Showing Posts For Thyrian.3541:

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


Changing the client to use port 80 isn’t against the rules, its an option for debugging. It’s main purpose is to work around firewalls, since port 80 is usually allowed for website access.

Keep in mind that your ISP may also throttle or cause other side effects on that port because they might optimize it for web traffic, so doing this won’t work for everyone. Using a VPN is the only other option. If either of these options work, you’ve practically confirmed that you’re being throttled by your ISP.

I so wished this worked for me but unfortunately it does not

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


It’s easy. Tell your friends and anyone considering GW2 to spend their precious money elsewhere. Even if GW2 is at 50% off, it’s not worth the experience of being tossed to the side for weeks, even months, whenever there’s a problem

And this is the problem. I’ve been playing for nearly two years and NEVER had a connection problem or excessive lag. I’m willing to wager a large majority of players are the same so there is something unique about those who are constantly experiencing problems.

I have been playing this game since August 2012 with no problems at all, but i am also unable to play this game at the moment, starting a week ago. Please check the merged topic on here and see for yourself that a lot of people like me are having disconnects and massive lag lately. Players from all over the world.

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


Your location: The Netherlands
Time and date of incident: Since at least one week ago… (GMT +1)
Game World: Vabbi

Description: Unable to play normally, pushing a skill takes multiple seconds to see them work. A lot of lag overall, one or multiple disconnections every half hour.

Hello? Time to wake up Anet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


If this were a server side issue then it would effect everyone, sorry this is not the case. Unfortunately the Internet is a really fickle place right now with governments sorting out net nutrallity laws, ISPs throttling connection, backbone providers selling off bandwidth to the highest bidders and bad or poorly maintain infrastructure. It’s not just GuildWars you go to any online game support forums and the number one complaint is lag and disconnects. I’m just saying it most likely is not the game but the Internet in general and I don’t think there is a fix for it any time soon. Just give it a day or two maybe it will clear it self up or submit a support ticket.

This game worked a lot better the past 2 years. Only the last week(s) more and more topics about lag and disconnects are popping up. Besides this game my internet works fine, no problems at all. To say it’s not the game is ridiculous, we are not talking about a little lag here and there, disconnects every few minutes make it totally unplayable at the moment.

Unable to login and constanct disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


Same thing here, me and my brother are unable to play this game. Been trying for almost a week now…. Major lag and disconnects every few minutes…

disconnect every 5 - 10 min

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


Same thing here, me and my brother are unable to play this game. Been trying for almost a week now…. Major lag and disconnects every few minutes…

Unplayable because of disconnects and lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


My brother and i are having troubles playing this game recently. Disconnects (Code=7:11:3:191:101) are happening every 5-10 minutes while massive lag occurs the whole time. We never had this issue before and there is nothing wrong with our internet or firewall as everything else just works normally.

What is going on here? I see more people with this same problem but not an answer from a dev yet. Is it being worked on? Is the problem even recognized? We need help with this as we really can’t play it at the moment. It worked fine for more than 2 years.

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


Nice places!

I also like to go off the map exploring sometimes. I know a very easy one, which i’m suprised you haven’t found it yet.

I can show it to you if you like, It’s a nice mountain climb.