Showing Posts For Thorus Balthazar.4730:

Halloween Events and Mini-Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

what time does the halloween event start?

let the enemy W3 players be able to see our /s

in WvW

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

You guys are fantasizing if you think their wont be WvW trash talk if they open up the chat. hell, i already see enough intraworld trash talk between members of my team.

"Snowballing" issue in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

What if they made it so the third place world was able to carry 20 supplies….

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

Well, the reason i want em all vets or higher is simply because they go down too fast. they do not have the hp to survive the initial aoe, and since they all spawn in a group, they barely render before they are dead. If they were vets and spread out when they spawn, at least people would be able to see em, target em, and get a few hits in before they died. Maybe even give them a buff so that if they get hit while they are spawning it knocks down whoever hit them (like that monk elite in gw1).

And the reason I want the rare materials and items to be spread across all the zones, not just the level 80 zones is because a player can go even to their starting area and do DE’s and get close to the same amount of karma as they do in orr for completing 1 event. However, the loot that drops in that zone is for people in that level range, which is fine. BUT, there is the opportunity to drop rare materials, crafting items, unique looking weapons that people will want to transmute, cosmetic items, fireworks, buff items, etc. that are level indifferent in those zones too so that they are useful for everyone. And, if you make some items unique to a certain zone, people are forced to go to that zone if they want that item.

PVP help, Getting chased down by everyone

in WvW

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

If you have spike trap or chill trap unlocked, if i am being pursued i like to throw down a chill trap and it will slow down everyone chasing me who runs through it.

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

Also, another thing, I think they should even out rare materials or unique drops between the zones instead of concentrating the rarest stuff in the level 80 zones because now people have no reason to scale down and play through events in the other zones. heck, make some rare drops unique to certain zones

DE Farming in ORR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

Please make the DE mobs in Orr vets or higher to make it more challenging then just spamming your AOE abilities at their spawn point hoping you will get enough damage on some of em to get loot before they die.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Thorus Balthazar.4730

Thorus Balthazar.4730

Here is an idea for those servers with a queue, to make the queue move faster. Make it so that when you die in WvWvW, and there is a queue, you get bumped. This would shorten the queue times dramatically because people will be dying all the time.