Showing Posts For Thebeginning.7053:
I’m looking for both kinds of guilds. I am a experienced pvper and raider. I have revenant geared for raids as well as warrior. I play necro/revenant/thief/warrior/guardian in spvp and place legendary regularly. With this in mind I’m searching for guilds that I can raid with or sPvP with or both.
Ruby t4 as of now.
I am a experienced pvper looking for a constant group to be able to Q with. I have a lot of experience playing Dragon Hunter Guardian, Power Shiro Revenant, Mallyx Condition Revenant, Minion Master Necro, Bunker Mesmer. Add me in game or just send me a message on here. Currently at Ruby and cannot stand losing because of pugs.
As a thief I can offer my services as a d/d zerk thief as well as p/d condi build to melt gaurdians and low vitality classes. As a warrior i can bunker condi as well as hambow. I am interested in a more hardcore tpvp group who is always willing to run. My thief is also a champion shadow. My name in game is Thebeginning and Lifesorigin. Respond/add me if interested in having me as a powerful addon to your team.
I, Thebeginning, Approve of the idea that rangers should get a dolyak pet. It is over-due that rangers gain a new pet. And in my opinion there is a great deal of skill sets that dolyaks could have.
Oh you remember me? from where?
I highly disagree. p/d can apply an immense amount more conditions due to the fact you can spam #5 skill making you stealth more letting you sneak shot more, which applies x5 bleeds. Plus, you get the benefit of shadow strike your #3 skill which applies torment stacks which are extremely useful against builds that have condi removal. I am a very good condition thief. I run 0-0-30-20-20. 3 runes of the afflicted and 3 of the krait for +30% condition duration. With shortbow and p/d. Carrion stat’d armor and dire stat’d ascended accessories. I literally can beat ANYONE 1v1 and win most 1v3’s. Utilites are caltrops, shadow refuge, and shadowstep. With bask venom elite and hide in shadows heal. P/P is bad.
I will duel you with my P/P spec and we can see who wins. What server are you. I promise you won’t get a shadow strike, and CnD on me.
I am Northern shiverpeaks.
I am a very avid wvw’er and I tend to do quite good with a odd build. I would like a way to record what I do and put on youtube and such. Is this possible?
I highly disagree. p/d can apply an immense amount more conditions due to the fact you can spam #5 skill making you stealth more letting you sneak shot more, which applies x5 bleeds. Plus, you get the benefit of shadow strike your #3 skill which applies torment stacks which are extremely useful against builds that have condi removal. I am a very good condition thief. I run 0-0-30-20-20. 3 runes of the afflicted and 3 of the krait for +30% condition duration. With shortbow and p/d. Carrion stat’d armor and dire stat’d ascended accessories. I literally can beat ANYONE 1v1 and win most 1v3’s. Utilites are caltrops, shadow refuge, and shadowstep. With bask venom elite and hide in shadows heal. P/P is bad.
Why would they nerf shortbow… Anet you have failed.
That was the only unbelievable nerf I’ve seen. It’s just cruel to nerf shortbow.
Now it’s balance is upset and it’s going to need something to fix it, like faster bomb speed or longer range.
Just change it back in my opinion, i can’t handle that I’m a shortbow thief.
Why would they nerf shortbow… Anet you have failed.