Showing Posts For TeKiLa Chariakin.4062:

[Discussion] Future of PvP Blog

in PvP

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

I may like most of the changes you want to have here, although I have some reserves and am waiting for more informations.

One thing I dislike though is the new ranks. Even now I’m not a fan of the current rank system and never was a fan of ranks, leagues, etc.

I always felt like it just made a lot of people care about it too much and become angry about playing (It happened to me too, where if I lost, and lost some ranks it really upset me). The last game I had (granted it was a month ago I think), someone yelled at everyone for almost making him lose some ranking (we won 500-250).
This happened in everygame where a ranking system was visible, be it in LoL,GW2,etc.

The system I really liked the most is the one there is atm in Dota 2. Everyone plays in the same queue, there’s no visible indicator of your MMR and I find it much more enjoyable. Sure there’s always some ragers as in every competitive game, but I found that there were a lot less, people usually played for fun and you still had a MMR to play against people of your same skill bracket.

I may be oldschool with these kind of thoughts seeing most of the games implementing a rating, but I feel like it’s the best way to have fun while still remaining competitive.

Update Hide in Shadow to remove Torment

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

It doesn’t remove every condition from the game and it never has.

I said DoT (Damage over Time) for a reason and I even took the time to enumerate them so don’t say I said it removed every conditions in the game.

Maybe you meant that I implied the tooltip said “removes every DoT”. If you meant so, excuse me, my sentence wasn’t clear enough. I meant when I looked at which condi it removed I saw that it was the 3 DoT from the game, and I think it would be nice if it removed torment to now that it has been added to the game.

(edited by TeKiLa Chariakin.4062)

Update Hide in Shadow to remove Torment

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062


I think it would be neat if HiS would remove Torment. If you look at what HiS does, it removes all DoT you can get in the game from you (Bleeding, Burning and Poison). But since Torment was added later it isn’t taken into account by the heal.

Anyway adding it to the heal would be a nice buff without the heal becoming OP.

Any counter point I didn’t see ?

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

IGN: Dakeyras Chariakin
Main Profession: Thief
Alternate Professions: Thief
Account name: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062
Practice Availablity: Day, times, time Zone : Available usually from 20:00 UTC+2 to 24:00 UTC+2 and from 18:00 to 19:30 UTC +2 from Sunday to Friday. I’ll be way more active once my exams are over. (20th June)

Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 25-26
Level of Desire: example (Active Tournament Play, Casual Play, Leaderboard hogs) : Active and/or Casual Tournament Play, and my objective is to be at least in the top 900.
NA or EU: EU

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

I spy with my little eye a big assence of Vizunah Sea posters in here. Not that I miss (most) of them, but currently we only have Deso vs SFR banter, we could use some more variety. For example, when was the last double-team accusation? Like 10 pages ago?

Didn’t you get the memo ? Now that SFR is the #1 server they are saying that Deso and VZ are allies although some deso are saying that VZ and SFR are ganking on them.

I hope that people will realize a 3 server matchup will always have moments were two servers are ganking an other just because they could cap the keep etc.

[TC] Hidden Killer or Executioner?

in Thief

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

At the moment I run with this build :|8.1c.h1.a.1c.h17|5.1c.h4|1c.7m.1n.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m|21j.0.1n.64.1n.64.1n.61.1n.61.1c.61|a3.u36c.f4.0.f5|3l.1|57.5b.5a.5c.5v|e

And I would want to switch on a different build sacrifying some of my survavibility to achieve 50% crit chance and have more critical damage (roaming build mainly)

I came up with this setup :|8.1c.h1.a.1c.h17|5.1c.h4|1c.7m.1n.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.a1|21j.0.21k.d1e.31k.0.1g.61.1g.64.1g.64|a3.u36b.f4.0.f4|39.1||e

If we forget the current bug on HK do you think that the second build would benefit more from HK or Exec ? I don’t know how to analyze because I have 62% crit chance (when behind) and more than 50% crit damage (which I don’t know if it’s a lot or not). I could switch out a trait to have fury on steal though.

Thank you

P.S.: I think the purple one is not “Purple = 6.75 Rotation + Executioner” it should be : “Purple = 6.75 Rotation + HK”

(edited by TeKiLa Chariakin.4062)

Advice on a d/p build for roaming

in Thief

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

Anybody could give me some hints please ? :o

Advice on a d/p build for roaming

in Thief

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

Hey, I need a little help on a choice. First of all this a build for WvWvW and I will only WvWvW with it.
At the moment I run with this build :|8.1c.h1.a.1c.h17|5.1c.h4|1c.7m.1n.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m|21j.0.1n.64.1n.64.1n.61.1n.61.1c.61|a3.u36c.f4.0.f5|3l.1|57.5b.5a.5c.5v|e

And I would want to switch on a different build sacrifying some of my survavibility to achieve 50% crit chance and have more critical damage (roaming build mainly)

I came up with this setup :|8.1c.h1.a.1c.h17|5.1c.h4|1c.7m.1n.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.7m.1c.a1|21j.0.21k.d1e.31k.0.1g.61.1g.64.1g.64|a3.u36b.f4.0.f4|39.1||e

I dunno if hidden killer is still obligatory if you only have 50% (let’s say 57-60%% if I hit from behing)
Anyway let me know what you think guys and what could I improve.

Thank you

Mesmers and World completion star

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

I imagine this was already posted somewhere but I didn’t find a thread so I decided to make a post about it.

The star we get from world completion isn’t applied to our clones which is very crippling be it in WvW or sPvP. Let us disable it or apply it to our clones or maybe don’t let our ennemies see this star.

I have also a problem with the function which permits us to remove npc’s name. From what I saw, if you disable it you only see the name of the true mesmer.

Thank you

Edit : We’re good to go apparently

(edited by TeKiLa Chariakin.4062)

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

A linux client would be great !

Who agrees that mesmer needs more work regarding PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

TeKiLa Chariakin.4062

I don’t agree I have no problem with my mesmer in PvE. Sure I don’t use my sPvP build which relies on shattering and confusion because I feel like confusion is too weak on mobs but my phantasm build is great when it comes to PvE and WvWvW.