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Beautiful arah p2 pug story.
I join the “all welcomed” group.
From the start our guard complains about not having a thief for skips.
They all somehow make it to belka.
Party – 2 bearbow rangers with signet of stone and hunt, 1 full heal guard, warrior with banner of tactics and me.
We kill belka and someone relogs thief for the skip. I ran first but they all died so i finished the skip anyway.
I waited 20min for them to make the skip and ended up asking if i should solo.
Guard flames me that i’m not helping the team.
Guard uses WoR on 50% hp abom without any inquests nearby.
We make it to lupi and end up with 4 grubs because our guard cant dodge, but we killed him on the first try without OS.
I run to unlock WP, they all somehow die on the run from WP to alphard.
Alphard went kinda smooth and so did the last skip except one guy died.
We decided to kill Brie without him and after we killed her I left asap because the terminal was on 5%.
guard whispering me saying it’s my fault they all got teleported away.
guard telling me i’m immature for running first and not waiting for them.
Guard tells me to enjoy my speedruns and blocks me.
Tl;dr: Dont trust all welcome pugs and staff guards.
(edited by ThePoliticalchump.7510)