Showing Posts For Terrorcookie.8560:

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


Made quite the change.. Although I need to do some more WvW so I can get the gloves and Helmet I want to finish it but it looks pretty cool already.


Some men just want to watch LA Burn

in Community Creations

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


I was playing arround a bit with photoshop and this was the result :p thought you guys might like it


Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


I moved towards this armor combo :d Although id still like to change the colours. Dont have to money to get my celestial on this character yet. ;c


Armor skins not available in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


I need my stalwart shoulders why isnt this in pve

Watchknight Tonic

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


So i just recieved my tonic (YAY) its awesome. Thanks for letting me use this in battle.
But why is there a 25min cd on re-using it? And why does it only stay on for 5 min?

Just would like to know, dont see the harm in keeping it on till you switch it off.

Thank you

(edited by Terrorcookie.8560)

What new weapon sets would you like to see?

in Thief

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


Id like to see a melee staff of some sort, i know we’re getting polearms, so maybe(probably not) we can get those.

[Merged]Mini Watchknight missing after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


Guess i’ll put myself on here aswell, missing watchknight.

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


Thought it was about time id do something the forums again, starting off with my Thief. Just changed the mask from the orrian to duelist


Thief over powered skill

in Thief

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


Lol you don’t get it, the skill stuns before bursting lol other then that we move arround alot

Thief over powered skill

in Thief

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


Oh no it’s not skilled he just stood there and used the skill and it was gg, its not even that we just suck but if you have a skill that deals like 18k dmg with one button
its op

Thief over powered skill

in Thief

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


So let me get to the point where I found this out.

I was in WvWvW with 2 guildies, and we saw this single thief, now with 3 of us it should be an easy kill right? Wrong. This guy comes up to us, pops stealth gets close and pops the pistol whip skill (3rd skill with Sword Pistol) and we died in like a second.

What the skill does is, it stuns you and then bursts you down with 9 quick slashes. Now if your specs and armor is into precision and power those 9 slashes dmg will do alot of dmg, to the extend of getting us 3 with like using it 2 or 3 times since the Thief does not have cooldown.

The damage is insane, it took us out (Thief myself, another thief and a necro who changed to warrior) like we were nothing at all.

Better nerf dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Terrorcookie.8560


I don’t get what all the fuss is about. People take easy games for granted, finally there is something hard again and people are complaining because they’re not used to it. I’ve done most of the dungeons and i like them being a challenge, you need to communicate with your party. I hope they will not nerf the dungeons since they stated themselves that you need to cooperate and communicate with your party in order to succeed.

Edit: I do agree on the loot though, it’s not really that good for the difficulty of the dungeons.

Not that I care for the loot as much as most people though.

(edited by Terrorcookie.8560)