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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Talysin Tamberlae.1582

Talysin Tamberlae.1582

Guild system is still broken (has been since before release) and this is very frustrating.

1. I (Leader) cannot edit ranks – each time I do I get Network error. Please check your Internet connection and try again. (Code=1022:5:1:825:101) and goes to character screen.
2. I cannot build Guild Emblem – Guild Registrar says I am not in Guild – yet I can see everything. I clicked Stand Down, then ported out of main area, and clicked Represent – after making sure none of my other chars were Representing.
3. I spent over 30 copper porting back and forth into and out of main city, since many of the functions do not work (including Represent). I even logged out of game and back in several times and over several days. Still not working
4. I cannot get access to our Guild Vault – because it says I am not in Guild. (and yes, we did both Upgrades and other players in Guild can see and access the Guild bank, I as leader should be the only one who can access and change Guild Emblem.)
4. This guild was created by me before Release, and rebuilt during early release. Has been trouble from day one, and I cannot do the things I need to do to manage.

Managing a Guild should not be this difficult, and was not in GW. Fix this please. I need to get our Guild emblem set.

Update: After unsuccessfully trying in Lion’s Arch and Divinities Reach – I was able to update the Guild Emblem in the Norn home city. So, the problem seems to be specific areas of the map, and its hit-or-miss to find out which ones work and which ones do not.

Talysin Tamberlae
Thunderous Seas GM

(edited by Talysin Tamberlae.1582)