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Small ideas that would make a big difference

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thaz.5780


First I would like to say I am really enjoying GW2 and ANet made a good game. So I have a couple thoughts I’d like to share but this will more than likely get buried.

1) Zoom out further
I personally feel that in both PvP/PvE I am getting hit by enemies and then I have to start spinning my camera guessing which direction. I would like to at least be able to zoom out to at least the max distance of the damage. In PvP I get hit 2-3 times before I even know where I am getting attacked from.

I like the way the UI is laid out. My problem is with enemy health bars, friendly health bars, targeting, casting bar, etc.

Health bars – Friendly or Enemy needs to be larger. They are small and I find it hard to target them. I know you can tab, but sometimes I am casting and just want to cast a knockdown on one person.

Casting – I play a elem, and I have to cast everything. So I have to choose well when fighting other players. Having time on the cast would be great as well as enemy cast bars. Also while casting if I decide to dodge and that cancels the cast then it shouldn’t go on cool down.

Targeting – My targets portrait is small and I have no idea how much health he has. I don’t care if it is a number or a percentage but I feel numbers would help bring some form of finesse to the game, instead of this button mashing feel. Also I should be able to know who my target is targeting.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thaz.5780


I love the concept of raiding, but TBH, I hated the fact that we were locked into a set number of players. 10, 15, 25, 40, it didn’t matter, but those round numbers always left some level of disappointment when trying to organize. Either people were left out or people were randomly included.

I would like to see instanced content that scaled in difficulty based on the number of players attending.

I think making a boss that scaled with however many people would be AWESOME!! Would promote unity in a guild. There would have to be a cap though on people.