Showing Posts For Tea Badger.6425:

Let the final event repeat for 24 hours?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tea Badger.6425

Tea Badger.6425

bump for reissue of event! come on people sign the petition!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tea Badger.6425

Tea Badger.6425

I don’t even know why I’m bothering to come in on one of these threads but hey, whatever.

" I was only aware of the event once I logged in at about 9:30am"

You didn’t look at the website? Or the forums? Or a fansite? Ok, that’s plausible I guess – but what about the banner on the launcher? ‘Lost Shores Event 16-18 November, Read More…’. I’m guessing you just chose to ignore that. What about the extra NPCs in Lion’s Arch and all the buildup? Sorry, but Arenanet and the devs have gone as far as possible to let people know about what was happening this weekend short of putting a letter through your front door.

about being told about the event being a one time thing, that doesnt help all of us. Even if i had know the event started at 8am i would not have been able to participate. I was busy all day and couldnt log on till 4pm and even then couldnt finish the event as there where crashes and a new build. events should never be one time only, people miss out on it and get angry at the game.

this is a very common story. Its really unbelievable that the premise of this event was not thought through thoroughly to cater for this situation!

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tea Badger.6425

Tea Badger.6425

was kicked too, i never got the chest and this was my 2nd attempt.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tea Badger.6425

Tea Badger.6425

something similar happened to me. I always rez people when i see them downed but i tried to rez this one person and a wave of bugs killed us and while the last stage of the event was winding up we had to rez and run back. we didn’t make it back in time and i didn’t get a chest. not once and i walk away with nothing, i was really upset and yeah i am going to probably quit. i was so angry that people got to loot the chest 4 times etc. Because of bad event times/unfortunate deaths and on the last try sever went down, out of 2 attempts and hours of work i still got nothing