Showing Posts For TeeRexx.6570:
Remember we got the worst Norn leftovers, all their valiant and powerful heros died. We’ve ended up with the sick and lame Norn, all huddled together in their city xD A city for Norn… Thats probably why they’re all shorter, bent over in shame of what has befallen their people.
Literally runts of the litter, the only ones which didn’t die fighting Jormag, were left breed. Probably why the Sons of Svarnir have such sway – anything to return glory to their race and be tall and strong once more.
We’re the runts of the litter if you consider WW2, yet humans are getting taller and taller. Height has little to do with courage.
I feel like for pvp nerfing the Ele and removing the celestial amulate both in one patch was a little too heavy handed.
Hey thanks for the reply. I actually just found the guide you mentioned and I have been loving it. It’s great. I probably should have checked in here before asking, I had just spent a few hours sifting through the crap/outdated stuff from google etc and was getting frustrated. I tried my first dungeon today (AC story and p1) was heaps of fun. Had some guy who kept dying but at least it wasnt me that everyone got annoyed with
Only just got level 80 on my first character. I am proud to say its an ele. I have leveled mainly through wvw and exploration but now would like to try out dungeons and fractals. I am almost geared in exotic zerker and have recently switched to staff from d&d, as I read it was better.
I have NO idea how to play an ele well. With d&d I pretty much just run round switching between fire and air waiting for my cooldowns, using my earth and water for the utility every so often. With staff I usually stay in fire and burn people unless I need the utility of the other attunements.
Not rly sure about how food works, I guess I’ll just read which is best for dungeons and buy some. I heard someone talk about dungeon potions or something?
Combo fields are another thing I’m not rly sure about.. I know that people do burning stuff related to my staff fire 2 skill etc but yeh..
Pretty much what I am looking for is an experienced player to just come and rant about all the things new players are bad at and what they should know. I can then read this and not be that bad new player. I don’t want to jump in and be a deadweight.
I would also be interested in links to good info..
Thanks a lot for your time.
New Player looking for advice for dungeons and fractals related to
- Role of Staff Ele (and d&d)
- Build (zerker is best? should I use a staff?)
- Food etc
- Anything I probably don’t know
- Links to info
Hey guys, I see that you are enjoying having a sense of community, and esprit de corps. KITTEN THAT HAVE MEGASERVERS INSTEAD
I just wanted to share a huge issue that my guild is having. we are one of the largest guilds on FC, and we like to give our members as much as possible, that way they can enjoy the game to the fullest. For this reason, we offer guild missions twice a week.
Sadly the magaserver system is making this extremely difficult. It was not easy in the first place to organize 50-100 people and get them all to the right zones for Bounties, Puzzles, Challenges, and Rushes. Now it is next to impossible. This is leading to a lot of really disappointed people who can’t get their guild commendations or even generally have a good time. This is made even more difficult, because sometimes there are 2-3 guilds doing the same bounty. It is really disheartening to see how frustrated everyone is getting during guild events.
Doing missions is a huge part of what we do as a guild. We work overtime to create a sense of home in FC, this new system is literally obliterating all of our hard work. This makes me really sad, because we have worked really hard to make our little low pop server a fun place to play. And we have busted our butts to give our guildies a fun place to play TOGETHER.
On top of destroying our servers identity, it is also hurting our guild. The system is making it impossible to recruit. So to summarize, it hurts the server, the guild, and the players.
I know I am just a consumer, and I am not the one programing and designing new content to make this game awesome, that’s you guys. But that being said, its obvious that the new system is broken and terribly flawed. Fixing low population servers with this megaserver system is like performing a root canal with a jackhammer. Its majorly overkill and ultimately causes more damage than what was there in first place.
Maybe guilds can create their own instance, or even the ability to turn off megaservers. Just please, don’t leave it the way it is!
This story must be read!
I hate encountering other players out in the world. They steal all my nodes and tag all my mobs.
It’s more the fact that I dislike that nothing is a challenge anymore and the atmosphere is kind of ruined for me. Is a newer player I find it hard to even “tag” mobs before the level 80 players nuke everything in the event and I dont get participation.
If I wanted to join a guild I would have no way of knowing who was from my server and meeting people to join with.
Sense of community is gone, and it feels like instead of a challenging experience with group events – it is a competition to see who can tag enough mobs before they no longer exist to get experience. That is the new challenge I guess. How rewarding.
Hi, I am pretty new and this is my first post on the forums – but I feel like this needs to be said.
I recently picked this game up casually (I play other games more) but have been getting into it quite a lot. I have mainly been trying to enjoy my leveling experience and learn the classes & explore. I only have 3 level 25ish characters.
What I found originally was a small problem with being sometimes unable to always complete group events such as champion monsters due to my low skill level and lack of other players, but it didnt bother me too much as there was always more content and I could come back later if a friend was online. What the mega server changes have caused is me being unable to complete events due to not being able to even damage the monster before they get nuked by more experienced players. I literally have had events where despite being there from the beginning I have been unable to get more than bronze participation, and I’m talking about defence missions and escorting missions – not champions – due to being unable to get close to the mobs before they die. It feels like a competition as to who can kill the monsters first. This is not fun for me, and I will not continue playing if this is how the game is devaloping.
(edited by TeeRexx.6570)