Showing Posts For TearsFromtheMoon.7190:

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


I don’t understand why Anet felt they needed to make the game easier. I only started playing summer of last year and NEVER had an issue with leveling in the least bit with this game. Zero complaints on that front. I also don’t understand what’s so confusing about “Downed State”. Sure, as a new player it confused me at first but when I realized what it was, I was like, “Hell yes! Coming back for round two!”.

The fact some of my Traits in my Trait tree have to be purchased with possibly skill points and other stuff, kind of overboard, ridiculous and a little unbalanced, especially for low-level players. Also, yes, it -is- going to be much harder for me to level any new characters because of changes like this.

I sometimes have to wonder who it was who is hired to think of all these “Grand” ideas and changes and actually thinks they are “good” ideas. It also makes me wonder if they do this intentionally to see how “unhappy” they make their player base to encourage them to want to leave – or – stay and spend more money.

If you want to be a more profitable business, you -have- to keep your customers/clients happy to a -very- fair extent. If you don’t listen to some of their input -some- of the time, you could find yourself shooting yourself in the foot. I think they are starting to really do that now.

Best Runes for Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


PvE, PvP, WvW? A good all around choice I believe would be Scholar Runes since they are best for PvE, as well as good for PvP and WvW if you play a zerk build.

I typically try to build my toons for both scenarios of PvE or PvP. This is the first time WvW has been encountered for me in a game exactly.

Best Runes for Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


This is my first thief that I’ll be getting up to 80 and I tell you trying to figure out the best build for me is only second to me trying to figure out what runes to slot her with. She’s getting up to 80 here very quickly and I was thinking of going with a different rune set than what I was using before – which was Major Rune of the Thief (which might be upgraded to Superior if I don’t find something else I feel is better).

So the burning question that I have is – what do you guys think are some of the best Runes and possibly sigils for a Thief. I know it also depends on how we possibly play our thieves but I’m curious about it as a whole.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


Okay. So, they are removing the old options for town clothes. Anyone know if that means we’re getting new stuff? >_> * gets hopeful *

I hope so. It is a bit sad that they are removing the cute blouses, but I’m hoping for even cuter outfits to be released after these are removed.
It is kinda odd that so many immersion-breaking clothes are being removed. I mean, it is not like we have an extensive style session, because we don’t, so it doesn’t make much sense to clean it up if they are not planning to add many new town clothes. I also hope that, in the future, they add more lore-friendly town clothes. Being able to use them in battle would be great, too.

Yeah I saw that too and my first comment was, “But they don’t NEED to get rid of all of them. Just some of it”. Not all of it is bad, some of the option pieces for town-clothes aren’t bad either. I guess because it has been on there for “forever and a day” they think it needs to go. I suppose that is one way of looking at it. However, there is such things as, “Why change a good thing that you’ve got going if it works”.

I also hope to see not only new armor skins but new town-clothes as well. I have opted not to do festive holiday colors yet because I decided I didn’t want to have to try and remember what all was what color. Screenshots unfortunately only help so much when piecing things back together. I have tried this. >.<

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


Totally true. Regardless of whats going on in game, the player should always be able to fall back on imagination. Currently there’s not enough support for that in the game.

Oh gods! Don’t get me started on that now. lol Lack of emotes for proper RP interactions and lack of environmental inanimate-object interaction. Pfft! Oh yes, very much lacking in support there. Kind of sad since this game has so much potential for so many things. I love new content and all too – but even these little things, these details are also what help keep players around (or coming back), dedicated and loyal to your game, goods or services.

Coughs Moving back on topic now…

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


My observation with light armor (regarding females) is that the starter armor has the only skirt of its length…. at all. At least one or two alternatives for each style would be awesome, so then at least I would be able to keep that sexy look without being forced to wear the same armor I started the game with… So yes, more variety of the various styles, would be great. looks like we all agree on that.

For me, armor and customization is one of the biggest if not THE biggest motivation to play the game. And there are definitely many others like me out there, who give a lot of attention to their character’s appearance. I have no problem mixing and matching armor pieces. I actually really enjoy seeing what unique combinations I can make. And the transmutation system is very supportive of that already. So if more armor pieces that could be mixed well together (single pieces, even) were just thrown in there, as well as adding the option to have different styles of undergarments (like tights of various pattens or bandages etc.) that were visible under the armor, this would greatly increase diversity between players.

Also, I think if an NPC is wearing something, the player should definitely have the right to obtain it somehow. Otherwise, its just cruelly tantalizing…. /cough/ Countess Anise /end cough/

On another note, medium armor…. waaay to many long trench coaty armors. I personally don’t like that look at all, but more than half of the armors are like this….. sorry to go slightly off topic, but returning, the armor needs a bit more variation.

I like that first suggestion. Sounds like something I mentioned in an earlier post but I definitely think this idea adds on to it. Sounds good still to me.

Armor customization and character customization have often been two of my major motivations definitely. I can also definitely say I am one of those people who gives a LOT of attention to detail when it comes to my characters and portraying how different they are from other folks or my own in-game wise. I should know because I had some characters on another game that would have up to 50 different costumes and didn’t realize just how many they had till I went through the list.

I am thankful GW2 even has the transmutation system. Otherwise, it would be like playing the original Lineage which had no diversity whatsoever save for names. Oai. But yes – new armors would definitely open the channel of greater customization and crazy combos more so. I would love to see those. And definitely this kind of thing would open up new possibilities as well as promote that diversity we all know and love.

NPC armor is SUCH a tease! Drives me nuts! I agree 100% with that. As I mentioned in an earlier post. We have Eir’s Hair and armor. Humans or at least Human females should have more than just Countess Anise’s hair. We should have her outfit too. :P Just saying. And those noble women. I SWEAR! Strutting around in those actually rather nice casual outfits, tsk! Can’t count how many times I’ve said, “Excuse me, but would you mind if I stole your clothes. Thank you.”. lol

Hey, at this point this topic has become majorly about armor in general and I don’t see that as a bad thing. It’s still technically on topic. So no biggy to me. I have toons for all the classes. Not all of them are high level mind you – but I am beginning to understand more when I play them just how lacking in armor diversity we are at times.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


I can’t help but wonder if they don’t already have something like that in place by seeing how well it sells in the gem store. They don’t get specific feedback, but that’s what forums are for!

What would be nice is if they sort of gave a preview of what they were planning to release on the website and get some feedback before they release anything. They could even gasp ask what their players want.

A preview would be a fantastic idea! They already give us updates on what is to come, something like that, I don’t believe, would be too out of reach. At least it shouldn’t be. And yes – asking what we want since they, I would hope, want to keep us around I think would be a mutually beneficial thing.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


You know what might actually be a good idea for them to exercise? Doing a survey. A survey to see if people liked the armor skins they recently put out or not. The current skins maybe, etc. Wouldn’t be a half bad idea. Have a poll. “Did you like this (Insert Armor or Armor Skin name here)? Yes? No? Indecisive.” And leave room for people to comment as to why they either loved or hated the latest design. That would actually provide some decent feedback I think.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


I think everyone has been wanting Shaman armor and Countess Anise armor for ages. Why didn’t they release those instead of silly flame armors (I cracked up laughing when I first saw them)?

You know what, you got me. I have no idea. I think it would be absolutely hands-down in their best interest to put something like that out there if not exactly like what people are asking for. By not putting something out there like people want – they are more or less shooting themselves in the foot by ignoring good ideas, like this, and others.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


I personally think the armor should look like armor. It should range from humble looking to epic looking and from well-done skimpy to fully clothed (without it looking like a nun/monk).

I think there should be some longer coat options, dress options, and just in general – way more of a variety to town clothes. When wearing town clothes, one should also be allowed to show a weapon since we are more than just mere citizens and are “heroes”. I also think should have the option to hide all of your amour pieces and weapons and not just the gloves, helm and shoulders.

Also, it’d be really cool if we could have an bandage looking set of “armor” (or even as a town clothing option) with helms, coats, etc. that looked like you’ve been injured.

I think I would be very interested in seeing just how they can or could go about making light-armor actually look more like armor or not. I agree about that range though. Humble beginning to Epicly Awesome and made of win.

If they actually did something like that possibly for Town Clothes that would be really awesome since that would open more and better doors for RP opportunities, improve quality of experience, etc. It would really add to that aspect.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


My main used to be a human male necromancer but I dislike all the light armor sets to me they all look bad with the exception of the most overused one (shadow set). I do not count dungeon sets because I do not do dungeons so as a result my main now is an asura elementalist that can wear whatever because its just harder to see.

I believe one of my female Necromancers right now has the leggings and boots of the shadow set. It looks good with what I got going for her at the moment. But I know that Necromancer’s are about as limited as any other clothie too when it comes to deciding what they want to wear and don’t want to wear. There aren’t a lot of options, maybe even less so, for Necromancers.

A Necromancer should have the option to look more like what they are – a Necromancer – as much as a Elementalist can/could/should look like someone that you don’t want to mess with (aww inspiring, frightening or something else). In other words, an Elementalist should look different from a Necromancer. Necromancer should look different from a Mesmer and vice versa. You should be able to say, “Hey! I bet they might be a Necromancer.” unless that is what they are going for. The whole wanting to blend in with everyone else.

And come to think of it – most female and even -male- engineers I’ve seen, guess what they wear…the Megatech Armor skin. The only things that set us a part is how we RP our toons, how they look from creation and the colors of our outfit (okay, storyline stuff too, gosh!) but that’s about it. I have seen quite a few Engineers with this armor skin set and I think the reason why – is because they honestly feel the most like an actual Engineer in that skin. Much like an Elementalist or a Mesmer in the Phoenix Skin.

The unfortunate part is – almost EVERYONE is wearing it! That’s no fun! We aren’t as unique and diverse anymore if we all almost look the same. So yes, armor diversity is very important.

Just out of curiosity, why did you decide not to do any of the dungeons?

(edited by TearsFromtheMoon.7190)

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


I don’t agree that too many light armor sets are skimpy. However, I do agree that we need more options.
In my opinion, most light armor sets that are not in any way revealing are simply hideous. The ones that are not are either made of foliage (TA set, which is gorgeous, but I really wanted a version of it that looked like cloth) or have pants underneath.
I don’t know what is your character’s style, but my human mesmer is a noble, and I would like her to dress as one. However, there is absolutely no skirt that is not either ripped, mini, open on the front, too low (showing the stomach regardless of the top), made of foliage or have pants underneath.
Right now, my mesmer is wearing human T2 skit, Cabalist Coat, the Queen’s Mask and Exalted Boots (gloves and shoulders are hidden). I am by no means happy with her outfit, specially since the transition between the coat and the skirt is hideous (and the paaaaants aaaaargh). It is not like I have much of a choice right now (I’m not a big fan of the T2 coat because it shows skins on her back, and I wanted something that looked connected to the skirt so it would look like a dress, overall).
All I want is a ball gown :c

After I started this topic I really began to realize it is a pretty equal “Give and Take” on not having enough either way between tasteful armors and sexy armors. So I’ve amended my thought at least on that part, but yes – more armor variety would be a definite nice thing.

Honestly, I didn’t mind the low-level closed armors much. I made them work but – a few of them, are not my favorite designs either. Even the starting armor is nice BUT – would be nice to see the ability to choose to start out with something like that or something tasteful, closed, maybe with a long skirt or something. Least I would have liked that as an option.

Yeah, I do agree. I also would have liked to have seen a cloth version of the TA set. YES! My biggest irk was that it didn’t have some kind of leggings or pants! It just looks kind of weird without them. If it were more a, “I’m showing off my leggings (stockings).” kind of outfit, that would make more sense – but it’s not.

My character is also a noble so I want to dress her in tasteful gowns, skirts, belled-sleeved blouses. It’s how I’d also like to dress one of my Necromancers too. But we really don’t have those options very readily available to us. So I’m right there with you on that. Especially about the obvious armor gaps on the back where the armor doesn’t appear to seamlessly blend. That bugs me a bit too.

I actually for the longest time with my Elementalist when she was lower level wore the Cabalist coat (because it had belled sleeves on it, one of the few) with the T1 Cultural Human Light Armor bottoms, Cabalist boots, don’t remember the gloves so well, Queen’s Mask and my Zenith Staff. It looked very nice together but that doesn’t mean ideally this is what I really wanted for her either.

Like you – I’d LOVE to see more noble-like clothing. Like the hunting outfit Emi from the hunting lodge that accompanies Carthage for the Champion Boar event. I’d LOVE that outfit on a toon. Town clothes preferably would be nice since it doesn’t look like it would work real well for actual combat, but hey – maybe some people would like it as such (if it isn’t already, which I don’t know. I haven’t been playing for a full year yet).

A ball-gown is definitely something I wish I could see as armor for Mesmers and clothies alike. That’s one thing I really want too! The Masquerade Armor set seems to try and address that, but – falls short. I like the way you can see the stockings and all, but the top is just too, “Red-light District” for me or most of my toons. :/

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


Most of the cloth armor that is skimpy looks kittenty and not sexy. I think they need to improve the looks of all the armors in the light class and also give us so more options in general. I’m not saying I want a shoulder piece with a moving eyeball like on WoW, but hey, if the pauldron fits…

Also, yes, please, for the love of all that’s holy – give us some more options for town clothes!!

Much of the armor in the game, especially when it comes to clothie armor, has had me scratching my head. I often wonder, “Uh, what made them come up with that concept? Why did they choose that?” Even with some of the other armor classes I’ve done this. Such as the “Viper’s Medium Armor Skin”. On men, doesn’t look half-bad. Looks okay, at least decent. I see the female version and go, “What – am I wrapped in?!”. That is definitely one of the armors for females that left me very confused about the design choices made.

One thing I’m disappointed in, is that they left the Medium and Heavy Flame-themed armor on the Gem store, but didn’t opt to try and revamp the Light armor version so it didn’t look like the Human Tier 3 Cultural Armor. I know I would have really appreciated it, if they had done this. Even if I wasn’t a big fan of the new design for the Flame-themed Light Armor – I’d still appreciate that they even took the time to replace it with something new.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


about 70% of every armor type is completely covered, it’s actually extremely hard to find some decent skimpy armor without going to the “boring” bin of armors.
the human light T3 armor is good but one of the few that actually looks the part, go just one tier lower and you’re back in the closed in armors.

I can’t say I’ve played all my characters up to 80 yet to know the various variations, but I have spent enough time on the Auction House or the GW2 Wiki to find just the right look of armor to give each girl I have looks that fit their tastes, but that took a bit of time to do. 70% might be about right though – but that’s if you are looking at all armor classes. I’m just trying to address, Light Armor for female characters at the moment. Even then, that statistic might be just about right.

I think in general though – we don’t have enough “diversity” in style for our armors as a whole. I don’t see enough “Not so boring” closed in armors that make me go, “Am I a novice?” vs. “W-ow, I look kind of like Galadriel from Lord of the Rings or something. Cool.” Even with the skimpy armor…I’m not sure it’s skimpy in the right ways. I’ve always been a fan of armor that leaves more to the imagination. That’s me though.

I also feel some more selections or options for Town Clothes would be nice. If not armor, downtime clothes that don’t make us feel so maybe average might be nice. I know I’d like some more Town Clothes options to choose from as well.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


Also something I forgot that’d like to add – I know we pretty much have Eir’s hair and her armor. Much like that – I would LOVE to see an armor skin of Countess Anise’s stuff! I would love, love, LOVE to see this armor on a few of my characters if not all! Her armor is very lovely and tasteful to be sure.

Clothies Need More Armor Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


Hello, this is my first time posting in the forums so please – do be gentle.

Allow me to start by saying, I primarily play – squishy classes. I do love to play other classes but I absolutely have much love and favor for my magic class (“Glass-Cannons”). My primary character I have is an Elementalist. Since I also Roleplay she has a specific taste and style for how she dresses, especially in public settings.

Much of the armor in-game I’ve noticed tends to be very revealing and while that might be fine and good for some people, I’m not always a big fan of it – unless that’s what my character is shooting for. I also haven’t been a very big fan of the Light – Human Cultural Armor.

  • Tier 1 looks like a teacher who should be teaching at Hogwarts – and if that’s the look you want, by all means go for it. The pants were the only real thing I liked from this set.
  • Tier 2 is okay if you are going for 2 very distinct looks. Life is always a Masquerade or Mardi Gra. The top is the only piece I liked from this set.
  • Tier 3 I know some people just love this armor but – I really can’t say I’m one of them. Honestly, it looks like someone lobbed a ball of goo onto the player and it all fell and dried in specific ways and that’s how the armor was born. Also, the design of it, to me, just looks a little weird for the GW2 setting. And it also does not say to me, “Hello – I am an all powerful (insert whatever clothie class you are here). And your eyebrows just went missing.” Instead, I’m busy wondering how it’s all staying together. I know – game logic does not have to be real-life logic, but just throwin’ that out there.

Now concerning armor as a whole – as I said before, I think a lot of it is a bit – too revealing or skimpy in one way or another. Much of my armor I’ve had to mix and match for sure, using transmutation stones, into what I like. Ideally, I’d like to not have to do this so often. So with that being said, can we please see more armor skins or armor that is a little more elegant, regal, all-powerful sorceress-like (or general clothie), classy, tastfully-sexy, flowing gowns of some kind?

Honestly, the few armor or armor skin (s) I’ve liked best are the Winged Set and Phoenix. I’ve mixed and matched everything else or bit the bullet and stuck with the stuff I didn’t like until I could thankfully upgrade to something better. Actually most of the modest Armor is within the 20-30 range or so and it’s not exactly, “Phenomenal Cosmic Powers!”-esque for someone who might be an 80.

Also, thank you for taking down the Flame enhanced armor. I was not terribly happy with that because:

  1. I don’t like the armor set to start.
  2. People had a good point about it being Cultural Armor.
  3. I really think you guys should have just created entirely brand-new armor skin sets to satisfy those of us looking for new armor to trade in for old armor. And I mean completely new styles not just doctoring the look of it to appear differently.

Had the flame armor been made to look like something else…I might have bought it. I did like the idea, just didn’t like how it was executed.

The Trickster Armor for females looks rather, leathery to me and I also was not very interested in it (thought it looked better on the men though). If a clothie wants that look, wonderful – but maybe sharing similar looks with other armor classes might be nice for those who play a Warrior but want to wear leather looking armor and so on.

I’m just throwing some ideas out there and hope that maybe it might help the design team any – if at all. Thank you.