Showing Posts For Thomas.3524:
Thank you..i do it for fun..i do only 5 videos and i like it,but i think this is my best video…;-)
Thank you so much for positive comments,I am happy when someone tell me:You have nice video,its really fine read this words.I wanna make this video because i wanna show how can be warrior strong with this weapons against some players.I dont make this video because i wanna fame or say about myself,,I am awesome warrior´´Its only short movie where you can see high criticals and action moments.Long videos with long fights bored me.I do,what i like.Yes,my video is about Bulls Charge,Frenzy,Hundred Blades and Eviscrate,and who cares?I am rank 20,i havent too much experince with other weapons.But i thank you even for negative comments,now i know what to do better. I am begginer in making videos,this video have a few efects what i know in Sony Vegas,but i wanna learn more. I must thank again who enjoy my video.If you wanna ask me for anything you can tell me that here or in game.
And who like my video,please comment,like,share,send friends on youtube,thank you again so much and sorry for my bad english..;-)
(edited by Thomas.3524)
Yeah..its a warrior spell on greatsword..:P
Thank you so much..its make me happy..;-)
Hi,I wanna present my short pvp movie,I hope you like,share and enjoi..;-)