Showing Posts For Tklees.9052:

Suggestion for Signet of the Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tklees.9052


that is A. alot to program and test and B. too OP.

Across Board Increase

in Ranger

Posted by: Tklees.9052


Across the board changes dont work and it would cause more problems than it would fix.

I mean, you could increase the MH axes damage by 50% and probably noone would notice or care, but LB can already hit 8-9k on AA under perfect situations, and people would be crying all day long is suddenly rangers were one hitting thieves, eles and mesmers from 1500 range with the same 50% damage increase.

this is why i believe they are hesitant to give flat damage bonus increase for not having a pet. Some weapons and skills are working as intended damage wise and it could unbalance the whole thing if we started mauling ppl for 15k

GS evade off the chain, on to swoop.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tklees.9052


Blast Finisher on Maul. That is all

December 10th Ranger changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Tklees.9052


Tklees.9052 said:
“coming from warhammer where the two pet classes, Squig herder (ranged) and White Lion (melee) had a tactic that increased their damage by 25% when they ran without a pet it would be nice to see something like this. Both classes also had tactics that revolved around the pet, one such as the “vengeance” you mentioned for the pet dying, ones for crit damage increase while using a pet etc. We are the pet class but I would just like to have the options I have seen in other games with the pet class. You want us to have “build diversity” this is a good way to create it. Give us the option to gain benefits from the use of a pet, CC, boons, etc, or the option to solo and have a base damage increase and a lack of CC and extra boons. You will see rangers in PvP who run the pets for the CC and ones in PvE who store them for the base damage.”

I would be so happy if that happened… To store the pet and get a damage increase… OMFG. That would be incredibly awesome.

and the way it worked was that if the pet was summoned you lost the bonus damage but still had the tactic slotted so it was a wasted tactic while it was our but could stil benefit from the use of the pet then store it again. So for us it would be more of a grandmaster trait, something like:

While pet is stored you receive 20% increase damage.

Which if we go by the calculations is less than the 30% they say our pet gives us while alive but would be a nice option in a grandmaster tree to create options. Store the pet while fighting some zerg or a boss in a dungeon that aoes. Keep it out for small skirmishes and reslot a trait in the same tree. If Anet truly wants to give us options and diversity its all sitting right next to our pet.

December 10th Ranger changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Tklees.9052


I’m noticing that you’re following this thread pretty closely, Mr. Peters, so I’d really like for you to at least provide us with some insight pertaining to a commonly-discussed and controversial topic raised on these boards pertaining to the design and play goals of the ranger.

As it stands, the dependency on the pet is a huge turn-off for a lot of players seeking an archer-style class. Simply, the ranger isn’t viable as an archer in most formats due to the dependency on its pet. When the pet dies, the ranger loses a lot of its damage and utility due to these dependencies. Notably, it takes the ranger 67% longer to kill a target – assuming it doesn’t heal – when the pet is not in combat compared to when it is, or compared to other classes. That number is quite huge. The increases to LB damage is nice, however the difference is going to be negligible due to the fact LB damage is already so low to begin with.

The pet is definitely the class feature, but do you consider it an absolutely essential one? Build diversity is something that everyone wants more of, so do you think reworking the “stow pet” button to permanently store pets for a boon which increases damage significantly is a possibility? No ranger should want to send his pet into situations where he knows it will die, and hunting with a pet usually requires a lot of extra precautions so that the hunter doesn’t kill his own animal. The idea of the ranger being a lot less conservative without his pet nearby simply makes sense, and would appease a lot of people, even if it were a trait requiring deep investment.

Moreover, implementing a trait or something based along the lines of “vengeance” which massively increases damage dealt by the ranger when his pet dies (cancelled when a new one is brought out) could also be a possibility to keep the pet role there and keep its significance to the character intact. That said, I fear players may end up purposely trying to kill off their pets this way, then.

If you think that the ranger’s pet is something which absolutely has to stay, do you plan on allowing for players to take on the role of an archer in other ways in the future? As it stands, there really isn’t anything comparable in terms of both aesthetic style and play style, but the lack of freedom is something which really upsets a large portion of the community.

I really do hope you take the time to address some of these concerns. I among many others feel in a constant state of love/hate when playing my ranger; I love the feel of the way you designed the archer, but hate being so tied down to my pet and made useless either when it dies or when I need to keep it out of combat so that it doesn’t. At least getting some answers concept-wise to help reassure if this is the right class for me would be amazing, for if there’s hope that the archer playstyle might exist somewhere in GW2, I’d definitely like to pursue it further.

coming from warhammer where the two pet classes, Squig herder (ranged) and White Lion (melee) had a tactic that increased their damage by 25% when they ran without a pet it would be nice to see something like this. Both classes also had tactics that revolved around the pet, one such as the “vengeance” you mentioned for the pet dying, ones for crit damage increase while using a pet etc. We are the pet class but I would just like to have the options I have seen in other games with the pet class. You want us to have “build diversity” this is a good way to create it. Give us the option to gain benefits from the use of a pet, CC, boons, etc, or the option to solo and have a base damage increase and a lack of CC and extra boons. You will see rangers in PvP who run the pets for the CC and ones in PvE who store them for the base damage.

Why Ascended gear should be tradeable

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tklees.9052


ascended items costing 20g+ per item? lol

was referring to the rings. the back pieces are a whole different story since ecto and t6 mat prices have jumped

Why Ascended gear should be tradeable

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tklees.9052


the game lacks a lot atm but its brand new still. Making the rings and Backpeices tradeable would be nice though. Give people who invest time in the dungeon a way to make some money since there is no reward for completing each lvl like the other dungeons where you get tokens, and some silver

Why Ascended gear should be tradeable

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tklees.9052


i agree, i don’t have tons of time to farm mats for a legendary but i have the time to log in daily and do my 10 and 20 fractal run in hopes of more rings. i already have enough for my main and alts to have multiple sets and now they are just going to go into my bank. plus this would allow people who get rings they do not want to trade with people who have the ones they want. they wouldnt be expensive on the tp, probably 10-30 gold imo, since their are so many running around right now. i dont see this being a bad idea

The word Zerg replaced the word Mob.

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


The word zerg is used properly for the most part in this game. Coming from Warhammer there was the zerg and there were the premades. When letting people know where each was at you would use the word Zerg for the large mindless killing machine that would roam the zones and capture the keeps. While the premades were called out mostly by guild tag or by player name. But since we can not see player names in this game or see who killed us we can’t call out where Player X’s group is at. So we call out guilds. If you see a group of skilled players all together in the same guild you will most likely use that when calling them out in Map. Ei “There is a group of Run Like Hell on the Godslore Supply camp”

Just my 2 cents

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


The only similarity I see to GW2 and WAR is that amount of whining spewing from players. Seriously, you people are never happy and nothing is ever good enough.

There are some problems right now, but they for the most part, have been acknowledged and fixes are in the works or have already been implemented. After one month, attempting to draw similarities to the train wreck that was WAR and GW2 is a bit drastic.

Also, anyone calling combat in WAR “WvW” did not play WAR which makes it very hard to take any point put forth after said statement seriously.

Aside: Hello TK and Nidwin.

Thats why i am sitting here laughing at people comparing this game to War. The sPvP is completely different. Same applies to WvWvW. But bads will be bads in any game. Game is less than 2 months old folks give it some time before you jump to the next big thing. Unless Pandas are your favorite animal. Then i completely understand.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


Warhammer is fine as it is. We don’t want you, we don’t need you. Last think we need is to have a bunch of Zerging, whining clowns back.

Nidwinqq RR92 Magus (The Murder Junkies) badlands

No for server merges.
We transfered to RoS to make sure we don’t have any queues anymore, and hopefully never will again. If you want or need more peeps on your server, advertize and find them somewhere. Leave the ones having tons of fun every evening on their little servers alone.

Nidwina lvl80 Mesmer (Les Billouman) RoS.

Nerf Magus!

<3 Nidwin always trying your hardest on that kitten kitten toon

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


the thing with the messmer portal is that it is so easy to counter. Drop an aoe immobilize on the portal and aoe them all. When coming through the enemy is so stacked that you can literally hit every single on of them. Just have to be aware of your surroundings and counter them. Its hilarious to kill 20 ppl that just came through a portal all at the same time.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


the only time you should get hit with Kill Shot is from an enemy zerg. In a 1v1 its so easily dodgeable that it should be useless. Real damage comes from classes like thiefs and rangers when they drop quickness on you. I have hit for over 15k on the Ranger 2 Channel and im not ever in full beserker’s, i prefer valkryrie for the extra Vitality. Since the ability is so telegraphed and the warrior has to be full glass to hit that hard it should be critting that way. Plenty of other classes and abilities are much more imbalanced.

Stuck on Krytan Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tklees.9052


to those who have missing part of maguma,
i found Calx’s Hideout in Metrica Province – u go there by Pranna’s Asura Gate actavated by event. Its near renown Heart to the east from Akks Wild Waypoint.
Second thing i missed before was Aurora’s Ramains in Brisban Wildlands. U get there going north from skillpoint in Toxal Bog (South west corner). There is steep corridor, easy to miss.
I got all (Kryta, Maguma, Orr, Ascalon) finished now, only shiverpeaks left.
Now only one part of shiverpeaks left to get all explorer achievements… Anyone have 172/172 shiverpeaks?

And, by the way, don’t believe ALL of the wikis maps, many of them just misses some areas i’ve unlocked, Griffonrook Run for example.

I was at 170-172 yesterday and had a very hard time finding the last two points. The 5 that have given people a lot of problems are as follows:

Tail of the Serpent and Lair of the Coil in SW Timberline falls. They’re caves by the Coil waypoint.

Griffonrook Run was one I didn’t have and is described above.

I’ve heard Griffonfall in Snowden Drifts has been missed before. Take the Exile waypoint and head east hugging the southern wall.

The very last one is kind of easy to miss and was the very last one I got. Doldenvan Passage is east of Hangrammr Climb in Wayfarer Foothills. Take the Darkriven waypoint and just go south into the cave.

does anyone have a list like this for the Maguuma area? im stuck at 163/165. I have Klaxx’s hideout and Auroa’s Remains. Any help would rock