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Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Event rewards still bugged. After the patch I did the Brisbane events and got a total of 30 blooms so I thought “great, it’s working.” Went and did the Kessex event, 14 or so stacks at the end, no reward. Then I did the Diessa event, 17 stacks at the end, no reward but I still had the buff on my bar after the event ended. After the break I just did the Brisbane event and once again, no reward.

So let’s see, Mordrem event bugged from the start. The event before this the Golem Rush in WvW, bugged the entire week it ran with people exploiting the golem buff bug so they could run around and do massive damage. I know there are going to be some hiccups when an event goes from small scale testing to a wide release but come on, these are some event breaking bugs.

WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Man you sure do die a lot.

Only when I come up against those who use exploits. And if you look, I’m only dead twice in the pics I posted. It’s sort of hard to go up against multiple people at the same time all of whom are using the same cheat.

WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


report them to anet, naming and shaming on the forums is a no-no and can get you infractions/banned.

I’m not naming anyone. I’m just showing the widespread abuse that Anet has yet to even admit. Instead of fixing it or just ending the event they let the cheating continue with impudence. At this point not only are the cheaters at fault, it’s looking like Anet is advocating it.

WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


How about this person who can’t fight their way out of a paper bag without cheating:


WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


I guess they probably won’t.


WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Will the cheating cheaters ever stop cheating?


WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Don’t mess with this guy, he’ll cheat just to win.


WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Here’s another “pro” busy at exploiting, err, work….


WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Holy leggings Batman! Another cheater!


WvW cheaters abound

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Here’s some pics of just a few of the cheating exploiters in WvW this week. They love to stand right outside the spawn point and kill. Funny thing is, their servers are all losing.


Anet, you need to start banning people..

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


How exactly do you plan to distinguish between the two groups of people ? We’ve established that it’s very easy to unintentionally get the buff. Should people be expected to log out/switch maps and have to wait in Queue again every 5 min in order to avoid being lumped in with the ones you want banned ?

Since the event started I’ve gotten the bug by accident one time. Once. As soon as I saw it on my buff bar I logged out of WvW and back in (no queue at that time). I guess I’ve got more honor and integrity than those players who choose to just go with it.

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


With all the screw ups in the Golem Rush event why would I ever want Anet to implement another special WvW event? What bugs and exploits will the next event bring? Own up and fix your current problems instead of looking to make more.

Golem Rush Event Bugs [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tieris.5317


And another person exploiting:


Golem Rush Event Bugs [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tieris.5317


And another cheater:


Golem Rush Event Bugs [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Here’s a cheater:


Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


I dont even know whats worse anymore, the kittenty event or the fact that it makes players go after each other like a pack of rabid starved wolves. Who are we supposed to be angry at again?

Angry at the people who want everyone and their mother banned but are using the exploit themselves? Or do you mean ANet?

Hop on over to my server and follow me around. I’ll show you an honest player who doesn’t use exploits like you. I’m far from the best and die a lot but I do it all on my own without resorting to the unethical.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


WvW is ruined forever! (Tears)
Look at all these guys just chillin here peacefully dueling despite the exploit.. I thought the buff ruined WvW guys? btw this has beeen going on like this all day.
Could you guys be over reacting a bit?

I’ve seen screenshots of your guildies spawn camping others with the buff. So in a way you guys are ruining it for people that you kill that do not take part in exploiting the game.

So, don’t pretend you never had the buff on you. Don’t pretend that 7 people with the buff have an unfair advantage against zergs mad of golems with 100s of thousands of hp,
And last, make the fight “fair” and get the buff yourself or simply log off if you aren’t willing to get the buff in order to have a fair fight with others who have it.

So what you’re saying is to join the cheaters? So typical of your mentality. You also know that players on foot with the exploit bug have so much more mobility and do more damage than golems “with 100s of thousands of hp.” A golem is stuck facing one direction when attacking and cannot move whereas players can constantly move while attacking not to mention have many more attacking options.

Sorry, I don’t want to be a cheat like you.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Upgrading and defending isn’t roaming….It’s upgrading and defending. Im talking about small man roams that look for skirmishes. Dueling is a crucial part of sharpening your skills and making you a better player. Dueling spots in WvW definitely have their own culture and strengthen the community as a whole. I have made so many friends dueling in WvW that I would have never met waiting in OS. I have also recruited good players I have met in duels to my guild that I have played with for years. It is a part of WvW whether you acknowledge it or not and it isn’t going anywhere.

So you all cheat together? That’s not recruiting “good players,” that’s recruiting liars and cheats.

All you have to do to lose the buff is zone out of WvW and back in. If you had any scruples at all that’s what you would do. But we all know that answer to that.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


So yes, winning a 15v50 against HoD is just because maguumans have a double damage buff? Yeah I don’t think so. I have witness today blobs of 60+ HoD (50%golems) lose to 15 maguumans who had the buff, it just makes the odds closer.

Not fighting HoD this week.

The reason the characters on foot who are exploiting this bug are winning is because they are more mobile, have more attacks and do more damage than the golems. Although, despite the bulk of the Maguuma server cheating in WvW this week they are still in 3rd place (currently). SBI seems to be a bit more honorable with many fewer people exploiting.

Anet, end this event.

Sry it’s CD this week, a even more salty server. Btw you win because your population is 5x as high as maguumas, sbi even more so. Don’t pretend CD never got 15v50ed by maguumans before the buff and pls do not lie and say your server does not abuse it.

When was the last time CD was against Mag? I can’t think any week in recent memory that we were matched up together so no, CD has not been “15v50ed” by your cheating server. Try again.

Just stay on the topic. That being a bunch of people cheating by exploiting the fact that you seem to want to cut hairs over typos and minor points tells me you must be a cheater too.

I was responding to a post by Sadrien. While his post was off the topic at hand it was nothing more than a reply. I invite you to follow me in WvW any time you want to see if I’m exploiting, cheating, hacking, etc. You will see that I don’t play that game. Name the time and place then host on over to CD.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


This is not just a problem with our matchup this week, I’m sure it’s happening in every WvW match in the game. Do I know how to get this exploit buff? Yes. Have I done it? No. I prefer to win or lose my games honestly.

WvW Golem EXPLOIT is widespread

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


No surprises that this guild is exploiting the hell out of the bug.

I’ve personally reported 2 of the 4 you pictured several times over the past couple days and yet nothing has been done, no word from Anet. It’s disappointing to say the least.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


That’s what we are doing in CD, 40 people just reported every single person we saw with the buff and not in a golem.

Is this why your server always stands in wells and die?

You’re losing your cool and just attacking people now Sadrien. Evidently the truth hurts Let’s see what insults you throw next popcorn

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Keep in mind lots of hackers on sbi and in general WvW go around unpunished.

—> report them as well, of course they should get banned as well. I have never seen any of the things you talk about on SBI, never seen players speed-hacking or warriors using ele skills and stuff like that. Imho hacking cannot be tolerated. Bug-abusing should be neither though.

I’ve been reporting everyone, friend and foe alike, for bug exploiting. Tonight I finally got tired of the cheating and no response at all from Anet so instead of just reporting everyone I started taking screenshots.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


It aren’t that many different people using the bug, I have seen the same guys over and over again (but many run with other guild names now so it isn’t that obvious that they are all from the same guild) and see the Maguumas here on screenshots over and over again. They must have 100s of reports now.

They had a massive personal advantage through the weekend with lots of rewards and level-ups. I think the punishment has to be accordingly to show this guys and any other ones that bugusing should not be used next time when you are able to.
Most of us know how to abuse this bug. But we don’t do it and get punished by dieing to bugusers, losing objectives and siege to them, etc. SBI communicates to the players not to use the bug even if people are dieing over and over again to bugusers, most players are honorable. But some people may get the wrong idea now: that bugusing is ok, because Arenanet doesn’t do anything about it. If there are no consequences, why shouldn’t you do it for more personal rewards?

Imho it is really sad that there is no official response or action yet. It ruins an otherwise funny and interesting event that should bring new players to wvw and instead frustrates the long-term wvw-guys and new players just the same. And for me that’s just because the bugs do not get fixed fast enough.


WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Here’s a cheater.

Here’s another cheater.

And another cheater.

Ban them.
Ban them all.
If they can’t play by the rules, then they don’t deserve to play period. The moment they decided to intentionally exploit the game for their own benefit whilst abusing other players in the process, they violated the Terms of Service in an appalling manner. I don’t see why they should be allowed to play anymore.

Keep in mind, players have been banned for lesser offenses…

Keep in mind lots of hackers on sbi and in general WvW go around unpunished. Your own server is populated by a significant number of hackers and I don’t see you advocating them being banned.
Notable common occurrences, SBI player has speed hacks, SBI player kills you w/o leaving damage in your damage log greater than 50% of your hp, SBI warrior ( still roams on sbi) uses elementalist skills and these are all pulled from the same day.

All hackers and exploiters need to be punished no matter what the server. It just so happens that this week your server is fielding the majority of the cheaters. Just look at the “kitten ” guild and find one of them that ISN’T using the exploit.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


So yes, winning a 15v50 against HoD is just because maguumans have a double damage buff? Yeah I don’t think so. I have witness today blobs of 60+ HoD (50%golems) lose to 15 maguumans who had the buff, it just makes the odds closer.

Not fighting HoD this week.

The reason the characters on foot who are exploiting this bug are winning is because they are more mobile, have more attacks and do more damage than the golems. Although, despite the bulk of the Maguuma server cheating in WvW this week they are still in 3rd place (currently). SBI seems to be a bit more honorable with many fewer people exploiting.

Anet, end this event.

Sry it’s CD this week, a even more salty server. Btw you win because your population is 5x as high as maguumas, sbi even more so. Don’t pretend CD never got 15v50ed by maguumans before the buff and pls do not lie and say your server does not abuse it.

When was the last time CD was against Mag? I can’t think any week in recent memory that we were matched up together so no, CD has not been “15v50ed” by your cheating server. Try again.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


So yes, winning a 15v50 against HoD is just because maguumans have a double damage buff? Yeah I don’t think so. I have witness today blobs of 60+ HoD (50%golems) lose to 15 maguumans who had the buff, it just makes the odds closer.

Not fighting HoD this week.

The reason the characters on foot who are exploiting this bug are winning is because they are more mobile, have more attacks and do more damage than the golems. Although, despite the bulk of the Maguuma server cheating in WvW this week they are still in 3rd place (currently). SBI seems to be a bit more honorable with many fewer people exploiting.

Anet, end this event.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


And another cheater:


WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Here’s another cheater:

Four of us can’t even take this camp because there are 3 enemies, 2 of which are abusing the golem exploit, we all get downed in 2 hits. This is BS.


(edited by Tieris.5317)

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Here’s a cheater:

And as far as I’m aware this is not naming/shaming because there is no name associated with any of these pictures. If it breaks the posting rules I’m sorry, please take them down.


(edited by Tieris.5317)

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


I doubt Anet would ban them but I can dream……. As soon as the exploit bug was noticed it should’ve been hotfixed or the event suspended but apparently Anet doesn’t care about massive exploiting. They haven’t even made a comment on it yet and the bug has been known for 3+ days.

I got a lot of faith back in Anet with the redesign of Lion’s Arch and the new trait changes but this event b.s. is two steps back for them. Don’t get me wrong, in WvW our server is still winning at this point despite a large percentage of our opponents running entire zergs with the exploit bug (mainly the cheaters, err players on Maguuma, to a lesser extent SBI).

I hope all these people I’m reporting get at least a week suspension. This is pretty much a WvW breaking bug that we’ve nothing from Anet about. I encourage everyone to keep reporting the exploiters.

WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Just got ganked by an exploiting thief for 40k. Yeah, this event makes the game real fun Anet.


WvW golem rush exploiting

in WvW

Posted by: Tieris.5317


Anet, please, please, PLEASE end this awful event. So many people exploiting the golem buff bug is making WvW even less playable than before. Most of the Maguuma server is exploiting this bug and pretty much all of the guild “kitten ” uses it. How fun is it when a single player with this exploit can solo an omega golem?

Please either fix this bug or pull the dang event now. Until then I’ll be reporting every single player, friend or foe, who exploits this bug. I think the exploiters need a week long GW2 vacation (suspension) or outright ban.

Golem Rush Event Bugs [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tieris.5317


The concept of the golem rush event is entertaining but the event itself is a horrible failure. So many people abusing the Supercharged Golem buff while not in a golem is making WvW unplayable. It doesn’t matter how well you play your class when another player exploiting the bug can kill you in two hits or less. You can’t even report the players for exploiting the bug because the reporting system doesn’t have an option for this.

Fix the bug or delete the event please. It has taken any entertainment out of WvW.