Showing Posts For Tolas.2458:

Axe skill 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tolas.2458


just stop…STOP!!!

Cant continue without paying?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tolas.2458



Welp, i guess Im headed to youtube to see what happened in between

Cant continue without paying?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tolas.2458


Am I missing something?

Do players that started the living world get barred off from completing it if they dont complete it within a timeframe?

I started the living story some time back when it 1st came out, then i took a break, and since then the rest was released. I come back and continue where i left off… Except it doesn’t advance me to the next part, so i completed 1/2/3 and am giving the option to do the last one 8 (point of no return) so I complete that one, but it doesnt let me to 4/5/6/7 without paying gems, so i reluctantly payed the gems to do 4 to see it changed anything… nope… (only 200 mind you so not too bad?)

But should i really have to pay to finish a story I already started? What if the devs didnt complete the personal story on release, but would release the rest in due time when they do finish it, and if you dont complete those parts within a timeframe of them releasing it, your barred from completion until you pay up…

This has to be a bug right? would they really stop people completing something they already started?


Southpaw Character Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolas.2458


bow down to your right-handed overlords

Back in the fifties we could just beat them for not being right handed.

what is assault?

so no

Southpaw Character Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolas.2458


“overwhelming prejudice”


Bug: UI costs 20 FPS

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tolas.2458


No kidding, 70 fps normally jumps to 90-100 disabling UI

"You are not in a guild"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tolas.2458


Same, if i switch to rep another guild it works, but when i go back to main guild it still doesnt work

Sorrows Embrace cannot advance bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tolas.2458


video is a short clip of a bug/glitch where the personnel carrier decides to leave and we cant destroy it and cannot advance

is this a common bug?

Is GW2 still not optimized for GPU yet?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


Draw Calls

Everything rendered on screen by the GPU is data that is sent from the CPU, the GPU can only render the work that was sent to it by the CPU.

The issue with this game, and many others now is that it uses an inefficient and outdated API called Directx 9, with Directx 9 (and even in 10 and 11) The GPU can only recieve data from one CPU core/thread for the workload it does rather than from as many you need. This means that the amount of work your gpu is able to do is dependent on the performance of a single thread/core

This issue can slightly be addressed with dx10 and dx11 to make it much more efficient, but even newer games like Battlefield 4 are having draw call issues where its being held back the performance of a single core(ive spent many days talking with the guys on the forum to get other players better performance)

The only good and solid way to fix this issue isif you either get a faster cpu, overclock your cpu, or reduce the amount of draw calls through culling by lowering the character quantity on screen, anything that would require more polygons on screen impacts how much data the cpu has to send.

Anet can fix it as well but it would take much more time effort and money to do so as they would have to go in and spend time removing unnecessary objects from the world and clean up messy work, but this would have the biggest impact for every players performance.

This is why im looking forward to Mantle as it allows more lower lvl access to the hardware, even though i dont have an AMD gpu im still looking forward to it as it will force other API devs to follow suit.

Please Explain the Logic of the AoE Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolas.2458


From a recent WvW fight where the whole way inside a tower was littered with AoE circles 100% of the time, not to mention the lines of warding and other movement denial AoEs, I must say, no.

Without the AoE cap, it wouldn’t take a lot of players to permanently deny a chokepoint with nothing you could do to prevent it.

your right, we should only just have zerg fests in wvwvw where the best way to win is to just outplay and use the aoe limit to your advantage, this way you just put more numbers on a gate to attack it and only a few of you will take damage while the rest just sit there with no reason to dodge, let alone retaliate

we’re fine with zergs just running around capping, and immediately leaving to the next point rather than defending what they got

i mean face it, aoes are just so kitten hard to avoid, those big red circles are no indication of whether or not damage will be dealt if you stand inside them. And jesus, did you see the size of them, its like they are a mile across, COMPLETELY impossible to avoid, this is why we need those player limits, because omg, can you imagine what would happen if there wasnt? zergs would actually be broken up and people would actually split up more often, or actually focus their efforts on specific targets objectives and players.

Forts and keeps might actually take some skill to take if we did this

Cant have that can we?

Keep in mind, im talking about damage dealing aoe, not healing or buffs. though i wouldnt mind seeing thiefs getting some use in groups being able to stealth a whole platoon, stealth zerg vs mesmer tele zerg?

(edited by Tolas.2458)

Need help with performance.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


dual core processor with a game that runs heavily on 3 threads

even an upgrade to 3 or more will only help subtly without a huge increase in raw ghz frequency as well

make sure to limit fps down to 30 as well if you havent already

i experience that my cpu usage more than doubles when my fps is uncapped or set at 60 over 30, which is a clear sign of improper usage of using the cpu to render things on screen when the gpu should be doing it

so, cpu bottlneck, so decrease cpu intensive settings (which is practically non existent as the scaling for cpus is pathetic)

but the only real changes that will help you is either an upgrade (being forced to upgrade to play a game decently) or the developers actually try optimizing the game(i heard they added new gem store items again, big help for you there)

(edited by Tolas.2458)

Fix for FPS issues?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458



no seriously


theyd rather keep making more gem store items

Prices of Ectos being controlled?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tolas.2458


reading through this thread, im amazed how quick people are to attack anyone with a theory based on observation, and throws out any thought to the possibility of such events.

either people have forgotten how to think critically about these possibilities, or anet forces are in full swing to demonize any criticism (as seen before)

i honestly dont have an opinion on the whole ecto prices, since i dont buy or sell them, but i would never throw out any opinion just because some kitten calls someone a tin foil hat wearing lunatic because he made an observation.

some people need to stop playing with their fanboy kitten and stop thinking that everyone are pure angels that work inside the company and does no wrong, remember who published this game after all.

(edited by Tolas.2458)

AMD cpu, no hope of decent fps?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


This is misleading when the real problem seems to be that the game does not know how to make proper use of said CPUs.

the last bigger patch doubled my low-end-PC’s PvE framerate.
however, on my little beast rig, all which changed was the CPU-usage(now 100% on all cores, instead of 30,60,30,30%), but not the performance in general. now, i need to downclock my CPU by 600MHz when playing GW2 to stay under 60°C.

this this this siht
the last time i played this game months ago, my cpu performance was around 50%, maybe 60 if i was luck on my phenom 2 x4 @ 3.8ghz

now i get around 80-95% usage 24/7, no joke, no matter if its ikittenerg, a dungeon, or on an empty overflow with not a single player in sight while staring at a wall at one end of the map

Its a joke

at one point you have to think, is anet incompetent, or are they doing this intentionally, or do they have some prick in their optimization department screwing them over intentionally

ive lost every single vent buddy that started this game, and flat out quit because of these performance issues

yesterday i asked one on vent that ive known for over 6 years if they would come back to play some more


“i dont want to be pulling out hair again”

i pushed further to get some elaboration

not word for word, but there was alot of skitten and stihs being thrown around when he talked about the framerate and CTDs

i didnt push further

lag and low frame

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


/fps_EnableOptimization = 0

issues ( frames drops WVW)help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


now happy to report the new build has introduced something ive never once had before

audio crackling

+1 anet

issues ( frames drops WVW)help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


forgot to mention, many people have the problem of gpu usage dropping to low and causing their videocard to go into low power mode, only fix is to force an OC and disable power saving features of the card since the cpu will bottleneck causing gpu load to drop like a rock.

but why did it happen all of sudden to me now, it never once happened beforeand ive maintained around medium settings with gpu in performance mode constantly.

now this new build made it go into low power unless i max it or turn of power saving

issues ( frames drops WVW)help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


new build was just released

i go to play the game and the 1st thing i notice is even lower fps

i use msi afterburner to check fps and gpu usage and the such, and now my gpu is STUCK IN LOW POWER 3D MODE with a mhz of half of what it was before the update


Edit: turns out i was able to get it out of low power mode by increase gpu settings near max.

did they all of a sudden make the game more gpu dependent for me or what? but then again looking at usage the gpu is only sitting at 35%… kitten /p>

(edited by Tolas.2458)

issues ( frames drops WVW)help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


full system specs ?

duno what would cause a 1ghz overclock to do no good, I know 4.6 boosts my fps from dropping to the teens and 20’s to keeping them around 30 in heavy load situations…..

phenom II 955 x4
4GB gskill 800mhz (dated but still works)
MSI GTX560ti Twin Frozr II
Corsair TX750w PSU

ive had this discussion before already, and it led to wasted time, a reinstalled OS, and an fps increase of 0

i can play everything else fine, GPU actually gets some workout in other games with 90+% usage, in this game if i want it to get that high i just crack everything up, induce lag with shaders to high (for some reason i get massive lag with shaders on high and gpu usage doesnt even go up more than 2% wtf is with that)

i have never once seen my cpu go over %75 in this game, even in the major WvWvW

but like i said, i specifically remember the game running vastly better (never in the single digits) the last time i played (with was a few months ago)

ive considered upgrading my RAM but ive seen so many others who’ve done so with no results whatsoever.

i just want to know why the hell WvWvW is so vastly different, i get 10-20 people on screen and fps tanks in the single digits 5-8 whereas the last time i played this game it used to be around 30-50 ppl and my fps maybe went down to 15-25.

honestly, id rather just wish i could get back to the days of the games release date fps, back then i was able to actually play WvW, even at lower fps, now i cant even use skills.

issues ( frames drops WVW)help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tolas.2458


its your cpu its your cpu its your cpu


i have a phenom x4 955 at 3.8GHz with a 560ti

i get the EXACT SAME fps as he just reported, where my fps will plummet into the single digits

i didnt play this game for a few months, i came back wondering why i never went back to it.

so i lvled up a new character (thief) to 80 while avoiding wvw because i wanted to get to 80 1st.

I then remember why i quit playing the game

doing events like the shatterer or other dragons will sometimes get me into the high teens, and the entire time lvling(minus large battles like dragons) i was getting constantly high fps, 30-60 fps

i can tell you this now, DONT upgrade your cpu to another amd one, because it wont make a lick of difference because Anet doesnt support them for kitten, and if you do got an amd cpu cranking up to those high fps, your one of only a few.

i went from stock clocks of 3.2ghz and cranked it up to 4.2ghz and made no difference whatsoever….well ok i lied, i actually got an average of around 2fps better, big difference there huh

i dont remember what they changed recently, but i never recalled my fps in the single digits in wvw, (the lowest i remember was in the mid teens) it was the 1st i could ever recall being that low, and with such a low enemy count on screen as well