Showing Posts For Torano.7093:
I’ve had auto-targeting off for ages. It doesn’t stop you from going backwards. I even play with targeting circles off, because it takes too much time. This is both good, and bad. I find I can’t fight in close range for kitten when they are on. I wish it would show the circle despite being automatic. My mouse sometimes just disappears and I target way off to the side somewhere.
That’s because RTL doesn’t use a targeting circle, it goes towards your selected target. If you don’t have one selected it will go straight ahead, so you have to deselect first to avoid going backwards.
What auto targeting does is automatically select a target for you if you don’t already have one when you use an ability, which in the case of RTL will send you flying towards an enemy when you might be trying to use it as an escape.
Also will target non aggressive monsters in PvE if they are withing range and Players pets in sPvP.
Just wanted to throw out that you can avoid this by turning Auto Targeting off in the options.
Something like this may have already been suggested, but I figured I’d throw it out there just in case.
I was thinking about GW1 and how it evolved over time with expansions to include many more skills than the game originally shipped with. Then I starting thinking about how this might turn out with GW2. Then I came to the dreadful realization that because of the way a set of skills are permanently tied to weapon types, the only new skills that could ever be released would be utilities/heals/elites. Overall this seems like a model that will be fairly stagnating to the game’s growth.
One solution that came to mind would be a mixing of the GW1 and GW2 skill bar systems. Rather than having only 3-5 skills tied to a weapon type, you could have entirely separate pools of skills that the player could pick from to fill their skill bar with. Then the player would be able to customize their build from the bottom up like in GW1, while still giving the weapons a certain feel with a particular category of skills.
Of course a change like this would have to be down the line once more skills have been released.
(edited by Torano.7093)