Showing Posts For TheOneToWatch.6238:

Community WvW matchmaking Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheOneToWatch.6238


T1 and T2 will get tired of only fighting each other, then eventually people will quit playing and they will not longer be those servers. Not to mention the tier’s are irrelevant with the new system they have going as far as what I read from what they had explained about how they were going to do things.

Proud Zergling of TC

Community WvW matchmaking Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheOneToWatch.6238


I think that we shouldn’t be lumping sever population in with WvW population. Clearly some of the low pop servers have more WvW players than some of the high pop servers.

If we can seperate WvW as a different game, because it is we’ll be a lot further towards balancing.

I agree with a lot that has been said. Increasing the population isn’t a good thing to do when those servers are already facing maps that are full non stop, even to the point that a base % of the WvW players can’t even play without waiting for 3 hours.

Man I am right there with you, that’s a great idea making the servers balanced by doing 2v1 fights. I mean it’s already imbalnced how much worse could it get?

Proud Zergling of TC

Calling all TC - Not a recruitment thread

in WvW

Posted by: TheOneToWatch.6238


Man I don’t know where everyone went, did half of TC just stop playing? A friend told me our server is full and he still can’t transfer over, yet we have some barren WvW maps. I hope more people get interusted soon. If you guys don’t know how to play or are just scared of WvW there are some bigger guilds on our server in there, just hop in and follow around 1 of their commander’s and listen when people tell you why or what to do.

PS: I miss our WvW maps popalation

Proud Zergling of TC

On behalf of TC: Sorry!

in WvW

Posted by: TheOneToWatch.6238


On our server I feel that this guild that started up is really made of those individuals you mention Rosie. Just hope others don’t judge us by their actions, lot of our dudes play hard and fairly.

Proud Zergling of TC

On behalf of TC: Sorry!

in WvW

Posted by: TheOneToWatch.6238


Man it relly gets my beard to have people saying bad things about our server…. There’s a new guild on our server that seems to be made of recycled members from the guilds that don’t put up with the kind of crap you guys saw being pulled last night.

Dudes, we’re sorry, don’t let a few bad apples let you think our whole server is like that. We’d like very much if you report every person you see on our server that does that kinda stuff.

Please don’t mention names or nothin here I’d like our server apology not to get locked.

Proud Zergling of TC