Showing Posts For Termartal.8149:

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Termartal.8149


WHY DO I FEEL SO AWFUL((((, how can you people be so cruel to not realize what have you done…

Was almost at the end it was nearing the cave and i crashed! can’t log in… 2 hours of work ressurecting people…. repairing gear with canisters…


Give it back!!!… I beg of you give it back! Give back what you took from me!

The Lost Shores: phase 1, update

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Termartal.8149


:/ It was my free day, i was thrown out of game, frozen, and when i logged in i was in overflow that was also laggy, and event failed we could not kill the creatures.

I logged off as sad sad puppy.
This morning i logged in with everyone impatient and frustrated to finish events with 2/3 of people unable to do things because of bugged out quests even in overflow.

Please do this again with less lag and more time. Lets call it a stress test or so…

A week long something is still valid as one time event that won’t be repeated.
There is no need for extremes.

Its a bad day to buy wine...

in Audio

Posted by: Termartal.8149


“Did you see what she was wearing?” “No, I was too busy looking at him”

Egads cooking station, i am both in middle of “in that case you want a sylvari”

so i hear both…

Unable to hear own character in game - is this a bug or ...

in Audio

Posted by: Termartal.8149


i wish i was in your situation… my necromancer sound effects are slowly making me insane. those horrible effects are so irritable to me…. ugh…. i wish i could turn it off….

Egads The sound effects drive me insane.

in Audio

Posted by: Termartal.8149


Am I really the only one in this? ;/ searched the forum and even internet, no one seemed to have complained…
Would be wonderful if there was a way only to disable my sound effects and not the others without resorting to total mute of sound.

The “OH MY LEG” and similar things can get bit boring after extended period of playtime, though i would not wish to completely mute the other people.
Even more so as i play elementalist and i hear almost every time i change atunement sound effect CONSUMING FIRE, JOYOUS AIR, and egads did it get old after a month of play…
The previous said elementalist is level 80 and i started playing necro, i menaged to reach level 16 and stoped leveling her because the sounds it made, made me irritable more and more to a point of me not being able to play her.

Sure they are a fine audio feedback you instantly and subconsciously can react to, but having options to disable that voice animations would be awesome.

A certain error code: 122:4:5:1270 and stolen credit card purchase???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Termartal.8149


The main question: How can my friend reenter new serial key he got from his provider, in order to continue playing on his already existing characters?

I am writing for my friend, because his account was disabled. It was not hacked, it was not banned for some offense. It was simply disabled on a claim that the serial key he bought legally , was bought via stolen credit card. O-o???
We each bought from legal and official promoter, and did so via legal means. Yet he has problem and now is having a very hard time contacting arena net, due to his account on forum as well being disabled. He was simply cut off.

We did our search and found other problems like this yet no answers at all.
We did contact our place of purchase where we purchased game, as suggested. He mentioned that certain series of serial keys were causing the issues, and offered to give us new one, or return our money.

The main issue here is that my friend has level 60 character with a lot of time spent into crafting. He has emotionally attached himself to his character.

With this new serial key he could be creating new account, but he wants old.

Once again, how can he regain his character and continue doing so with new serial key?