for you get instadowned. If I see a member get caught in that mess, I would blink to him, decoy, time warp and rez (time warp if multiple members down).

Clones are there for two things – shatter fodder or being hit once or twice (Edit: for staff users – condition loaders). They are quick distractions not meant to be tanks. For every clone the mob hits (except for aoe type hits) that is one less hit someone else had to take and is one “time unit” tick away that someones skill is coming off of cooldown.

tl;dr : Clones and Mobility keeps you alive.

(edited by Talasir.2387)