Showing Posts For Tatania.2704:
This week is the week for Mag.
Got to log in finally and play a bit.. I think DB has more skilled players in their zergs than yak’s, definitely. Havent been able to do any small group combat yet.. just way too zergy.
And to the guild bunched up walking towards our spawn in DB BL, thanks for the easy badges.
See what I highlight? Conclusion is….?
I have come to a conclusion.
The skilled players are all on Maguuma, Ehmry Bay and Fort Aspenwood.
play a bit..
I think, but definitely…
that spells “full of cats”
Got to log in finally and play a bit.. I think DB has more skilled players in their zergs than yak’s, definitely. Havent been able to do any small group combat yet.. just way too zergy.
And to the guild bunched up walking towards our spawn in DB BL, thanks for the easy badges.
See what I highlight? Conclusion is….?
Only Yak’s Bend is affected by holidays, huh?
Nah, Yaks is just weak. So the fact that Yaks was in lead last 2 weeks against Mag just means….what?
Really…Otherwise, what do you suggest the problem is?
I think basing your data on the matches with Ehmry Bay is a mistake, because Dragonbrand is a different server in so many ways. If they continue doing well throughout the week then they may well just beat both of us. Like Rhyis also mentioned, Ehmry ceded Eternal ground very quickly (due to lack of people or whatever reason) which also gave you a bunch of points. Without those points, your PPT is reduced quite a bit. Either way, any particular long term strategy of focusing one server will probably be a mistake, because this match has been very dynamic so far.
I think what you are saying is basically the same as what I said originally in this thread. So I am not disagreeing with you.
This week’s match up will be a very close one. DB will stomp Mag for sure. In fact, DB rivals even YB’s force.
Speaking of EB, Mag is in the same shoe as EB was last week. If not careful, Mag will be pushed by DB to 3rd place. In the bigger picture, DB is a bigger threat to Mag than to YB. However, somehow I don’t think Mag see it that way, as they keep tunnel vision on YB.
It’s kind of weird that you’re talking about us having tunnel vision when you have people on your server saying things like this:
DB gets a pass for tonight. After last week’s display, you Maguuma, have our undivided attention this evening and perhaps longer.
Yeah, I know. But I am no commander. :/
From what I can see (based on last 2 weeks data): Yaks should have better turn out than Mag in a 7 day average. That may be the same in this week. But then again, this week is special due to holidays. Many people are off the whole week between xmas and new year. So the wvwvw population will be unpredictable. We’ll know by mid week.
Mag 41,469 +265
Yaks 40,369 +215
DB 38,391 +215So by your saying, Maguu is the strongest server now? Or are you just saying so far Maguu has the highest point? Because there is distinction.
Your former, and current, argument has been based entirely on the score.
Err, not entirely? It’s based on general strength. We’ll know by mid point, I guess?
So, by what you are saying, in terms of general strength / turn out: Mag > Yaks > DB?
Any score update?
Here you go. Looks like Yaks should be focused on DB, and leave mag alone. Did i get that right? (so ya know, you guys don’t fall to 3rd place.)
Thanks for the score update.
You are right ! If I were a commander, DB would be my focus when they are at their weakest to re-gain points faster.
I think you got me wrong. I mentioned that the fact YB focused on Ebay because it’s easier to re-gain lost points that way, as they were weakest. Same logic goes this week. But there are times when certain server is weak, no?
However, my point was to say that EB should have focused on Mag instead of Yaks, so that they would have gained more points overall. Same logic this time. Weakest server should focus on least stronger server to gain more points.
How is that not being consistent?
Because you should be telling DB to attack your own server.
So by your saying, Maguu is the strongest server now? Or are you just saying so far Maguu has the highest point? Because there is distinction.
Any score update?
I think you got me wrong. I mentioned that the fact YB focused on Ebay because it’s easier to re-gain lost points that way, as they were weakest. Same logic goes this week. But there are times when certain server is weak, no?
However, my point was to say that EB should have focused on Mag instead of Yaks, so that they would have gained more points overall. Same logic this time. Weakest server should focus on least stronger server to gain more points.
How is that not being consistent?
I love this guy. He comes in every week trying to sell that no matter what’s happening, both the enemy servers should leave his servers borderland alone 24/7 and focus on each other instead.
It’d be clever if it wasn’t so obvious.
Of course it’s obvious because it’s the truth. I think everybody can see it. Don’t you?
Also, are you not agreeing with me? or, are you just trying to shoot down what I said no matter if it’s true? I guess some people just like to argue even though they are on the same page.
This week’s match up will be a very close one. DB will stomp Mag for sure. In fact, DB rivals even YB’s force.
Speaking of EB, Mag is in the same shoe as EB was last week. If not careful, Mag will be pushed by DB to 3rd place. In the bigger picture, DB is a bigger threat to Mag than to YB. However, somehow I don’t think Mag see it that way, as they keep tunnel vision on YB.
I know you guys have a solid crew in Eternal for most of the day. And you can sort of defend your own BL. It seems like YB tunnel visions Eternal because your garrison and keeps in YBBL does get flipped with some frequency.
I think that’s a fair assessment. YB’s BL keeps and garrison are flipped way too often. There are certain times in the day where YB may have enough on BL to defend properly, but not continuously.
Dont worry its not. We may not stand the greatest chance, but well be kitten before we start begging for help. Again… we love the challenge
We appreciate your concern tho.
There was some point a few days ago where EB managed to gain big lead in point income and maintained it for quite a few hours. So I am sure EB can do it more often if playing more strategically more often.
I agree mayhem is fun, though. I remember at one time, EB took YB’s garrison. Mag tried to take it from EB and managed to get into lord’s room. YB took that chance to rush all the way in and “snatched” it from Mag, before it’s flipped.
How many maps do you think yak’s can put a full strength team on? Curious.
See income evolution graph. Says it all really.
It really depends on the time. That’s why when YB is ganged up, YB will have to choose the weaker one to push.
Emerhy Bay and Maguuma have formed an alliance for next week.
Yak’s Bend watch out. We’re sending you down to T5 where you belong.
I sincerely hope that’s not true, not for the sake of YB, but rather for the sake of EB.
i still enjoy how YB and Mag are strategizing for what EB should be doing and arguing with themselves over it.
Really you guys entertain us
fun fights, fun converstations, even more fun confusing you guys.
Well, it’s a valid wvwvw discussion.
also, honestly speaking, it’s not like green had not tried to re-gain more points by attacking blue at blue BL. I’ll have to give prop to blue as green rarely went beyond SE tower and EAST keep (rarely), on blue BL.
Personally, I’d feel better if we go for blue all the time but I am no commander. It’s just way of life when ppl go for the weakest link.
Lol, one team loses points, another gains points. This shows my argument is flawless! Protip sparky, the exact same thing would happen if you had done it to the blue team. Exactly the same. You take points from one team, that teams points are going to drop. This isn’t rocket science here. It’s grade 1 math.
Aren’t you missing the point? Blue is a bigger enemy. As I mentioned in another post, when Mag comes back with a number, they are a formidable force. It’s undeniable. It only makes sense to re-gain points as quickly as possible. The only way to do that is to re-gain them at the expense of red. If green had gone for blue, it would take more time and more points / time will be lost. How is this difficult to understand? We are not talking math either, sparky.
forgo to include the historical data points:
Sounds more like YB is tunnel visioned if they keep hitting red, but are worried about blue.
Care to elaborate? what you are saying does not make any sense. how is YB tunnel vision when we go for tactical benefit to re-gain points? If you look at the points, there were many times where YB had lowest potential points but YB was able to re-gain them at the expense of the red.
This is what the data points showed. Where is yours?
(edited by Tatania.2704)
There’s no logic in fighting the weakest enemy when another army outnumbers the other two teams. When the other team gets beaten off, and go back to PvE because they got stomped so hard, that just leaves your own team to fend off the entire force of the larger army.
But then sometimes logic fails.
Yes, but by that time, red should already gain enough points to bypass blue and if they keep doing that, they stay ahead of blue.
Say if red and blue attack green and red is the weakest of the 3. Green will be overwhelmed and lose points. When that happens, guess what the next step for green after getting back some of their own towers/ keeps will be? They will go for the weakest of the 3 (red) to gain more points to re-gain the points they lost before.
It’s been shown that way multiple times during this match up. So if red is not so tunnel vision and see the bigger picture, they’ll get it.
Hey, look at this guys cleverly veiled attempt at pushing a server to fight a server that isn’t his own.
Meh..i am just talking sense. Logic says it’s in red’s advantage to take on blue, instead of green. what’s there to lose? they gain points and have fun at the same time.
But then…sometimes logic fails..
The Borderlands are designed so that the invading forces are more likely to engage the defenders than each other. YB would know this if anyone ever bothered to put pressure on their lands in primetime.
And lol at Mag teaming up with Ebay. I’m pretty sure Mag exists to screw EB at every possible chance, even if it means that YB can continue to trott along pretty easily.
That’s the more reason why EB should focus on Mag instead of Yaks, i.e.: if EB plays to win. It just makes sense.
Things have been interesting at times. For example: Blue held SW tower (from breakout event) on green BL. And green was trying to take the tower back. All of sudden, red showed up from the bridge / vista island, and attacked green’s people and their sieges, to prevent green taking blue’s tower. Green kept pushing red away but they kept coming back.
I guess red team was just bored and wanted in the fun…Honestly though, red could have gone offensive on blue and gain more points since blue was so focused on green. Isnt it easier to catch up to blue, rather than green?
That’s the thing I like about Maguuma and EB people in general during WvWvW. Even though the point lead is huge, they still fight really hard. Every night is a fun night. Many other servers would have just given up (less fun).
I went present hunting with a little Asura from Yak’s Bend. Then we danced in the field and frolicked in the flowers
It, at times, made me feel most maguuma are like her.
Why would you ever, at times, assume the majority of a server is like one person?
Also, stop feeding the Bunzy troll.
That’s true ! But unfortunately when I read the wvwvw thread, it just gives out that vibe. It’s not an assumption, rather an impression. She acts high and mighty and gives impression she’s representing Maguuma. Dunno.
When Maguuma comes with a good number, they are a formidable force. It’s always a pleasure to battle with. A lot of close calls..a lot of intense fights all the way to Lord’s room. Keep it up !
Too bad Maguuma presence / presentation to outside world is tainted by the like of Bunny. It, at times, made me feel most maguuma are like her.
The game just isnt any fun without rivalries
There are plenty of rivalries even without roaming. There is no need to explain further.
All this labeling is amusing, at the least. At the end of the day, does it matter? If you like roaming, you go roaming. If you like to go with zerg to accomplish objectives to score points for the server, then do it. To me? point of wvwvw is to get things done in order not to lose points to the other servers. Killing people does not score you points directly. Indirectly? yes, if you are in my way to accomplish my mission, I’ll try to kill you.
Another funny thing is I actually often roam but I rarely see maguu (or EB) not in a group in green BL. When I run into a player, often times a few secs later a couple others will show up and gang on me.
People actually get bothered by /laugh and /dance? Heh…its just emotes…
The same thing can be said with verbal insults, or whatever, in game or forum. After all, they are just “words”. Right?
Exactly! glad to see we are on the same page.
Err..we are not? But whatever. More power to you. Hope you never encounter any insult with words from another in your life. If you do, hope you reflect back to this. Cheer !
It would be pretty illogical to make the cap based on the map and not the server wouldn’t it? I mean.. if a map could only have 500 on it, and Server A put 500 on the field, server B and C can’t man anyone? That’s just silly.
I am not sure if I understand this.
How does this explain that it’s possible to have long queue on one map but not another. For example: EBG may have 1 hr queue but green BL does not have any queue at all?
People actually get bothered by /laugh and /dance? Heh…its just emotes…
The same thing can be said with verbal insults, or whatever, in game or forum. After all, they are just “words”. Right?
Sticks and stones may break my bones… but your emotes will never hurt me…
and yes, it is funny that people get bothered by /dance /cheer /laugh in wvw haha
“Words” also doesn’t hurt really…
Plus I don’t think anybody is getting hurt over it. It’s more like “unsportmanship”?
People actually get bothered by /laugh and /dance? Heh…its just emotes…
The same thing can be said with verbal insults, or whatever, in game or forum. After all, they are just “words”. Right?
So, say blue already has a tower at south east. Then blue has breakout event on south west tower (near their spawn point). Question is: is this as intended? I thought if a server already has defendable structure, minimum a tower, breakout won’t happen?
You’re a fool if you think there’s a meaningful numbers difference between any of these servers.
Mag is damn near outnumbered in it’s own borderland at this exact moment.
Please let me tell you a secret: Yesterday at some point for a few hours, Yaks had only 5-7 in own BL.
Who needs skill when we have numbers! – YB OFFICIAL MOTTO.
This is why they got stomped in Tier 3, because without having a major numbers advantage they were lost and didn’t know what to do.
Thanks for reinforcing my point !
I think you should just worry your own pvp game and server. In the meantime, Yaks will play wvwvw.
The fact is right there: You (at Yak’s Bend) cannot pvp in a 5 man or less in WvW.That has nothing to do with “my game”. smh So much drama instead of actual competition.
Just now 5 of us were pushing your west keep and your 10-15 player defense would not leave the cannons. Respect? No.
smh indeed ! Yaks is playing wvw as we intend to play and as how we think it’s meant to be played. If we want to do 5v5 unnecessarily, then we prolly would have gone to spvp instead.
I am so sorry to hurt your feeling that we are not looking for your respect to play the game as we want to.
Edit: To add, as you said, why so much drama instead of actual competition? This is funny coming from maguu who have been boasting and taunting on forum, in order to create unnecessary drama. smh !
(edited by Tatania.2704)
If Yak’s Bendover wants to set themselves apart from the superior-numbers-to-win category, they need to step up to challenges, rather than complain about some guy talking down to them.
Seriously. Find a guild that is good enough to roam, with co-ordination, and you’ll get more respect. I still have yet to see one.
I’ve seen single players here and there. Like warriors with never-ending buffs lately. What’s up with those guys? Buffed? Those are some good fights.
So now yaks has to play your game to be respected? LOL, thanks for the laugh.
Welp, tons of Maguuma folks seem to have retired from WvW this week. We can’t put people in the maps to save our lives… probably it’s holiday event attrition, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting you other folks at all. Symptom of being the ‘fun’ WvW server I guess is that we’re easily distracted by the shiny.
Same with yaks as well.
Got a curious question. Is it at all possible to get to lord’s room in Hills keep (east) in less than 1 min after outer reinforced gate was broken? Even with mesmer portal? without any inner gate being broken?
Ebay camping YB spawn point in maguuma BL, very classy move guys.
Thank you
I dont understand this move by EB. Are you being paid by Maguu to camp our spawn at their BL? It doesnt benefit you otherwise…
Serious question, are you really too lazy to add “ma” to the end to prevent people from thinking you’re using “Maguu” as a term of endearment?
Haha, well, it IS a term of endearment as Maguu have been a good source of badges for me. I have grown to like them in the battlefield.
I think instead of having 24/7 wvw, reducing # of days per round is also an option. For example: wvwvw is only from thursday – Sunday. That will allow wvw players to have break for 3 days to do other things pve or whatever.
In addition, a new format of wvw / pvp could also be added to occur between wvw gap.
- System that is a marriage between wvwvw and spvp. Instead of having 5v5 and small maps, they could have big maps like wvwvw and starting # cap players of 30-50 (arbitrary for now).
- More players can join in and they would be put in holding area for queue. They can get into the battlefield if only there is similar queue in other servers. This is to maintain balance for # of people in the field from each server.
- There is time limit for this battle, say 3 events per day: 6 hrs in NA prime time, 6 hrs in EU prime time and 6 hrs in oceanic prime time.
Wow I just read all these posts bashing us. Please allow me to explain some things.
Firstly I just want to thank [SM] for watching my video. Much appreciated.
To the people saying “roamers” or “kill squads” don’t do anything for our server… You are wrong.. we are killing our enemy, delaying re-inforcements, taking supply camps, defending supply camps, murdering every yak we see, wiping zergs attacking our keeps/towers, destroying enemy artillery, and frustrating our enemies. Please explain to me why I have to sit in a 40 man zerg outside a tower beating on a door for 20 minutes to be “contributing” to my server.
Another note, Bunzy is a kitten stirrer, therefore he is going to stir some kitten on the forums, his posts do not reflect how all of us would like to be perceived. But we love him anyhow.
Also, there was a comment about how we are not the first to run around with eles and theives, as if this is a known OP group comp. Uhhhhh.. trust me, I HATE this group comp. It causes me and Bunzy to run around like idiots trying to stay alive while our thieves stealth around and slowly pick off enemies. I’m pretty sure there are much better group comps out there lol. We beg the thieves to get on their other classes.
Lastly I would like to once again thank [SM] for all the badges they provided us with tonight. I’m getting very close to having all my exotics! I always get a smile of joy across my face when I see little rainbows streaking at me. Must of been your C-team tonight.. Huh boys?
It amazes me how much kitten talkers Maguu people are. Do you have a point you want to say?
Is your server lacking commanders in the field at any time? If the answer is no, I’d say participate first without and see what your guild can contribute to the server as a whole. It’s wvw, not guild vs guild. Too many commanders tag in the field often times just causes unnecessary chaos.
Compare this post to the one by Wizardauz.3761 and I think you’ll realize this is a lame semantics argument about what a “gank squad” is.
Sure, so strip away all the semantics and you are left with just a bunch of braggadocio. This thread started out well but then all the loudmouths came out to play. I have nothing against boasting, but to do it in such an unimaginative and classless way is a tragedy of type.
I am pretty sure it’s considered as demoralizing the enemies by means of psychological attack, or something?
Also, productive? You do realize we’re playing a video game, right? OMG dude I scored my team 15 points tonight hellz ya bro. Such a produktive evening!!!!!
urmm yeah we are playing a game within a video game called wvwvw. So get with the program?