Showing Posts For Talic.9608:
130 people were in the public TS channel that said go anvil rock. That leaves nearly no natives and goes against what a single guild is trying to assist with. We took literally 20 people to choose a low-pop server to assist and went there. BTW it was a single guild decision to take ourselves to a low pop server not “Blackgate” as a whole. Additionally between the commanders on Blackgate today we’ve killed Tequatl 4 times in the last 10 hours so I’m sure many had the opportunity to get that kill you speak of.
(edited by Talic.9608)
Ewon are you bothered that we didn’t fill Ferguson’s Crossing’s entire server with Blackgate? That’s definitely not the intention we have. We are partially filling a low-pop server so they can get their people in, learn the strats, and get a kill without needing to suffered guesting overflows. Besides if you have been in TS all day you would have heard a group of Blackgate people saying Anvil rock was the next server to guest.
Ferguson’s Crossing will have one to add to this list before the night is over. The Beast has come.
Ferguson’s Crossing you have been chosen to bring the Beast to you. I hope you can get as many natives in that need the kill and the strat help ASAP.
Blackgate is up to 6 now. We are about to stop counting now.
Would be nice to see this get on it’s feet.
Northern Shiverpeaks is on our radar. May be bringing the Beast your way in the coming days. not likely Thursday reset night but possibly Friday.
Thanks Nekomata for getting the point of guesting to ET across
(edited by Talic.9608)
Again the people talking about guesting to SF aren’t in the position of making that decision and may even be natives to SF themselves trying to get it done on SF server. I can tell you right now that SF will not happen tomorrow.
Guesting to SF next was never decided on so if it’s unwanted I will make sure it doesn’t happen
(edited by Talic.9608)
We guested to ET because we knew it wouldn’t have overflows. It had very few people in it’s main instance and like Namu said we set up shop and got it done with a lot of ET natives while also teaching our strats to them. If Blackgate group switching between low-population servers is unwanted we will make sure it doesnt happen tomorrow. In reality we will basically have to start filling and joining people on our own main BG server atleast 2 hours prior to reset to have a shot of getting a small portion of our guys into it in time. Also SF guesting wasn’t ever decided on so we’ll rethink tomorrow a couple hours prior to restart on which server we’ll do.
(edited by Talic.9608)
There will be a lot of spots for natives in the server that BG guests to. If Blackgate’s main server wasn’t perma queued by people that know we can pull it off this expedition to other low pop servers may never happen.
(edited by Talic.9608)
Guild JL from Blackgate bringing your Tequatl kills to random Low-population servers. Tomorrow’s server is still undecided but we may bring it to you next.
BG hasn’t replicated it because it’s a Daily chest that drops loots. We will reclear it once the server reset happens and the loot is back available to those that coordinated the strats to down him. Saying that BG “can’t” replicate it is silly; we just want to get loot for doing it again. It was a great encounter and we really look forward to the next downing on reset.
Yea ATM 50% is brag worthy. Haven’t heard of another server getting him past 50 yet aside from Blackgate. A couple more tries it may either be proven possible or impossible by our server. The fight itself is great with a lot of required organization but the HP just may be a little too high.
Blackgate go him right at 55%.
If Eternity goes unchanged once again after a year and this announcement of graphical/feature changes i WILL salvage my Eternity and post a video here doing it. It’s been long enough having a legendary made from 2 combined that has a product of a lesser legendary.
I’ve played since release with a couple thousand hours played and since the beginning hearing that 2 legendaries could be combined into 1 superior legendary sounded like the perfect thing for a semi-hardcore player like myself. Nearly 7 months in i pulled it off even with so many people telling me it’s not worth it because both the legendaries required have better effects and are better legendaries for half the price. Basically one of these days I’d like to see that it was and is worth all the effort and Eternity will not feel like an eternity of work for a legendary that isnt on par with its predecessor legendary skins and effects. If keeping long term players is the goal then make things that are worth putting the time a lot of the player base does worth the time and effort to attain. WTB more noteable Eternity effects.
For most fractals have become a little stale and repetitive if you’re at 40+.(this isnt a discussion about the impossibility of getting beyond 50 so please dont bring it up) Imagine if at release of many of the new living story event a different and possibly permanent path was added to fractals. Many of the living story event could easily be turned into a path that would be interesting and if it were to be permanent it could really keep a log and the memory of some of the great events we have seen. Please give me some feedback and if keeping a fractal path as a memory of some of the temporary holiday events is something you’d like to see.
For most fractals have become a little stale and repetitive if you’re at 40+.(this isnt a discussion about the impossibility of getting beyond 50 so please dont bring it up) Imagine if at release of many of the new living story event a different and possibly permanent path was added to fractals. Many of the living story event could easily be turned into a path that would be interesting and if it were to be permanent it could really keep a log and the memory of some of the great events we have seen. Please give me some feedback and if keeping a fractal path as a memory of some of the temporary holiday events is something you’d like to see.
Just bought the new Jalis Ironhammer Ascended Amulet from the Laurel vendor. I just confirmed it can not be put into the Mystic Forge for Infusion. This is Quite unfortunate indeed… Fractal 50+ Maw will remain impossible until they release new items that provide Agony Resistance. I’m really hoping this is coming soon because I and others are basically at a stand still with progression in anything.
Yes Cantaloupe people have in the past gotten that high but now it isn’t possible with the January patch. I spoke about 50+ out of experience and knowing they removed the ability to do 50+ with that patch. Anyhow I’ll post up recipe if it is infuseable friday night.
i have 27 and will have the full 30 Friday night. I guess i’ll be one of the first few that get it and try to infuse it. I’ll repost here whether or not i am able to Infuse it or not as well as the recipe. Fractal 50 Maw is impossible at the moment since the Agony completely kills you in 2 ticks but if it is infuseable it might be possible once more.
(edited by Talic.9608)
With the addition of the Ascended amulets I’m curious to know if these items can be infused in the same way fractal rings can be for the additional Agony Resist? If so; is it the same recipe as the Ascended Rings?