Showing Posts For Tomac.7502:
Lunatic’s doesn’t count toward the achievement i guess.
Mad King Labyrinth and Lunatic Inquisition are the same map. There’s still one missing pieceā¦.
So are reaper’s rumble, clock tower and labyrinth for first 3?
Edit: Ah nvm, makes sense. Reaper’s rumble is still broken =(
Same. Been to clocktower, labyrinth, and lunatic’s inquisition. Only at 2/4 for achievement. Still can’t join reaper’s rumble.
It’s very much possible, you have to be fast and precise with your jumps.
I don’t see the problem with it being so difficult that some people can’t do it. I mean it’s an ACHIEVEMENT after all. If it wasn’t timed it would be way too easy and everyone would be able to do it without any trouble.
I was doing it with a group of about 8-10 people and i didn’t have trouble seeing where i was going. All of my failures were from poor jumps or being too slow. Once you get about half way up most people have already failed so…get better and you won’t have to see other players!
Human thief
I’m pretty sure class doesn’t matter, you can’t use abilities during the puzzle.