Showing Posts For Teufel.9864:
I see very few Engineers in WvW, but many Necros from my WvW experience, but I suppose it is down to the game mode your playing as I hear Engineers are very popular in sPvP at least. (sPvP I don’t play)
Leveled an Engineer recently as I didn’t understand how to counter them with my main character from just reading up and watching others, I actually enjoy playing it near on par with Mesmer fun for me as it feels like a very flexible class.
At the end of the day, just play whatever you enjoy the most and ignore what others do.
The normal question is between halting strike and mental torment. This depends on how often you’re able to get interrupts, but also how you want to play the build. Halting will generally give you more damage over time, but mental torment allows you to maximize your instantaneous burst.
i thought being that i’m all power, the torment dmg would be minimum at best. Not to mention easily cleansed.
Mental Torment is the 20% extra on Mind Wrack.
o my bad, drinking alcoholic beverages atm (graduated college yesterday party on over here
)… but my issue with that is what if they dodge your mind wreck? with that being said i have multiple ways to interrupt you. Just my opinion
Congratulations on graduating college.
How you play will decide the choice, I’m not very good at watching enemies for the interrupt game play, so I’ve not much use for on interrupt traits.
Players tend to try dodging when they see sword leap being used expecting the Mind Wrack to follow shortly after, but its possible to do Cry of Frustration/Diversion as a fake burst to force their endurance down for the real damage to follow.
The normal question is between halting strike and mental torment. This depends on how often you’re able to get interrupts, but also how you want to play the build. Halting will generally give you more damage over time, but mental torment allows you to maximize your instantaneous burst.
i thought being that i’m all power, the torment dmg would be minimum at best. Not to mention easily cleansed.
Mental Torment is the 20% extra on Mind Wrack.
This stealth thing happens with the Mad Kings outfit, looks funky tho! But outfits and mesmers another story. :P
Many games are BAAM lots of content and people power through then complain there is nothing else to do after several weeks compared to this games staggered smaller releases, keeps me coming back.
I feel like I’m in a minority that likes the living story vs expansion pack, don’t get me wrong, more quality content the better, but you usually don’t get much for free in this world…
My 2 pennies.
People need to eat on a regular basis to remain healthy tho…
Bought the Mad Kings Outfit due to the cosmetic change of my Charr’s tail which I find really cool.
As I need to play on lowest settings for WvW, everyone to me are shown as team colours and default models including my clones.
I wasn’t aware they were looking different to me until next morning when I turned up the graphics for some PvE, just thought I was just having a very bad night loosing most of the small roaming fights.
Game breaking bug for the Mesmer class, quite an I’M HERE sign above my head… this I do not find cool.
Don’t mesmers have enough toys already?
Centaur Runes + Endless Toymaker’s Tonic, another toy for people. :P
Just an idea I’ve had, AE for WvW, one trait(maybe a GM) could have been a -% damage taken on clones and phantasms for a second or two, which would have given a short window after cast to pull off shatters instead of instant death.