Showing Posts For Terminal Gaijin.5426:
Lots of good recommendations but I want to make sure agony infusions get said here. at least +1s should have a spot.
sadly no invisible bags and i checked for typing and even tried searching for the candy corn there was in my bag. I tried clicking on all of my bags individually. Randomly It finds the stuff in my bag and then the next time I click it can’t. About 80% of the time it cannot find my loot.
about 80% of the time when I go to the sell tab of BL TP it says no items match this filter. However I have no filter on. I can still individually click on things in my inventory and select to sell on TP.
I don’t think it is confusing so much as it scales poorly. I do the event several times a day and most of them fail despite a large number of people focusing on taking out the golems. The complaint about getting the energy to turn in was valid but the fix has made it so that you can do from winning to a fail in a matter of seconds with very little understanding of what happened.
I weep for the FT, while there might be some new build options for it. All old uses are dead. Any key traits for it are either gone or put together so only one can be chosen. In the end I will continue to use it simply because it is fun but the I will have to make new ascended armor to even pretend that it is still useful. (T_T)
Now sorrow aside, Maybe a new crit condi build?
Here is the basic build I use for GrandHaven. I know it is not an ideal build but it is by far the most enjoyable build i have found for pve.
sorry i dont recal my armor, it is a balance to giving me 18k health i think, and a 65% crit chance with 200% crit dmg. If you really want all the details let me know and i will loot them up.
not using IP I understand but modified amunition is great. WIth my crit build enemies have a fairly constant supply of conditions applied giving me an easy and consistant 6% damage boost. Even more if I don’t just sit in flamethrower.
The more I look at plans for the new trait system I can’t help but fear for my FT engi. FT has not always been the best kit and it tends to be one of the less popular kits to use as a primary but it is my favorite. The new trait system will force us to pick between juggernaut, incendiary powder, and modified ammunition. These traits are all vitally important for any flamethrower build to be a viable damage dealer. My fear is that these changes is going to greatly limit the possibility of using the flamethrower as anything other than the quick utility kit that the meta has often chosen for it.
Experience scrolls (auto to lvl 20) also has this issue. I think it is an issue of where they come from. All of them are account bound but I can’t the two stacks to combine (five and ten). The suggest fix worked with boosters but did not work with the experience scrolls.
Edit: just saw a the post directly above saying what I said, but will keep my comment as a bump to it ^^
(edited by Terminal Gaijin.5426)
So how will this affect the dungeon master and twilight idol achievements?
My prediction is that Teq will become a farmed event on successful, full servers during primary play times. While it will become an ignored event on all unsuccessful servers and off hour players will forever look at the impossible 1v1 fight that it has become. (sadly this has already started as people are guesting to beat teq leaving their servers with an even smaller chance to succeed, forcing more people to guest).
predictions by
an off hour engi on a low tier server.
a simple improvement to the bank. allow for auto deposit. when the bank is open click a button and add to the stacks already in your bank. Rather than hunting for the stack of the same item just click a button. It would be simple and useful. Not a huge change but a much appreciated one for those of us with full banks that just can:t seem to find that one stupid stack you know is in there.
OP has a point though beyond the apparent plethora of problems. Whether you think the class is broken, perfect, or (reality) some where in between there is an issue. The class is not accessible to a casual player and is not friendly to someone just trying the class. There is a reason why engi is the least played class in gw2. Yes if you put time effort and really focus the engi is a viable class on par with other classes. Also yes some classes are easier to play than others. However the fact that so many people think the engi in unplayable when they first try it does point to a real problem. Now before all you fan boys get up in arms I love my engi and it will always be my main. I am not suggesting we make the harder builds less effective. Rather making a less effective build simpler for new players to slowly learn the engi and fall in love with the class like the rest of us. (fixing turrets could go a long way in helping this issue)
Make the vacuumagic Polarizer into an engi kit. (I know then there would be a lot more balancing required; traits, toolbelt, etc)
I just thought i would throw this out there, I know it will not come any time soon nor is it needed. However having just used the Vaccumagic Polarizer in the Durmondy Priory mission, I would love to have it as an option as an engi kit. I enjoyed the interesting dynamics of its use and think it would be a great addition. Just curious if other people enjoyed this one time use wpn (why and why not) and if they think it would ever be added to the engi. (I know there would require a lot of balances especially in traits and so it will most likely never happen.)
Hmmm excellent choice in the survey
Please check all that apply.
You are:
[x] Married
[ ] Have Girlfriend
[x] Employed
[x] Have Pets
[ ] Have Children
[x] Are an Adult
[x] Have a Life-gw2 counts right?…
[ ] Have no Manual Dexterity
You Think Living World is too:
[ ] Hard
[ ] Time Consuming
[X] Temporary
[ ] Full of Jumping Puzzles
[ ]Much fun, makes me want to play more.
You are Currently Threatening to:
[ ] Quit
[ ] Uninstall
[ ] Kick Colins’ Dog
[X] Tell the Internet That You are Upset (hence the form)
[x]Develop a way to sleep less so I can play more!
You Currently Play how many Hours per Week:
[ ] 1-5
[ ] 5-10
[ ]10-15
[ ]15-20
[X] more than 20
Thank you!
And have a nice day… if you have time to while trying to complete everything.
I sometimes have this problem on my pc if i have a zoom in function running. Something to look into at least.
Another bug with kits is that the kit is still visible when you go invisible due to someones skill. When a thief uses the area stealth kit and my asura engi is in it, I get stealthed but my flamethrower back does not.
Hi potential guildies,
I thought I would point out that while our guild is mostly NA time zone, there are some of us who are not. I am hoping to continue to create an active Oceanic group to play with. So no matter your time zone consider joining us. Hopefully we can have fun 24/7.
-Perdix Grey
In addition to marking no longer available achievements I would like to see a mark for not yet available achievements. For example the current instance missions for dragon bash. Only the first part is currently available. Rather than hunting or looking up on the internet if step two is out yet just make a mark. I think this would make things a lot easier.
I would be up for it but I am in Japan so the time difference probably wouldn:t work unless we did weekends. It is a neat idea though.
I can’t sell on the trading post since it will not show my inventory, I also can’t buy since the items are greyed out. I saw some people with this problem in this thread 9months ago, so does anyone have a solution?
I have never played WoW or any of teh raiding mmos so I don:t know what that is like. I don:t think I am talking about anything on that big of scale but I might be mistaken. I am talking two or three groups. Right now there are dungeons that require different team member to work together such as one person as bate and the others triggering traps. You could even make one that needs only one group but have a split in the party, taking two parallel paths. As for finding a group to trust that is always the case in a group event and I think that is why guilds are so important. If nothing else I am saying I like the idea of a dungeon like this, I am more than willing to admit there are problems on the technical side that would need to be worked out.
I greatly enjoy world vs world but often it is just chasing the zerg. The few times there have been a few smaller groups working together to achieve a larger goal it was amazing. I would love to see more things like that. One way to bring this about would be to create multigroup dungeons. These groups could take different paths that affect one another and could even have some puzzle elements. Only by the different groups working together on interlocking small tasks can they reach and be victorious in the larger goal. The down side to something like this is that it can already be difficult enough to find a group for a dungeon and this increases the number people that would be needed. However I think that it could be an exciting new addition to the activities of gw2.
First off I would like to say nice job and thank you Anet. Though this jp is not perfect it is obvious that you have listened to comments about the clocktower and considered things for yourselfs. You neither ignored players or gave in completely, but rather sought a balance. So again thank you.
Now on to particulars:
1) the divide at the start rather than the large bunching like in clock tower was a huge help. As an asura player those large crowds kill. With this setup there is still a chance that you can get paired with a bunch of trench coat wearing norns and hulking armored charr, but the chances of that are reduced and i thought it went rather well.
2) The difficulty was improved though I think a big part of that was that people weren:t so bunched together.
3) However i understand people not wanting a timed one. Partially because the last two are now timed so it would be nice for a change. In addition timed events add a challenge that goes past figuring out the jumping puzzle and is based more on reflexes limiting those that have the natural talent or skill to complete. (personally i have completed both ct and this one though the clock tower took me uncountable hours with a final 12hr straight push at the end. this one 30min-ish)
4) A suggestion i think would make a lot of people happy is to do a check point system like in the asura jumping puzzle. That way you could do different challenges (even a timed part) and yet people wouldn:t feel like they were losing out on everything everytime they fell. There could be real progress. In addition it would give people a break between hard parts if you chose to do some timed events in it.
Alright well i am tired but i just wanted to again thank you and nice job you are on the right path.
oh and in response to people asking to use shapechange, please make it optional if you do that. It is hard to see myself as an asura, that is true, but i know where my stand box is in relation to by character image. Now that people are split into smaller groups i had only minimal trouble with not being able to see due to my height (like the round with 3norns and a charr lol)
(edited by Terminal Gaijin.5426)
I looked and couldn’t find anyone else with this posted so here it is.
The game runs fine doing everything. However when I open TP and go to buy, after searching it finds it but then keeps loading. I have waited for 1hr with it still loading with that little circle. I can leave and the game continues to work I just can’t buy anything.
I would like to see a health bar for my turrets, preferably just over the skill. I know I can see it if I move my mouse over it but that is not always a simple options while trying to stay alive. I don:t know if pets and summons have it but turrets do not. So please add a mini health bar for turrets (and the rest if they don:t have it) in our character info. Simple clean, make me happy. Thank you.
I am not talking about another jumping puzzle, while I agree with your comments, this is about letting people destory (in game) something that frustrated so many of them. So Run it like the Mad King fight where you can go by yourself or with group of 5 to destroy it. I am not saying they should make it a jumping puzzle, I am sure most people would rather they didn:t. Make it fun and light hearted. I just, as I am sure so do many others, want to bring that tower down for all of my frustration.
no boost
12 hours straight, finaly right before work.
Hello, first I want to say this is not about thinking the event during halloween the clock tower was bad. That is your opinion, the event is done, get over it either way. Also to clarify I did complete the clock tower, with an asura. (admittedly it took me 12hrs straight and I never want to do it again). Anyway the purpose of this is to suggest an event. So many people struggled with the clock tower to no avail or others to a final and satisfying victory. Even some who farmed it, found the clock tower bothersome at best to `need new medication from their therapist` at worse. Regardless I think people would like a chance to get revenge. I suggest that a death to the clock tower event gets made were a group of 5 players are allowed to enter and try to destroy the clock tower. They could work their way up the tower (on the inside stairs) in order to destroy the tower from the inside out. A lot of people in the community would enjoy this, myself included. If nothing else it would be very theraputic. Please show your support by posting and adding suggestions if you would like to see a death of the clock tower event.
Again this is not about complaining about the halloween event, this is a suggestion for a future event I think people would enjoy.
Thank you and I hope you all had a happy halloween.
Same here I have completed and have credit for everything but attend the party, yet I only have 4/5. Any fixes coming soon?
Hey, this sounds really neat. I was just commenting that it was hard to find a group for midlevel character zones.
Name is Byron
I am running currently a lvl 41 Asura Engineered named Perdix Grey on server Maguuma.
I am new to mmorpgs but think I am picking things up pretty quick. I have completed all the beginner areas and home cities. Mostly interested in PvE but will to try some WvW, just don:t expect much. I am in Japan so the server is pretty empty for me. I am on most evenings and weekends (japan). I look forward to grouping with you guys.
PS. sorry I kind of put the info jumbled together, I stayed up late to see the halloween event, kind of sleepy.
It’s true that all classes get a different type of F# but that doesn’t change my opinion that I would like to have a second weapon slot just like my post doesn’t change your opinion. No one is making you discuss anything, you have voiced your opinion and no one apparently is going to change it so be it. As for the thousands of other posts about this topic, when I was searching everything kept coming up as damage not discussions on the usage of the slots. Besides quoting the rules just makes you pretentious. No one is telling you that we have to discuss anything, if you don’t want to talk about it post in a different topic. Congrats you have voiced your opinion now let the rest of us. If nothing else it is the way in which you are arguing against everything with such a close minded absolutist attitude that makes it so that only whiners continue to post rather than people trying to actually discuss something. So congrats this is why the loudest whiners are the ones who get what they want.
Sadly you are right that the group that whines the loudest tends to get the change. I however have no wish to whine, I am simply trying to constructively discuss what I perceive to be a flaw in an otherwise great class. While I don’t think it is the best fix I would even be content with simply receiving a secondary weapon slot. That way we don’t have to choose between a secondary weapon and a utility. Engineer is a great class and it is my favorite. However just because something is great doesn’t mean it can’t be improved. If we thought like that we would all still be driving model Ts.
I would accept that change since it would give it the balance that it needs. However as a turret build I like my solution better simply because then I can place all my turrets and still use a weapon kit. Selfish I know but regardless a balance needs to be made.
(edited by Terminal Gaijin.5426)
Now I know that everyone is talking about the damage and it acting as a wpn vs spell but frankly as a primarily pve player that stuff doesn:t bother me to much. What annoys me is that these kits take up a whole skill slot that I would rather use for a skill. Now I realize that there are the f# skill that some claim balance this loss of a slot but to me while it is nice it is only as good as the other classes abilities. This still leaves us lacking a slot. Now some people want an additional skill slot and to me this seems OP. My suggestion is rather than a new skill slot give us a second weapon slot just for a kit. That way kit focused builds could stay focused on kits but the rest of us could actually have a weapon to switch to. I realize that this idea still requires some tweaks but right now you have to choose between having a second weapon (which every other class gets) and a skill (which the other classes also get). So please give us a kit slot as a second weapon slot.
PS. This is my first forum post so if an idea seems unclear please let me know and I will be happy to clarify.