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Runic Sword & Gladius

in Crafting

Posted by: Teloeka.7641


Ahhhh silly me! Yes you’re right I just bought Honor of Humanity and it does share the gladius skin! Excellent work mate.

As for Infinite Light, there’s been a trend started recently with people chucking in gifts into the mystic forge, atleast that’s how Foefire’s Essence was forged.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it involved the gift of light, some coins, loadstones & an Eldricht Scroll.

Runic Sword & Gladius

in Crafting

Posted by: Teloeka.7641


Bit of an update for those who may be interested.

I have found a bit more information on the Runic Blade, it appears that the skin does exist PVE side as “Infinite Light” ([&AgFceQAA]). I have found no-one who has created it or found a recipe for it. So if anyone has any information on this I’d appreciate it, it also does not appear under the TP.

ATTENTION: 36,000 Mithril Ore + 18,000 Elder Logs +22,500 Large Fang = 1,500 Level 80 RARE Greatswords........ + Mystic Forge = ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

in Crafting

Posted by: Teloeka.7641


I’m sorry I’m sorry….

What the flip?

Before reading this I had only sympathy for those who had chucked in say 50-100 rare/exotic weapons into the forge only to get zilch in return. And in the back of my mind I understood why A-net had made them so very rare simply because of the overwhelming share of the virtual economy they dominate.

But after reading this to find that someone had taken the time to gather the materials/money necessary to create 1,500 rares, I’m am just extremely kitten off. My heart goes out to this person.

To see someone put so much effort into what can only be described as the most ill-informed Mystic RNG in existence and get fudge all….

God I need to go sit down under a tree for a few minutes and take some breaths…

Give us some flippin’ information A-net. Your endgame is just a friggin’ lottery machine.

Why dont i want to play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teloeka.7641


All that annoys me is the lack of information we get about things which are obviously bugging the community e.g DR, Legendary Precursors, WvW bugs, Exploiters…

Runic Sword & Gladius

in Crafting

Posted by: Teloeka.7641


Sorry, some of you may already have seen this thread but I think I posted it in the wrong part of the forums!

Hi guys!

I come asking whether any of you fine gents know anything about the following skins which can be viewed in the PVP locker under the guise of:

PvP Gladius
Item code: [&AgESewAA]

PvP Runic Blade
Item code: [&AgGnfAAA]

Essentially what I am asking is if anyone knows how to obtain these skins in the PVE side of the game. I know of one recipe (Firebringer) which produces the Gladius skin but it also has with it a fiery particle effect. Not only do I find this fiery effect unbearable, yes shoot me, it also costs minimum 60g to craft (1 Eldritch Scroll, 30 Mystic Coins, 250 Orichalcum Sword Blades & 50 Molten Loadstones).

Currently I have no information about the Runic Blade, I’ve asked /map chat in LA a few times but no one knows, in fact I’ve had quite a few people messaging me “tell me when you find out”. I assume it is also another Mystic Forge recipe but I hope not.
I guess what I’m begging for is if anyone knows any alternatives to getting these skins, preferably cheap!

Thanks for reading
(Apologies about that blasted hand in the pics.)

The Legendary Letdown

in Crafting

Posted by: Teloeka.7641


You’re right and I think like many I have come to the realisation that I will never be able to hold a legendary weapon let alone precursor, not that I don’t have the time to farm the materials, I do. But at the rate I can generate gold and the blatant and shameful extortionate prices the precursors are priced at on the TP I have just given up.

From all the videos of people chucking in many exotic/rare weapons into the forge just to get absolutely nothing I have just lost hope. Legendary weapons are not about “adventure”, “fun” or mastery of the game… They based merely on RNG in its purest form, the Mystic Forge.