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One Token to rule them all...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Theophillus.3026


One token to rule them all.
Any character to find them.
One vendor to bring them all,
And in the forge bind them.

The main problem we see with a universal token system, is that players will find the easiest dungeons they can do within the DR system’s influence range, and just do them over and over.
It would be like if people could use all their CoF tokens from the speed/exploit clears, and buy up Arah Dragon armor. Were that the case, the armor itself would have no real value behind it. When you look at a player and you see a full suit of dragon armor, you know that they did a certain thing to get that armor. With a universal token system, you lose that sense of knowledge of what another player has gone through to get what they have.

What if instead of universal tokens, you could trade tokens for tokens on the trading post (similar to trading gems for gold)? That way the market could determine how much the different dungeon tokens are worth relative to each other. Is Arah much harder than CoF? The market will reflect that. Someone just find a new way to beat Arah more easily? Prices will adjust.

Or maybe use the TP to trade dungeon-specific tokens for universal tokens which could then be traded for different dungeon-specific tokens (that way you have fewer exchange rates: 8 increasing linearly with new dungeons instead of 28 increasing exponentially with new dungeons). Of course you’d have to start the market off with a few dungeon-specific tokens for trade from each dungeon (so the first people would have something to buy the general tokens for), and some people would effectively get free dungeon tokens until the exchange rates reach market levels.

Charm/Ferocity/Nobility - different only in spelling.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Theophillus.3026


Things that personality could/should affect:

  • NPC dialogue in your home instance
  • Your character’s idle animations
  • Items (esp. cosmetic ones) that would only be equippable w/ a certain personality

Ideally it would affect your dialogue in story cutscenes as well – this should be included in future expansions.

Those first two seem like they’d be relatively easy to implement, especially since they already have preexisting emotes to work with.

God Blessing/Cycle/Spirit/Mentor... do nothing?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Theophillus.3026


I suspect that these options were originally intended to provide you with a mentor to do what the member of Destiny’s Edge does in the actual game.

Then they probably decided that they’d rather write and record a single set of dialogue using a Destiny’s Edge member (for whom they’d already hired a voice actor) than write and record 4-6 different sets of dialogues with different voice actors.

This way, they also get you familiar with Destiny’s Edge earlier, although it does seem odd that a Destiny’s Edge member would be so interested in you so early on (IMO, having a regular mentor would provide more of a sense of progression).

Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Theophillus.3026


Mine has never shown up – not in character creation, not in the game.

Is the Nightmare Court truly evil?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Theophillus.3026


Riku I think the reason I’m questioning the moral stance of the Nightmare Court is somehow related to what is happening right now in the real world. First of all, just as a disclaimer, I do not condone terrorism in any form, in the same way that spreading corruption/destruction is not a morally gray area for me – it is clearly evil. However, if you look deeper into the issue, there’s a reason why terrorists become terrorists. I would like to believe that people /sylvari are not inherently born evil.

FWIW, I think even those who talk about people being “born evil” don’t mean that most people are out there saying “I want to do all the evil I can.” Instead, they mean that people have evil tendencies that they usually indulge through rationalization (often not fully conscious rationalization) rather than through openly choosing evil. Most of the worst people in history claimed to be doing what was right, and history’s worst atrocities were called benevolent by their perpetrators. The problem isn’t that people are actively trying to do evil – the problem is that for whatever reason (be it an innocent mistake, deliberate self-deception, or anything in between), they’re convinced that the evil they’re doing is actually good (or, at least morally acceptable).

I think the same reasoning applies to the Nightmare Court. Sure, their motivations are noble (from their point of view), but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be characterized as evil – if it did, no one could really be called evil (except maybe certain sadistic criminals, although even they could possibly be characterized as insane rather than as being motivated by evil).

Asura Warrior vs Asura Guardian

in Asura

Posted by: Theophillus.3026


I main an Asura Guardian and I have to say that Banish (the hammer 4 knockback skill) never gets old – the larger the enemy the better. It’s just fun to run up to an ettin several times your size and launch him like a golf ball.

And, yeah, Guardian fits the Asura culture a bit better than Warrior, although I’ve always assumed that all Asura use special armor that enhances their physical prowess (which is how they can run/jump/hit as effectively as a Charr or Norn; watching them swim looks like they must have an outboard motor).