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Probably the best build in Tyria

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


Hard to take this as a “best” build with a random Pirate rune in there.

That’s what I thought as well. :P
But that’s obviously a “placeholder”, so put in there what ever you like.
I love Condi/Trap builds, so I will give this one a try during the next days.

Rapid Fire - 8x instead of 10x?

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


But it should also be easier to dodge. I can dodge two times while Rapid Fire is channeled. With 10x it’s nearly impossible to dodge ALL hits. With just 8x I think it might be possible.

Rapid Fire - 8x instead of 10x?

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


ok, thats another thing. I thought you just wanted us to fire two times less (wich would result in less dmg if they don’t adjust the animation)
But honestly I don’t care how many shots are fired if the result remains the same.

Rapid Fire - 8x instead of 10x?

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


Seriously, wrong part of the forum to ask for a nerf o.o
Go for mes/war/thief forum

Ranger and rifles

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


I’d rather just see Rangers be made the class that’s best with a bow, which is only logical. Until GW2 adds LotR Elves as a class, Rangers should be second to none when it comes to bows.

You refer to LotR but wasn’t Aragorn the Ranger?

Aragorn was the ranger, spent more time with a sword than a bow and Legolas was an elven soldier.

That’s exactly what I mean, everyone expect the Ranger to be an Archer. LotR gives us an good example that not every Ranger is an Archer. :P
Btw I play my Ranger as Archer too…so^^

To stay Ontopic:
Rifles are a very good idea IMO
Should be something with spread dmg, knockback/stun and a cripple

(edited by Think.9740)

Ranger and rifles

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


I’d rather just see Rangers be made the class that’s best with a bow, which is only logical. Until GW2 adds LotR Elves as a class, Rangers should be second to none when it comes to bows.

You refer to LotR but wasn’t Aragorn the Ranger?

What pet do you want to get for Wintersday?

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


Seriously no one mentioned Rudolph? Or a reindeer in general?

What elite skill?

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


I prefer Entangle over Rampage as one, in WvW/PvP most people need quite some time to realize why they can’t move so you’ll get some time for getting away/doing damage.
In dungeons I mostly kite away 1-2 mobs from my group and Entangle saved me hundreds of times while kiting certain mobs. My problem with Rampage in dungeons is that my pet is either passive or dead, so the boon only affects me.

Are rangers in really as bad of shape as they're being made out to be?

in Ranger

Posted by: Think.9740


like told before

PvP: rangers mostly suck, well they don’t really suck but they are worse then other profs.
PvE: kind of boring to play but not useless at all
Farming: that’s where I love my ranger, thanks to your pet it’s pretty easy to farm nodes and such things, orr has never been easier for me than with my ranger.