Showing Posts For Torquetum.8247:
Welcome! to our new members. We still have room for new friends. This past week we were able to run several guild missions, do some pvp and get through a couple of dungeons. A couple of our more industrious members are several steps further on their way to new legendary weapons.
I heard a quaggan saying that we’re still recruiting. I don’t know; maybe he’s right maybe he’s wrong. Ask in-game and if you get an guild invite then that pesky quaggan is right after all.
We’re still recruiting players of all levels and experience. Never played an MMORPG? No problem. Never played Guild Wars Two before? No problem. Just want to play some things, some of the time? No problem.
Come join us for fun times in Tyria.
Hello, hope everyone is having as great a time in Guild Wars 2 as we are.
For future Project Knighthood recruitment in these forums please refer to the link below.
This is happening to me as well. Porting also rests paper doll to proper colors.