Showing Posts For TortugaNinja.9731:
- New pvp rewards? I wish to do something with the glory
-What plans about warriors de you have?
-Skyfall, new maps or some ideas about the future in pvp
I only play pvp, and tournaments. I will do the tier list in order to show my opinion ( not the true above all) about the more usefulls class on Tpvp.
Tier A
Tier B:
Tier C
-Warrior ( warr is not in a lower tier now, but it the most useless character on play for now)
I use berserker stance and works well, maybe the modificated conditions dont have enough duration to affect the warrior with -100% condition duration.
Or maybe is buged, the true is that i have tested the stance with lyssa + cleansing ire+ sanation and -125% condition duration and i can play without any conditions for a wile.
I have tested with a warrior ( friend from the guild) and he hits me with the sword and deep cuts, but wen he started the burst from sword i push bersker stance , he can hit me the first 2 hits before i pushed te utiliy and the blees do not dissapears ( but the inmovilizate yes, and the bleeds go away in 1 sec or less) the other hits canĀ“t put the ohters bleeds on me.
The 60 sc cd duration , thats normal in the situation of the utily, is new and can be op with 30 or less cd. No one can spike you.
Have some fun, seek and destroy all mesmer you can find, take warr down to the ground …thats always feels fine in a bad day .
Even if my main tournament class is DPS elementalist, warrior still my favourite class, and i can keep up with EVERYONE in 1v1, not to mention how i can kill my target in seconds when i enter a riot.
The problem here: people is stupid, just because a lot of people say that warrior suck, so everybody think that’s true, and they go mad when i kitten them in s/tpvp, btw, that keep me motivated
The problem are the people…people is stupid… yeah, cant be a desing fail, thats cant be…are the people who have the problem with the warrior xD xD sure …