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[EU]Returning player looking for PvX guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheMock.6527


After getting HoTs and gotten my head stuck in some vines I’m looking for guild to call home. Prerably on Gandara server as it’s there I’m residing. I’m relaxed and mostly drama free. My drama comes in different sizes when they jump on my computer table and want scratsies (if that is even a word).

I’m 35 years old full time worker so my play time is in the evening (finnish time utc+2).

I like to do all content. Although haven’t even seen inside dungeons or fractals in this game. Raid is maybe later as I need better stuff to be even able to sneeze in that direction.

-TheMock.6527 (Mocki Tulisielu)

Returning player looking for guild. (Gandara)

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheMock.6527


After a long time away, I’m getting back to this game. Just about finishing personal story the first time and looking for something to do. Else than running after those world bosses for sweet(?) loot. That’s what got me burned up in the first place. Day after day just teleporting to next after next.

So I mean that I would like to run dungeons and maybe fractals if and when my equipment allows it.

I’m lv 80 (ele)mental. I also play ffxiv so my time is divided between these two games so I won’t burn up so badly in either one. Scheduling for anything is possible. So I’m not going to abandon the other for the other.

I’m 8-16 worker so my playtime is in the evenings. I have wife and 4 cats so they take some time as well. Those kittens. Well I hav chosen them so it’s my duty/pleasure to scratch where they itch. And one makes food for me and others just look cute.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheMock.6527


Submitted my ticket 21.2 and haven’t heard anything new about my ticket in a week submitted ticket after the first contact from support. Would like know if anything has been done or what might be the problem.


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheMock.6527


Tried to pay gems with Paypal, got “An error occurred finalizing your purchase”


LfGuild (PvE mainly) EU Ring of Fire

in Guilds

Posted by: TheMock.6527


Lifting the third page curse

LfGuild (PvE mainly) EU Ring of Fire

in Guilds

Posted by: TheMock.6527


Hi. I’m a new player and I’m looking for a guild. At the moment I mainly level up doing hearts, exploring and sticking my nose in as many events as I can find. And sometimes run away because a lonely ele can’t take on everything at once. I would like to be part of something bigger though. Not like Titanic big but a group of people whom I could play with.

I have a day job and a life(wife) so I can play in the evenings when my life doesn’t want/need attention. You know how it goes.

I can communicate in english and finnish or any combination of the two, depending on the blood/alcohol ratio I’m at that moment having. Not that I drink often. I don’t need to talk about the mysteries of the universe while in game. I turn to my cats for that. Those sneaky kittens know more than they are letting on. More unnecessary ramble right here.

I’m socially awkward (that darn blue penguing might be me), but if that hasn’t stopped me from getting a job and wife then it darnest shouldn’t stop you from recruiting me.