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[Video]Gw2 Short - Mad King's Council

in Community Creations

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

Hello me and a pal of mine just did this video and I thought I could share it here :P.

This is a short “machinima” esc video which is just meant to be something small and fun since I do love good old Oswald Thorn. Hopefully you enjoy the halloween theme even though it’s a bit late. ^

Sadly I could not find anyone with the Ignited Wraith Tonic so I had to use the poor man’s choice for that. Sadly aswell the video’s audio seemed to have goofed slightly which may have varied the audio more than it should this means there might be some bits with slightly lower audio but should not take away too much.

We plan on doing some more of these in the future cause why not. One problem is that I constantly have to take in consideration that we are only 2 people. If any of you ever get interested about helping out as just raw manpower sometime in the future do not be afraid to contact me

Thank you! And again hope you enjoy Probably cringey :P

*Also posted this on reddit if anyone is wondering:

(edited by The dude.9218)

TT Trolls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

Don’t know if this should be posted here but hey why not. Well I just came back from 2 TT tries and both failed thanks to mesmer trolls by putting down portals and lot’s of wooden swords and the like.

The first try the mesmer trolled at cobalt which prevented the bombs from being picked up.
The second try the mesmer trolled at amber and prevented the harpoon from being picked up.
This is really frustrating and annoying. Why anyone would do this? Beats me. But I would like to suggest that Anet actually do something about it. For one there is no good reporting for griefing as far as ive seen. I believe the best solution would be to create some sort of no portal/placeable item junk zone’s on this boss so as to prevent the trolls from ruining the game.
Wasted 1 hour doing TT now and im sorely disappointekitten

he only one with this feedback or are there more? And moreover is this too hard for Anet to do? Or is there some other more plausaible solution?


EDIT: My text seems strange. Disappokitten and he something something. Just me? :P

(edited by The dude.9218)

[Short Video] Simply Birds.

in Community Creations

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

This is a stupid video…I would it say if it is not pointless it’s definitley on the edge. Nevertheless I thought I would share this masterpiece! Enjoy!

World Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218


Am I the only one that remembers the big events when the beta sequences ended? Anybody remember the awsome event where Plains of Ashford got invaded by branded and when you died you became one? Well I do and I sure miss it. It really does what Arenanet always talks about, have the world feel alive. If they decide to continue with buffing up the bosses to feel more alive this could work quite good. Say you fail to defeat the Shatterer then maybe this event could trigger where the branded invade Plains of Ashford. Or they could have it more rare like it happens twice a week or maybe when alot of events has failed in branded areas something like that.

Now I wasnt able to experience the other ones and dont remember them but it was something similar. And events that effect a whole area like that is really awesome and I would love to see it now when the game is complete. It gives the game a changing aspect to it. Well that was all I had to say. Just wanted to refresh ppls memories. And hope that maybe Arenanet reads this and understand its potenial.

Some small suggestions :D

in Suggestions

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

Hello everybody Got some small suggestions here so ill get started.

1. This is a small not very important just for fun suggestion. I would like to see a book which you can write in like notes a note book. You could write important stuff that you maybe need to know like a note book is used for ^^or you could use it as a ingame diary or write your own lore for fun…for lore fans you could write in all your lore fragments which you find across the world :P

2. Now i would like to see the Guild Halls come here very soon as they have always been my favorite part of Guilds :P Now in GW 1 i loved just buying a bank to the guild hall and so on…which i of course expect will be for this guild hall aswell. Im in a 6 man guild so we arnt that many so Guild Halls should be workable with all. Maybe you could get choice of where to put banners and have a offcier quarter and so on just to put it up your face Anet so you come up with the idea to work more on this and add as much customization as possible.

Thats all for now i might return with more as i have more….but that will be another day.

Far Shiverpeak server Christmas party (video)

in Community Creations

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

Loud in what way :P? Music or….something else?

Are charr the oldest race in tyria?

in Charr

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

The Dwarfs are the oldest race if you dont count some other races that are mostly dead right now. Like the giants and so on. But otherwise the charr is probably the oldest race. Asura i dont know cuz they have been under ground. But i think the charr counts as the 2nd oldest race.

Far Shiverpeak server Christmas party (video)

in Community Creations

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

Well i thought i share this here. Most of us in the Far Shiverpeak server gathered in Lions Arch before wintersday to celebrate for the upcoming Wintersday. This was no guild but a bunch of ppl massing up and having fun. This was at the end of the party this was recorded so not as much ppl.

The song is swedish if you cant endure mute it and put something of your own on. Enyoy i think this server has a great community. Thanks Anet for making the game.

The Templar Order (TTO) is recruting

in Guilds

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

Still recruting

The Templar Order (TTO) is recruting

in Guilds

Posted by: The dude.9218

The dude.9218

TTO is a casual relaxing guild. Were under construction even though we are a headstart guild. We are searching mostly for scandinavien players to join our guild. We arent really focusing on stuff more enyoing the game like exploring doing jumping puzzels and maybe some dungeons and PvP. Your not needed to be that active or social but it would be nice. Our guild is located at the moslty scandinavien populated server Far Shiverpeaks. We hope you decide to join our guild. PM me for questions and inv. The character im playing mostly running around with is Termaire Dodel.