Showing Posts For TomC.8470:

Difficulty and the Casual Player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TomC.8470


@ OP

I just wanted to throw in my ten-penneth for you…I consider myself as an amatuer at these games rather than a ‘casual’, as I play a lot (/age tells me I have played an average of 2-3hrs per day since launch, I consider this a lot for a hobby), but I don’t have the time to dedicate to get ‘really good’ (i.e. find everything easy).

I can tell you that, what I have found in playing GW2 more than any other game I have played, is I have had to learn how to adapt my playstyle to different environments. Just because I found a build that allowed my Engi to rofl-stomp one area did not mean I could expect to do the same in all others. I potentially had to:
A). change my skills set-up
B). change my traits set-up
C). adapt my play style
D). re-gear myself in line with the above changes

Sometimes I had to do this on the fly, sometimes I had to plan ahead before leaving LA. But when I learnt to do all of these things properly on my Engi, I found I could solo mostly all pve content outside of Dungeons and Champs.
Now I can get through most content on my Engi without so many changes (if any) anymore, but my alts, well they still have some lessons for me to learn!

Now for experienced players, this all comes quite naturally, but I see a lot of ‘casual’ players who struggle with certain content because they have not adapted to it or the changing battle dynamics as they move through Tyria. My advice for anyone who is struggling with a bit of content is not ‘learn to play’ (that is both insulting and very often innaccurate), but rather – examine your options. With any given class there are usually 2-3 different ways to handle any piece of content (IMO before anyone demands proof). some will make the content easier, some will make it faster, and others can be used to give yourself more of a challenge. More powerful attacks does not always mean quicker win, play around with your set up, try different combinations of gear/traits/skills…I assure you, you will find a way around your objective.

Finally, just because you want to solo something doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help in the form of advice. Lots of people willing to help with things like gear/skill/traits set up and tactics if you ask.

Hope you enjoy finding all the different ways to melt content moving forward.

NB. written only from my own experience and opinion.

Info Request: Error 7

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TomC.8470


Update from just submitting as asked:
Pop up stating “wait does this answer you rquestion”:

“Are you seeing Error 7?
We are aware that players in Europe are encountering Error 7. Please keep trying. If you are able to get in, you may want to try switching maps to prevent the error from occurring again. We are currently working on a solution and hope to have it resolved soon.

My Submission below:
Error 7 Problems: Responding to Forum Info Request
Please provide this information:
•If you have a game account for the original Guild Wars, can you play it?
Don’t have Guild Wars 1 Account
•Where are you playing Guild Wars 2 from?
UK, South East Region
•At what time and in which time zone do you play Guild Wars 2?
Varies. Normally play between 18:00-00:00GMT always have the issue however….
Thursday night was having the problem until around midnight. stopped between midnight and 14:30
Yesterday (sunday 14th) problems between 13:00GMT and 21:30GMT, then at least 4 hours uninterrupted play until until I logged off between 1-3am

Overflow server issue? (an observation)
It dawned on me this morning that I had not been put in an overflow server during any of the time that I was having a problem, even though I was moving too and from high traffic zones (Frostgorge, Blazing Steppes, Spark Fly Fen, Lions arch etc.). However, I did see myself being transferred in and out of overflow servers occasionally after 21:30GMT (when travelling to Lions Arch). As I spent most of my time later in the evening working in lower population zones doing personal story quests, I thought nothing of the fact that I wasn’t going into overflow servers. But the fact that I had tried to spend the entire afternoon/evening before this in those high population zones previously mentioned, and never once got put into an overflow server, seems, in hindsight, rather strange.
I am not computer savvy enough to know if this is a factor but it is the only observation I have seen since the error 7 code started appearing a week ago. Whilst I have tried a number of the ‘potential fixes’ from the forums, the brutal truth is that this issue did not occur once for me prior to Sunday 7th October. My system has not changed, therefore logic dictates it has to be something that has changed at the server end. The only inconsistancy between play before the 7th of October and play after has been the instances of being put into overflow server.
I have attached my -diag log for your reference.

Any feedback posted on the forums (even if just we are still working on it) would also be great help to the community moral.

Many Thanks

Anyone notice that they are not being put in overflow servers (or having messages pop up as such). could this be where the problem is, swapping between overflow not working properly? I am not Technically savvy so this is only an observation