Showing Posts For Thunder.1093:

Operation : Union Bringing Players Together 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thunder.1093


Name: Thunder
Main Character: Kronthaurus (Warrior)
Current Region/Server: Jade Quarry (NA)
Interested Activities or specific things you want help with: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, Living World, pretty much anything lol
Active: Mainly evenings, BR time.
Additional Comments: I’m interested in being able to play alongside other people, now that I feel kinda isolated in the game.
Do you want to be a member of the guild Legion of Honour Y/N: y
Are you happy for people to contact you directly (whisper/PM) Y/N: y

Living World Season 2 Story Achievements

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thunder.1093


Hey guys, so I was unable to play for a long time, and now that I’m back, I’m having a lot of trouble getting the Season 2 Story achievs by my own. So I was wondering if there were more people having this kind of issue, and willing to maybe play along these lines together, not only to make it easier for everyone who wanna complete all the chapters, but also make it more entertaining while doing so. Well, anyways, if someone is interested, please let me know, leave your nick here, so we can eventually reach out to each other. Thanks in advance!
edit: I’m from Jade Quarry, NA, and currently in Dragon’s Reach part 1.

(edited by Thunder.1093)