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I need a new goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Nexus.6589

The Nexus.6589

I find myself in need of a new goal to keep me interested, but I’m unsure of what I should be doing. The problem is the goal needs to be something I can do solo, or atleast, with a PuG. My guild seems to be a bit low on regular players right now, could have something to do with it being finals-season right now. Here’s a small list of things I’ve already done:

All of my gear is ascended except for the armor, which is exotic.
I’ve done every Tacoquilaquatl achievment there is.
My weaponsmithing is already 500, I have crafted my ascended greatsword.
My personal story is complete
I have 100% world completion
etc etc

I know I’ve by no means done everything in this game, there’s a lot of stuff for me to do. It’s just a problem to try to sync my schedule to that of the people I play with. Does anyone have any tips for what I could do on my own when no guildies are around? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: The Nexus.6589

The Nexus.6589

My other Norn, Dani Asgierdottir. The niece of Knut Whitebear, and granduaghter of Asgier Dragonrender.

It fits into the theme I guess, a lot of NPC norns use the “dottir” suffix, though I’ve never been a fan of that trope in games myself. I assume “Dani” is a hint to Daenerys from ASoIaF?

My main is called “Iroh Frostmane”, though I’ve been meaning to change it for quite some time. I want to get rid of the last name somehow. Atleast the “frost” part.