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What to do while doing homework?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taylor Swift.4190

Taylor Swift.4190

I recently returned to Guild Wars 2 but finals are the next 2 weeks. I’m studying but I still want to feel like I’m doing something to progress myself in the game. Is there something I can do that takes like 10-20% of my attention that’s not botting or trading post?

Ranger Longbow was Overhyped

in Ranger

Posted by: Taylor Swift.4190

Taylor Swift.4190

Update I confirmed you can hit up to 15k damage assuming you’re against a light class, hitting them from the back, and using all the damage boosting traits and skills. This is assuming you’re at max range, have 3 seconds to cast buffs, have 2.5 seconds to unload, you crit on every hit, and you’re standing behind them.

Ranger Longbow was Overhyped

in Ranger

Posted by: Taylor Swift.4190

Taylor Swift.4190

I main and only play ranger with over 5000 hours put into my one character. All that I’m about to talk about is based around SPvP because that’s where the majority of people talk about class balances. This is also assuming you aren’t using any other buffs.

These so called “OP” Longbow aren’t as OP as people may believe.
When the launch of the game, back when quickness use to be 100%, I ran this exact same build then too. The cast time back then and now are 2.5 seconds. (You can say you use quickening zephyr now to make the casting time 2.075s but .425s isn’t enough to justify bring it).
The thing I found wrong with my build was even though I did a good spike, I still had to wait the 8-10 second cooldown.

They basically made the Rapid Fire skill lower cast time to make the ranger longbow do “stable” damage. Longbow is still kitable from long distances unless you use the grandmaster trait that gives you 100% velocity.

With how easy for rangers to cause movement-impeding conditions, I find the 10% more damage to be better. Reason why I hit ~6-7k every time I press assuming all Rapid Fire shots hit. That’s 2.5 seconds of not dodging where you can get hit by major skills that can lose you the fight. You’re then sitting there auto’ing and using your other horrible longbow skills for 8 seconds, assuming you have the 20% cooldown decrease.
You could make the argument that you can cast all your skills and stealth for 3 seconds but you lose so much dps that way it’s not even worth taking.

People will argue saying that they’ll open a fight with a free quick 6-7k damage but you can easily do that with a greatsword. Not only will the initial burst from a greatsword be massive, you just gapclosed a huge distance. I dropped a longbow ranger using a greatsword/sword and dagger in about 5 seconds without using my elite. If you’re not using a sword, you’re not playing ranger to the fullest potential.

Why did this happen? I dodged. One dodge literally makes you lose substantiation dps since the arrows are so closely packed together. Also the other ranger grandmaster trait that gives you 20% chance to block projectiles while using a melee attack greatly help. Not the mention that the sword has an immense amount of evade. He just lost out on way too much dps to compete. I can easily save a dodge for once every 8 seconds.

Final Thoughts
They made the longbow a lot better. However, it was the fact that the longbow was so far behind the other weapons that it looked like a huge buff. Actually it was only brought up to the same level if not slightly worse.
Longbow is probably still amazing in WvW and possibly PvE where you need to attack up walls and aoe to farm but in terms of 1v1 potential, it still lacks.

What people really should take from the ranger buffs is how great signets got. Basically they gave rangers a free grandmaster trait.

(edited by Taylor Swift.4190)

Ideas on how to change WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Taylor Swift.4190

Taylor Swift.4190

I recently had a conversation with some real life friends talking about how to make WvW less about farming and more about Server vs Server.
This was what we came up with:
Remove all towers and just leave keeps.
Bring back the orb of power. Just the name, will have a different effect.

Ways to get points: Own a keep, holding the orb of power.
With no towers there will be no rotating around trading points. This will bring make defending a keep much more rewarding because you know that since there’s only 4 ways to gain points, you actually have an impact. You can still get a lot of loot, by farming champions.

Next, the orb of power will grant points while someone on the team is holding it. The user is allowed to move anywhere the enemy team can get to.
The orb is dropped if teleporting or using an invulnerability skill to not be OP.
Make the orb give the same amount of points as keeps. That way, for the smaller servers, they can stay in the game just by holding and running away from armies with the orb.
Make the orb visible to everyone on the map to make it strategy a thing. You can hide in your keep but you risk the fact of the other two worlds attack you from two fronts. Do you take the risk of losing 2 things at once? What if one of the enemies get to close to the other and starts fighting? You can jump outside and clean up. The possibilities are endless.
I know none of this will probably never happen but it’s always fun to think about.
I’d like to see what you guys think of this.

How to make WvW fun again

in WvW

Posted by: Taylor Swift.4190

Taylor Swift.4190

Let’s be honest, WvW has drastically changed since launched. WvW used to be exactly what the devs promised us, perhaps even better. Three worlds going head to head in a legendary and heroic battle. However over time WvW (EoTM especially) has become farming zones. After taking a little over a year break, I can easily see the differences. Some of the changes may not be as visible to some people because they consistently played and evolved as the game has.

WvW Before
At launch you would see tons of large groups roaming WvW map capping and defending points. Timing was everything, you would attack when you knew the enemy was across the map and defend it when enemy squads started showing up.

WvW Now
There is one giant zerg for each team, rotating in a set path to farm for gold/karma. There is no such thing as defense of a keep or some might even say, “tactics.”

Reasons Why I Believe WvW Has Gone Down Hill

This can be attributed to a number of things quite frankly.

First, as a mentioned before, there is no such thing as defense. The price of siege items are too low in my opinion. I can’t remember if siege items used to be more expensive (it might just be more gold in circulation) but now keeps and towers drop in seconds. I remember the when capturing the bay use to be a huge accomplishment. Now it’s just another point to farm.

Secondly, there’s no incentive to actually defend. Since everyone zergs, it takes a large (and I mean large) amount to people to thwart off an attack. Even if you managed to get a few people to defend, at best you can stall. However who’s going to come to the rescue? NO ONE, that’s who.

This is perhaps the reason why WvW isn’t near as fun as it used to be
You get way more gold/items rotating in a circle around the map. With uncontested keeps/towers, it’s basically a free farm. It’s like all three worlds mutually agreed to rotate in a circle and capture points without fighting anyone. The only reason the worlds would come in contact is when one world caps faster then the other. This is the only time you’ll see a bloodbath and even then everyone resumes farming after. Let’s be honest, the only reason there’s a bloodbath is because killing the enemy characters potentially increases gold/hour.

One server could completely crush the other but who wins? Everyone because everyone was farming and basically making the same amount of gold. No one actually cares about the score.


This may seem drastic but remove loot entirely from WvW. Give us points based on how much we captured/defended/killed enemy characters. Then at the end of the month the points will be added up and rewards will be distributed accordingly. HOWEVER, make tiers of rewards to stop people from farming. That way people will be encouraged to come WvW but not have to grind to get the full reward. Basically split the rewards into 5 or so tiers that would be easy to get if you played WvW often. Also leave the gold/karma you get from capturing, that way they still have some incentive to play past the final tier.
This would effectively bring people to WvW. If Arenanet really wanted to bring more people, make it something you could only get by WvW.

Next make the reward for defending better. Have a quest that charges up while you are actively defending a keep and make it refresh every minute.*
You may ask, what’s stopping people from just continuing to farm? Make the points you get for killing enemy characters a decent amount. That way you encourage player interaction.

Greatly increase siege price. Harder to capture keeps/towers.

Spawn archers depending on the number of enemies attacking the keep/tower. The archers would have to give no reward for killing (to stop farming of them) and would not scale 1:1. That would significantly make capturing a point more challenging.

WvW sucks now.

Reasons why:
1)To easy to capture points
2) No point in defending
3) Farming is too good.

1) Remove Loot, add Point System
2) Give better rewards for defending
3) Increase Siege Price
4) Add more/better NPC’s to defend

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taylor Swift.4190

Taylor Swift.4190

Please make it easier to level 80. I want to make new char to play but all of the good stuff is at lv80. I want to be able to wear endgame armor asap so I don’t immediately get destroyed in WvW. Sure the story was fun but I would never want to do it again. I liked how in Guild Wars 1 you can easily reach level 20 and jump right into the battles. Right now the only alternative to this is crafting up to level 80 which takes ~60 gold. I’m extremely poor in the game and don’t want to buy 60 dollars worth of gems for a lv80.