Showing Highly Rated Posts By Tawyn.5691:

LF PvE/WvW guild [Yak's Bend]

in Guilds

Posted by: Tawyn.5691


Hey Protus,

We are a growing guild & at teh moment only have a couple of players in the EST time zone but I would like to expand our player base over more timezones to help all of our players so if you are interested in helping the guild to grow, I do think we might be a good fit for what you are looking for.

About us:
ASq are a fun, friendly, relaxed & mature guild on the Gandara server. We are an English speaking guild, mostly European based with a couple of members in the EST time zone.

We are currently a small but growing player base especially following the unfortunate natural drop of initial players growing bored quickly of GW2 & becoming inactive but those of us that remain play every-day we are looking for active & regular players to help our guild grow & progress in all areas of the game. We also welcome casual players & solo players that are looking for a relaxed place to chat & group as & when they feel for it. We fully appreciate & understand that life always comes first & this is just a game to have fun in & so anyone that has reached member rank or higher do not lose their guild status even if inactive for any period of time & this is something I would only be forced to consider if/when we ever reached the maximum cap of 500 members.

We organise regular dungeon/fractal runs & monthly WvW runs (these will no doubt increase as the players require) & help each other as much as we can whenever & wherever needed. We use mumble & have a full website including forum & event calendar available for our members at, feel free to check it out.

To cover your points:
1) Chance at officership: At the moment I have minimal officers in ratio to the active players but as the guild progresses there will become openings for officer positions for those that want to take that spot & show good fit & support in the guilds progress.
2) Good, active people: As mentioned above we use mumble for those that wish to & we like to have a laugh as much as a great time running the dungeons etc. together.
3) A defined structure and set of expectations: Our website has clear guidelines for our guild but whilst we are a small guild our one clear advancement request is that an initiate signs up to our website to be eligible for promotion to member. A member gets promoted to senior member by being an active (not necessarily on everyday though) participant in the guild. Any decision & discussion is currently posted on website and/or by in game mail (yes, I painfully mail every member & wait the 60 seconds before i can mail the next one!) & I always put my guild members before myself (am only just working on map completion on one of my chars whilst most of my fellow L80 guildies have achieved it on at least 1 character!)

If you would like to discuss further or would like to join our guild & see how things go, please whisper or mail me in game.

Good luck in wherever you settle & have fun,


GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)

LF PvE/WvW guild [Yak's Bend]

in Guilds

Posted by: Tawyn.5691


Hey Protus,

I logged on quickly & sent you in game mail, will be on more tomorrow evening (GMT) so hopefully can catch you then & chat more.


GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)

LF an active serious & mature Guild (NA)

in Guilds

Posted by: Tawyn.5691


Hi Kolbias,

We are on an EU server but do have a couple of players in the EST timezone & are looking to recruit more in all timezones to help all of our players. If you are interested in getting on board a growing guild, we would love to have you!

ASq are a fun, friendly, relaxed & mature guild on the Gandara server. We are an English speaking guild, mostly European based with a couple of members in the EST time zone.

We are currently a small but growing player base especially following the unfortunate natural drop of initial players growing bored quickly of GW2 & becoming inactive but those of us that remain play every-day we are looking for active & regular players to help our guild grow & progress in all areas of the game. We also welcome casual players & solo players that are looking for a relaxed place to chat & group as & when they feel for it. We fully appreciate & understand that life always comes first & this is just a game to have fun in & so anyone that has reached member rank or higher do not lose their guild status even if inactive for any period of time & this is something I would only be forced to consider if/when we ever reached the maximum cap of 500 members.

We organise regular dungeon/fractal runs & monthly WvW runs (these will no doubt increase as the players require) & help each other as much as we can whenever & wherever needed. We use mumble & have a full website including forum & event calendar available for our members at, feel free to check it out and/or whisper me in game.

Good Luck finding your guild-home & have fun wherever you may settle.

GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)

80 Thief looking for Fractals guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Tawyn.5691



ASq are a fun, friendly, relaxed & mature guild on the Gandara server. We are an English speaking guild, mostly European based (GMT to +4) & a small number of members in the EST time zone (some of our EU players play late night too). Our ages range from mid-teens to silver surfers & our humour is just as diverse.

We are a small player base, currently around 50 active members & currently averaging around 5-10 people online in the day/night (GMT) & 15-20 of an evening/weekend. We are looking for active & regular players but also welcome casual players & solo players that are looking for a relaxed place to chat & group as & when they feel for it. We fully appreciate & understand that life always comes first & this is just a game to have fun in & so anyone that has reached member rank or higher do not lose their place in the guild even if inactive for any period of time.

We organise regular dungeon/fractal runs (this month we have an event scheduled for nearly every evening numbers permitting & further ad-hoc runs often occur through the week) & monthly WvW runs (these will no doubt increase as the players require), other events as needed for monthly achievement (non pvp) & recently ran a Hide & Seek event which was great fun & made us explore the city on a whole new level! We also often help each other as much as we can whenever & wherever needed.

We are happy for our members to multi-guild & also if they prefer, to primarily be based on another EU server & join up with us on dungeon runs (I believe we can also group on fractals if in an overflow).

We use mumble & have a full website including forum & event calendar available for our members at, feel free to check it out and/or whisper me in game.

Good Luck finding your guild-home & have fun wherever you may settle.

GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)

Looking for a Pve-oriented guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Tawyn.5691



ASq are a fun, friendly, relaxed & mature guild on the Gandara server. We are an English speaking guild, mostly European based (GMT to +4) & a small number of members in the EST time zone (some of our EU players play late night too). Where possible we would especially like to increase our EST player base where possible to be able to support all of our players at whatever time they can play.

We are a small player base, currently around 50 active members & currently averaging around 7 people online in the day/night (GMT) & 15-20 of an evening/weekend. We are looking for active & regular players but also welcome casual players & solo players that are looking for a relaxed place to chat & group as & when they feel for it. We fully appreciate & understand that life always comes first & this is just a game to have fun in & so anyone that has reached member rank or higher do not lose their place in the guild even if inactive for any period of time.

We organise regular dungeon/fractal runs (this month we have an event scheduled for nearly every evening numbers permitting & further ad-hoc runs often occur through the week) & monthly WvW runs (these will no doubt increase as the players require), other events as needed for monthly achievement (non pvp) & recently ran a Hide & Seek event which was great fun & made us explore the city on a whole new level! We also often help each other as much as we can whenever & wherever needed.

We are happy for our members to multi-guild & also if they prefer, to primarily be based on another EU server & join up with us on dungeon runs (I believe we can also group on fractals if in an overflow).

We use mumble & have a full website including forum & event calendar available for our members at, feel free to check it out and/or whisper me in game.

Good Luck finding your guild-home & have fun wherever you may settle.

GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)

Story line, Evacuation bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tawyn.5691


I am having this same issue. I jumped out of the instance & gone in a second time but still stuck at same point

Went out & back in a third time & it worked then.

GL of ASq (Gandara, EU)

(edited by Tawyn.5691)