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Most NA servers "FULL" around the clock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOSC.7659


It must be a number of accounts, not active players. A month ago most servers were listed as not FULL every day, and there were a lot more people in LA and the zones. Now, it seems like 1/3 the population, but the servers remain FULL. I’d bet those banned account spots don’t get freed up either.

It is based on who is logged in as far as I can tell. I play on Gates of Madness and around 2-3AM CST it drops from full to high almost every night. Around 7-8CST it is back up to full. For some reason I don’t think that everyone is transferring out of the server in the middle of the night in unison. =P

Also I know when a server drops from full to high you can join because one of my friends got the game a few days ago and couldn’t hop in but right around that 2-3AM mark the server fell in population and now his Ranger and my Warrior can smash skulls all day. So yeah, I think it is based on number of logged in accounts on that server at that time. (you should also consider that the servers are “full” before they are actually full because they allow for buffer room to move players from map to map and to deal with currently based players being logged in.)

Next gw2 Expansion Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOSC.7659


A few things I want to point out.
1) Ritiualist was split between the engineer and the hunter
2) Dervish unfortunately have no place in lore since the gods have left any more so most likely wouldn’t return as Dervish.
3) Monk if it made a return would most likely be a martial artist with a restoration skill on spam

That being said…

Race: Tengu, They can be bright pink blood drinking eagles of freedom, what more could you ask for.

Profession: Battle Mage, I would like to see a game give me a full on melee mage class with plate and a shield. Not really a easy thing to put in game with out feeling like a mix of classes or overpowering it but I would like to play one.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOSC.7659


Did you read the post that they will be coming out with a blog post about it today.
And no it’s not the “ONLY” thing you can do, you can be patient and wait and see what is going to happen. THEN make your decision.

Jumping the gun on something we all know very little about is silly.

Blogpost is out and has close to zero information. Thanks for nothing, Anet. Still, points to an interview with an official who said they introduced teirs so players have someting to work for (I’m paraphrasing). You can keep your head firmly in the sand. I’m just sad they killed the single most appealing aspect of the game. I’ll still play until another game tries to truly ditch teired gear and then hope they will stick to it. But I’m not investing another Euro in this one.

Sigh. It was a fun half year while it lasted.

Stop having your knee jerk reactions to something that could be nothing.

And like poster Lord said… (Not THE Lord!) :P

In gw1 “infused armor” was specifically to address fighting mursaat. The same could be true here, where getting your armor infused (making it ascended) only specifically helps you against a certain type of enemy or in a certain location (i.e. the new dungeon).
//food for thought before you people all lose your minds

Stop telling people to stop reacting. after playing a few MMO’s in my day it has been my experience if players don’t stop a bad mechanic from entering the game it takes ages to get it out after its implemented. It is much better to over react and let the devs know what you think of the idea before they implement a potentially bad one. Worst case you are wrong about the feature and it works best case you stop a crappy idea from ruining the game.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOSC.7659


I don’t like the idea of a gear treadmill but you guys are skipping over the biggest difference in GW2’s gear and WoW’s. WoW had varying qualities of “Epic” gear, in GW2 all Exotics are on par with each other. So basicly if A-net adds in this new tier of gear, and allow it to be the final peak of progression, then fine get your 1 time boost out of the way A-net and leave it alone. However if it grows past the Ascended tier and we start seeing new content with Ubers or Turbo Exotics or something like that I will probably put the game down and move over to something else.

Also I’m more disappointed in the lack of response with this much outcry than I am in the announcement it’s self. After only a few hours of this news we have a 15 page QQ thread and the only response from A-net is some kitten forum mod telling us to keep QQing it up while he sips coffee and laughs at our plight. Arena net WHAT ARE ASCENDED ITEMS, your player base deserves to know if you are boning them.

Apparently a few seconds before I got this posted a dev said that there would be a blog post so here’s to hoping! <3

Off Hand Axe

in Warrior

Posted by: TheOSC.7659


axe off hand = suck
axe main hand = high DPS

But why do you think it sucks? From what I have seen it is a great weapon.

Off Hand Axe

in Warrior

Posted by: TheOSC.7659


Everyone seems to hate this weapon and yet I don’t see any reason to. Skill 4 gives furry and skill 5 has the highest adrenaline gain/fastest attack rate of any weapon option.

(Here is my build If any one is curious)

Currently I am running a Bulky DPS build on my warrior with Sword/Axe : Axe/Mace.

I think the big issue is for some reason everyone keeps trying to run Dual Axe, then when they see skill 5 doesn’t do MORE damage than skill 1 they discredit its other uses.

1. Adrenaline gain is vastly superior to any other options.
2. Stacking bleed/vulnerability with crits (Highest rate of attack on any weapon.)
3. Full 360 AOE damage not just

When you start trying to play with your adrenaline gain and weapons synergy Off-Hand axe gives you some awesome tools.

For example with my build

Sword Leap in
Axe 4 for Furry
Axe 5 (Stacks bleed and Vulnerability + Massive Adrenaline gain)
Weapon swap
Axe 2 (Vulnerability)
Mace 4 (Vulnerability)
Eviscerate (Max Adrenaline) with well over 10 stacks of vulnerability
Axe 2
Weapon Swap
Flurry (1 Bar Adrenaline)

You can pretty well repeat that over and over again thanks to the rate of adrenaline gain and the cool downs on each move lining up.

So yeah why all the hate for OH Axe?

About DR; Design Decisions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheOSC.7659


Its fairly obvious isn’t it?

You’re acting as if this was imposed on you without explanation.
As if you are discovering the truth about some horrid conspiracy.

Here it is though:

Time punishment= for exploits.
Path punishment= for encouraging variety.

I think the big issue is that you are not encouraged to run multiple paths when trying to get a set of gear. Right now I am trying to get the SE gear for my Warrior (Power,Toughness, Precision) and it is the only set that has those stats. So, Naturally I want to run that 1 dungeon more than any others. This leads to lack of diversity even with DR.