Showing Posts For Tisis.5391:

Raid Magnetite Rewards still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Getting inconsistent rewards last night on raids both prior to full clearing the wing and after full clearing the wing.

Sometimes a failure in the last phase on VG was giving 3, sometimes 2, sometimes 1.

Failures on last phase of Gorseval were giving the same amount (1) as a failure in the second phase. Couldn’t find any consistency behind it, but if a dev/QA looks at my magnetite history they may be able to track down the issue more.

Friend of Pups / Friend of Rabbits impossible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Nevermore Collection 4 – Friend of Pups / Friend of Rabbits BUGGED – IMPOSSIBLE TO GET

These items do not drop at all, it is impossible to complete Nevermore, this has been bugged for over 10 days now with anet knowing about it. Could we at least please get an ETA as to when this will be fixed?

This is a game breaking bug, this is the only legendary left that cannot be completed.

Please resolve this or at least give us a heads up as to when we can expect to have it resolved.

Nevermore Collection 1 Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Still not fixed.

Nevermore Collection 1 Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Dragon’s Stand Event does not properly award the Protector of All Collection Piece, still bugged, please fix this.

Nevermore Collection 1 Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Completed Thaumanova Reactor Core, did not receive item from chest at the end.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Pact Tyria Mastery Points are missing from the Hero Achievement panel for Story and Order related Achievements. There are Mastery Point Rewards for achievements that were done prior to HoT, but none for things that are completed after HoT.

Tyria Mastery Points missing under Hero Panel

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


From looking at achievements that were completed prior to HoT coming out. There are Hero Points that are supposed to be earned on various Story Missions for characters as well as joining the orders. The Mastery Points are missing for Story Missions / Joining / Completing the Orders if the missions were not previously completed prior to HoT release.

Please get this resolved asap as some users are stuck unable to move further in their Pact Mastery until this is completed.

Thank you.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Moto is not selling the items required to use Super Adventure Box Tokens in the Mystic Forge, please add his shop back to his character.

TM nerf = TM broken

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Tisis.5391


The bugged checkpoint is really inexcusable. I cannot believe it hasn’t been fixed yet.

It;s tribulation mode aka hardmode just deal with it and get to the checkpoint after the balloon it isn’t that hard. We can’t have people complaining that TM mode is too easy and that it’s too hard at the same time. Deal with it. Take it as it is.

SAB Nightmares.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Tisis.5391


If you’re doing tribulation mode you should never end up more than maybe 60 seconds away from a checkpoint. That part of the dungeon is one of the hardest parts out of all of the JPs to figure out how to get through. Make sure you’re finding all of the balloon clouds as you move forward.

Trib W2Z2 BUG stuck inside of log. at boss

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Tisis.5391


No way to suicide, I don’t know what to do now. I’m stuck inside of this log. ugh I don’t know what to do.


New wp in w2z2 trib insta death on spawn

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Tisis.5391


This new waypoint on the high rise bridge kills you instantly half of the time when you spawn on it. Also it is incorrectly triggered to be further along in progress than the balloon checkpoint that is after the bridge mode. up in the clouds. Please fix asap.


Just beat TM W2-3 No token - kitten ed

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Tisis.5391


It’s a known bug, happened to me as well as a few others. Make a support ticket and I’m more than confident they will replace the missing chest loot.

SAB World 2 Zone 3 Trib mode STILL bugged

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Tisis.5391


This issue is still occuring. I did normal mode World 2 Zone 3 last night and then the tribulation mode this morning. I did not receive any credit for the Tribulation kill and therefore no Storm Wizard Z-3 token. I hope that support can assist me in getting this token replaced. You guys thought you fixed the bug but it is still persistent. Please fix asap. Any dev response on when i will get my token in the mail and the chest credit?


SAB World 2 Zone 3 Trib mode STILL bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tisis.5391


This issue is still occuring. I did normal mode World 2 Zone 3 last night and then the tribulation mode this morning. I did not receive any credit for the Tribulation kill and therefore no Storm Wizard Z-3 token. I hope that support can assist me in getting this token replaced. You guys thought you fixed the bug but it is still persistent. Please fix asap.

Any server with a non-bugged Balthazar atm? Last step for my Legendary. Thank you.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Any server with a non-bugged Balthazar atm? Last step for my Legendary. Thank you.

Please add a General's tome to be bought for 1000 Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Tisis.5391


The warrior in our guild with 16k kills has been averaging 1 badge per 3 kills consistently since launch.

Please add a General's tome to be bought for 1000 Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Tisis.5391


This is a petition to add a General or world leader tome to be purchased for 1000 badges to the game. This is in addition to Commander Tomes.

Why you might ask?
Commanders are in abundance on nearly every server. The majority of the issues that people have with commanders in the current state is that there is no way to tell if the commander knows anything about PvP or not. I love the fact that commanders can create squads and it’s great for the good of the realm but something is lacking.

What would a General get?
Generals should be given an arrow similar to Commanders. Make it purple or whatever color just anything different. Generals should be given their own chat channel in WvW and the ability to stand out amongst the rest of the crowd in team and map chat.

Why 1000 badges?
This ensures that the General is someone who has actually PvP’d a LOT in this game. Someone that can be trusted in WvW and someone you truly want to listen to when they call out orders. Commanders are great hubs to form parties and groups on, but that doesn’t give us a set leader we can trust to follow.

This works great in addition to Commanders and doesn’t devalue the investment that those players have made towards their tome. Please post any other suggestions and support for this. It would be great to see true PvP leaders that stand out against the rest. I would gladly follow anyone with a General Title and follow their suggestions.

Crafting can actually make you gold for once?

in Crafting

Posted by: Tisis.5391


You want to know why things stay hidden? Because once you post something the price of the item on the TP skyrockets up to market equilibrium and any ability to make money off of said idea is now effectively dead due to saturation.

Economy? What Economy?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tisis.5391


If you don’t think there is any money to be made on the TP than you clearly aren’t using it right. In ~200 hours playing the TP I’ve made about 2000g. Making money is getting harder but this economy is far from perfect and items haven’t come anywhere near to hitting market equilibrium. The biggest reason why crafted items don’t sell for much of a profit if any is basic supply and demand. The supply and demand have hit perfect equilibrium. That price happens to be lower than the price to craft the goods because these armors can be made through the mystic forge as well (which at a time made armors cheaper than crafting.) Mystic forging armors is not viable anymore because it is no longer profitable. Though it has tanked the price of exotic armors in the process.

I leveled 2 Thieves to 80 because there are ZERO good looking Asura Helms

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tisis.5391


That is Norn Cultural Tier 3. I played the TP and made ~1500g. There were some great money making ideas if you were ahead of the curve on when you did them.

I leveled 2 Thieves to 80 because there are ZERO good looking Asura Helms

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tisis.5391


This is what you guys have forced upon me. At least Norn Cultural armor looks amazing.

Aether of Purity? Has anyone made this in the MF yet?

in Crafting

Posted by: Tisis.5391



Link to the bow in game.

Aether of Purity? Has anyone made this in the MF yet?

in Crafting

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Aether of Purity? Has anyone made this in the MF yet? I’d really like this bow but I need the rec. I’ve already wasted 350 skill points and ~200g testing out recipes.

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tisis.5391


Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off. This is ridiculous. Basically we’re only allowed to use a Karma Booster for 45 minutes and not 60. Karma should not have a DR. I can see a DR on the exp from these events but the Karma DR is too much when you want us to farm 1million for a Legendary weapon.