Showing Posts For TinaH.3806:
Welcome back, WvW is now on life support. The above 2 replies pretty much summarizes everything.
I can’t say much about the catapults as I prefer to do the killing so others can take care of those details.
- Points per kill will be turned on and kept on. This is to more directly recognize the contribution that fighting other players adds to the success of the world.
- The number of players who can rally off a single kill has been reduced from five to one. Players will also no longer be able to revive defeated players while in combat. You still will be able to revive downed players while in combat. Both of these changes are designed to help fights resolve and to give smaller, more skilled groups a better chance against larger groups.
First thought: happy dances No more zombie blobs! Though, pin-sniping will still be an issue… I’m indifferent towards the 1-to-1 rally, our dead normally are left dead until we actually have breathing room to revive them (after the fight) else they are to run back. Given that we normally run 10-20 man including a few pugs/militia with/without communication.
Please let us know what you think of these changes. We’re going to hold off on picking a release date until we have a chance to review your feedback, but we’d like to target early 2016. So please add your feedback about these proposals to this thread.
Is there a more definitive time? Most guildies are on vacation, especially our leader. First raid is Jan 2nd for us. Thank you for updating us, I’ve already notified some people for discussion.
The only things I’m still immediately concerned about are:
- Numerous tight spaces on the new borderlands maps that are high-traffic, making it difficult to maneuver out of large amounts of damage in the first place.
- Certain builds in particular (especially for the battleship meta) added onto the previous point are also difficulties we face and make it extremely difficult to engage.
- PvE mobs and events on WvW map; though the laser might help, based on my own experiences it seems to help the larger group that is dominating the map instead. Trees get in the way of sight and hitting PvE mobs while travelling does get aggravating.
- It is wrong for us to know whom exactly was interviewed, though I’m concerned of the sample and sample size of the commanders interviewed. I have heard of Reyana (assuming they are of Blackgate) even though I’m primarily T2; so knowing her by good reputation means something already (a good thing). My issue is that if the sample are primarily T1 commanders, it still might cater towards larger scale fights (25 minimum) if we don’t know all the details. I have also heard that a TC commander whom has relatively recently looked into GvGs have been interviewed.
- Over time due to the changes, I’ve become… paranoid in a way, are those the only things possibly being changed and are there other things that have already been decided to be changed?
Still, once again… Thank you for shining some light. Leaks of the “WvW Tourney” already sent a panick and sense of defeat in those I enjoy fight with/against.
Disclaimer: I prefer small and medium sized group fights and activities, and I dislike laggy-tastic giant server fights. If you like what I dislike, I won’t hate you; I just hope you won’t hate me.
So since we have the “Undermanned” buff when a particular server on a particular map has extremely low numbers compared to the other servers on said map, what if we have an “Overpopulated” debuff when there is a queue on the map?
Let’s say Server A on Map A has no queue, but Server B has a queue (which might result in a map blob by itself; “might” being the key word). Even if Server A doesn’t have the Undermanned buff, Server B will have the “Overpopulated” debuff to help even out the playing field just the tiny bit more.
I do not think that the “Overpopulated” debuff should stack on other maps or else that will utterly destroy T1 (which I do not want either).
I’m not number grinder, but the debuff can be anything from stats to maybe even stability gained (mosh pit) or cooldown increase (friendly-fire?).
Thoughts would be awesome!
Due to how balanced it was for a small guild to do the challenge last week and everyone got credit, I’m trying to get my friends more into playing WITH each other in the game by trying to get a regular guild mission going and even doing a spontaneous one a couple days ago.
We had 5 people and worked with another small guild. We didn’t get our chests in the Puzzle (Langmar), bounty was fine, Race (Quaggan Paddle) we lined up and helped other guilds with theirs as we couldn’t share; for a couple guilds I even made it through 3 times for them (that’s 20% of the requirement).
Did missions again today with a larger guild, did not get credit for BOTH puzzles.
It would definitely be nice to know that someone is looking into this. I’m expecting Squad UI, Raids, etc. are gonna be buggy and I’ll be fine with that, but this is content that’s currently in the game that I hope get fixed soon.
1) Describe a typical hour for you in the Alpine Borderlands in the past. For example, What size of group were you running in? What kind of tasks did you run? What activities did you do?
I normally do WvW in a guild group that is normally around 10-15 man. We normally seek fights and to improve from doing so. We usually look around for fights while getting used to the new map in general.
Right when the middle event came up for people to collect items from PvE mobs with gears above them and to bring them to certain NPCs, we got hit hard by lag to the point that fighting medium-sized groups was extremely difficult due to skill lag and getting hit by things that do not show up (granted, some things we might just not recognize just yet due to the new skills that came with HoT). Therefore, we dread that event appearing since. Last time we decided to finish it asap to get rid of the lag only to have another event appear that has significantly less lag <insert PvE-disliking guildies’ complaints here>.
Our driver also needs a google maps; we kept getting lost.
2) Compare your experience described above with a typical hour spent in Eternal Battlegrounds, if you went there at all. Does your style of play change between the 2 maps?
Everyone prefers to be in EBG due to less possible lag, we also get to run normally as we already know the map. The issue is that there seems to be an increased amount of lag compared to before where fighting just 1 blob causes the same amount of lag as 2 blobs from before. We only have those blobs to fight else we’d avoid the enemy blobs as much as possible; part of it may be because everyone is trying to get into EBG to avoid the BLs.
3) Compare your experiences described above with an hour spent in the new borderlands.
Hard to judge, I want to judge after the lag is hopefully mostly removed. So far, numbers and cc (soft and hard crowd control) are king.
4) Describe the nature of combat in the borderlands in the past. How have the new borderlands impacted this paradigm for you? What style or build changes might it cause? For example, knocking people off cliffs or into lava might play a more important role.
The new borderlands makes it difficult to find other groups to fight plus more linear fighting styles. Sometimes it makes me feel like it’s like 2 sumo wrestlers going at it. Old stability may give smaller groups a better chance to survive the 20 hard-cc/enemy that larger groups can dish out as there is less striping that way, plus it’s even harder to avoid the cc in the more enclosed areas on the new maps. Right now I myself would rather avoid BLs due to the lag since I prefer fighting to train, fighting to defend, etc. compared to people whom may prefer to use other mechanics to defend.
5) In your experience, compare the time it takes take a structure or objective here, then it did in the past.
I did not pay attention to this yet.
6) How is the loot and wxp for you compared to in the past? Will it be able to sustain whatever you are doing? Did it take a hit, or was it improved? If you are planning to unlock an elite specialization, do you think you were helped or hurt in these regards? Do you think you could pursue any other in-game goals just by playing WvW?
Less fights, less ability to win due to skills not going off, and needing time to learn the map is making it hard to kill people to get loot in the first place. I play WvW for fun as it is mostly a money-sink to me; I do PvE in my spare time as there is also lore for me to find there (plus pretty scenes).
7) How will the map change impact the long sessions (multiple hours) you spend in WvW?
If I’m lagging, I’m out for the day; right now every day I actually do WvW I lag so I don’t stay long.
8) In 100 words or less, describe how the new BLs could be improved.
Fix the lag first, then I can be able help more; right now I do not believe I have enough to judge. Some WvW people also highly dislike PvE content for the events and mobs; the events also give good notifications but can also be distracting in that way. People also use websites to keep track of timers, perhaps only commander tags can see lord timers on their maps?
9) Which map am I most likely to find you currently, if you’re on Gw2?
If I’m in WvW, I’m most likely with my guild. At this rate, most likely EBG or waiting in queue.
Hope this helps!
Next thing we know, we need to an Anet office and to be able to make coffee in-game. Have people be able to drop off coffee in the in-game Anet office.
Hope someone has an Eureka moment after waking up >.<
My 2 cents:
I don’t mind if the Raid can’t be beaten by players for even 3 months; I just want a challenge… No downscaling too just cause we can’t beat it in 3 months.
I believe there needs to be at least 1 general thing in the game that is optional and gives people reason to be happy about being able to accomplish it; but also be available for others to accomplish.
Also, “3 months” is a general time length. Even it if takes an year I don’t mind.
I was going around looking for a place to practice a rotation when I thought, “How about the Bane?” (Yes, I’m a Charr player. Yes, I’m insane and love the Black Citadel more than other cities. And, yes, I do often leave my toons in the Black Citadel when I log off)
I went to the Bane and found that it also felt like a good place to have events. Any guesses that we might see an event or more there eventually? Kinda curious what others think too :s
Forum search didn’t give me anything on “Bane”, sorry if someone else posted this already >.<
Dunno how they’re gonna do it, though hopefully they get the info they need. could it be possible that they select people whom are online in a certain time frame and in WvW reliably?
Honestly, I do not quite like this idea as I like playing in the T2 style, but I also like to play with friends in T1. I play on both tiers and it’s unlikely they will fight against each other for a long while.
So, am I a spy then? Should I be bound only to a single tier when I wish to enjoy more than one tier?
Though I do have to agree that there should be some way to deal with at least trolls whom harm servers.
I still love going back into GW1 to look at the art… Just me.
I got the Collector’s Edition and I got 2 of these chests plus the Letter of Influence. I already bought all 3 sets via armor store, so it’s more of the thought that counts if it isn’t a bug.
My DD and Heroic Accounts didn’t get anything. Only my Collectors was in the Revenant Beta.
(edited by TinaH.3806)
If gold tier for NA had a good base reward even for last place in gold tier compared to first place silver… that might become really funny.
What do quaggans taste like? o.O
What kind of issue are you specifically having that could be related to lag?
Skill lag or just plain inability to use any skills, insta-dead for unknown reasons, on occasion rubberbanding are the most common so far.
What server are you on?
Has there ever been a time when you or a friend are experiencing lag, while others in your party are not?
Most of the time, people get varied amounts of lag. Some get it to the point of d/c while others at the lightest can obviously sense it.
Has there ever been a time where one party in a map is experiencing lag, while other parties in that same map are not?
Same as previous. We raid.
Do you experience the lag at very specific times?
Often when there are larger numbers in a condensed area. Eg. blob vs blob (maybe also vs 3rd blob). I think the least amount to cause this much lag was a face off between six 20-40 man raiding guilds last week.
If so, can you estimate how many players are in each zerg?
In the past 2 days, map zergs or half-map zergs. Could be 2 or all 3 servers on ebg. Has been occuring on bls as well.
I just refuse to buy gemstore armor….. Don’t want to entice me to make my charr-s look more awesome, ok, no point in me buying the armor. I do want to support GW2 itself, but its issues like this that’s killing additional interest in this particular race that I love playing…
I play pretty pretty princess with my charr warrior, barely managing my look with my charr engi, and I’m dead afraid to make any light class charr. A friend’s male charr necro has a skirt-thing that literally exposes too much…
I agree with the OP as I’m also in the same situation as PixelPumpkin.
If your guild requires 100% then feel free to do what you want with those whom aren’t repping. I choose to join non-100% rep guilds as I do have a real life friends only guild that I’m a part of and thus do not want to break any rules for the 100% rep guilds.
Not sure if this was suggested before so just throwing this out there.
I have gotten verbal/text invitations to guilds and were unable to accept them as I am already in 5 guilds. I am suggesting an “Additional Guild Membership” item to be available to increase the number of guilds you can be in at a time. This does NOT allow you to rep more than one guild at a time just like now. So if you obtain one of said item for your account then you can be in 6 guilds, 2 total means 7 guilds, etc.
This should be permanent and there should be a counter of how many guilds you can join on your guilds tab (default ‘g’ button). Perhaps to obtain teach of said item people can either buy it from the Gem Store OR with guild commendations in a guild.
Up for people to talk about. If you don’t like the idea, shoot the idea and not me please :x
When you go to the HoM in GW2 after linking your GW1 account, you talk to an npc and see your available Heritage Gear (and other skins, assuming you got enough points) by choosing “Show me my Legacy”.
For me it just seems that “Legacy” is basically a title for both Heritage skins and various other skins you get from HoM points (only obtainable through GW1 and linking your GW1 account to your GW2 account).
Not sure, happening to me too. It was working properly (gotten other toys) before the last patch.
Amusing backstory although it feels a bit unlikely to happen (time travel? Then again this is GW… Fire to Ash Legion? Do not know if this is possible). I’d think Bhangor is more of a charr name than Kagusaki.
Iron Legion Engineer
Tawny with black slim tiger stripes
Noble by nature due to her heritage and personality although it also brought an alternate persona and thus disappears from time to time. She is still exploring to find her place in the world.
Ritzy was known to disappear from time to time then reappear a short time afterwards. She was separated from her first warband due to a failed mission that handicapped each member of her warband (not of her fault). During this time she discarded her last name due to the pain of remembering what happened. Ritzy was then placed in another warband which was mostly obliterated due to a battle at the Battle of Smokestead save 1. After rebuilding her warband as a Legionaire, she was separated from her warband due to specific missions with the Orders of Tyria and the Priory. Her adventures has taken her across the current world and she’s back at the Black Citadel from time to time mostly found cooking something.
Jala Bloodspiller
Blood Legion Warrior
Black with white features
Militant by nature, she will attempt to rip apart her enemy if enraged. Otherwise, she will work with others to accomplish goals whether she needs to capture and hold the target’s attention or shred the target to bloody pieces.
Jala’s past is mostly unknown. She did not attend the fahrar or is documented to although her dam is a Blood Legion Centurion in a long bloodline of wise Centurions and occasionally higher ranks. Her schooling was rumored to be private with her dam. In the first while she was spotted, she was a cub whom was seen to be merciliessly drawing blood by ripping off horns, ears, fur, and the occasional chunks of flesh of charr whom got in her way regardless of rank, size, and age. Other times it was unknown how the unfortunate charrs got in her way. The first few times, her dam interrupted Jala’s frenzy by simply calling her name, “Jala”; later she allowed her victims to escape if she deemed them to not be worth her time. others eventually attached her last name Bloodspiller as the number of Charr able to get away from her unscathed decreased over time (other than her mother).
As she grew she become more docile and approachable than the rumors of the past although she will not speak of her past openly.
(edited by TinaH.3806)
I’m interested in joining, but I already maxed out my guilds… Can I still join in on events somehow?
I’m a Dragonbrand Charr-favoring player. Level 80 Warrior and Engi (Charrs); Jala Bloodspiller and Ritzy.
I checked to see if mine was in my storage after depositing it a few days ago, also missing.
I chose light tannish base with black tiger stripes for my engineer and black with a white face star for my warrior. I have seen awhite guardian charr with light blue armor which looks pretty nice.
Date, time, server. I’ll try to be there
Well being a gw1 player it was first mainly to see what its like on the other side of the wall pun intended even though has been long destroyed then i got into the fact that even though they are savage feral warriors they are very rational and are willing to put the past behind them in order to achieve a greater goal…in gw1 if you even saw a charr and they saw you they were all like MEAT!!!!!! and chased with intentions to kill you and eat you…maybe sear you before eating * yes another pun intended*
looks up from some roasted meat Well, I’m in agreement with all of the posts above. I also consider the female Charr /surprise animation to be very amusing; all the other races just take a step back while my toon literally flies off the ground.
My main is my proud female Charr Engineer. As an alt, I also have a female Charr Warrior. I’m on Dragonbrand; I don’t pay much attention to races since the people I play with are usually humans… Next thing I know, I’m stuck up a tree… I’ve done that before in another game… Meanwhile, I don’t mind the voice for the female Charr although my characters’ attitudes always seemed a bit stuck-up.
I would like to have more armor that looks good on Charr, medium pants mostly looks all the same as well. For right now my chest-piece on my main is the closest to what I want and my warrior’s chest-piece sticks out like a sore thumb (Ascalonian Catacomb token armor).
Perhaps this should be ‘stickied’? I received 4 of those emails and thankfully they landed in my junk folder. Since I never considered selling my account and it’s still up, pretty sure it’s a scam.
Guild Name: The United Forces of Tyria [HERO]
Server: Dragonbrand
Our guild leader had refunded his account as he didn’t like what he saw in the first few months of GW2. Now our guild is stuck without a guild leader while the active members (real life friends, we’re small) are still here hoping for guild fixes so that we can have power over our own guild again. He stated to make me guild leader and even will approve of ArenaNet questioning through email a long while ago. If need be we only have 1 active officer and he can just hand leadership to me if he gets it.
I heard that when an account is refunded, everything is wiped and so we should not even have a guild leader right now. If it isn’t wiped, is there a system that detects the inactive account and enables another guild member to be the guild leader just so our efforts aren’t wasted?