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Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Trinity.8340


Maybe, but after mining several nodes I noticed I did not get any jewels at all, while got sprockets. Using a regular pick I usually get 1,2 jewels per 2 nodes but now – nothing. Just sprockets.

After seeing your message, I tried with 2 different picks. “Watchwork Mining Pick” and Molten Alliance Mining Pick. I tested both on a total of 200 nodes, 100 nodes per pick. With both I have not noticed a big difference, I earn less than a jewel by 2 nodes. I did get, however, a bit more with the Molten Alliance Mining Pick. But the difference is not great.

Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Trinity.8340


Return this pick is really pathetic for sale.

Already you make the mistake of putting it on sale twice, once 3rd time it right! The watchwork sprockets had found a good stabilization in the market and it took just that for the price collapses again. Actually that would spend 160 golds or € 12.50 for an unlimited pick, then they can have unlimited with a bonus (Watchwork Sprokets). Hardly anyone. It’s a shame, but hey we have to find a argument marketing to get more money.

[Feedback Thread] New Crown Pavilion First Impression [merged]

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Trinity.8340


To reduce the farm is not a bad thing, but to remove it completely is not one also. The pavillon will be deserted at the end of a few days, the rewards, the time spent killing them is completely null. As much to go to make a keep, at least there you gain almost 2g in maximum 10mn.

Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Trinity.8340


i extracted this from my achievement points topic since this is about improved gold rewards.

Basic Gold Reward (at least 10 personal points)
Custom Arena – 10.00 Silvers
Solo Arena – 12.50 Silvers
Team Arena – 15.00 Silvers

Win reward
Custom Arena – 15.00 Silvers
Solo Arena – 25.00 Silvers
Team Arena – 30.00 Silvers

Daily Max Gold Rewards
Custom Arena – 5.00 Gold
Solo Arena – 15.00 Gold
Team Arena – 15.00 Gold

what if we introduce “Team Effort Gold Rewards” as well?
Team Effort Gold Reward is awarded after the game has ended, based on the team’s performance.

Team Effort Gold Reward
Team Arena – 5.000 Gold per team

[match end score / 500 x Team Effort Gold Rewards] / [number of players on team eligible for rewards (personal score at least 10)]

winning teams with 500 score upon match end would receive full rewards.

in a team arena with 5 players with match end score of 640, each will receive
640 / 500 × 5.00 Gold / 5
= 1.28 × 5.00 Gold / 5
= 6.400 Gold / 5
= 1.280 Gold
= 128.00 Silvers

in a team arena with 5 players with match end score of 200, each will receive
200 / 500 × 3.00 Gold / 5
= 0.40 × 3.00 Gold / 5
= 1.20 Gold / 5
= 0.24 Silvers

of course, the daily gold rewards limit of 5 gold and 15 gold still applies, just that, with this new “Team Effort Gold Reward” system in place, they may reach that daily cap faster, plus this will motivate losing teams to put in more effort to get a higher team score to qualify for better Team Effort Gold Reward.

that is all for now.
thank you for reading!

errr by the way …
does anyone wants something like this to be implemented?

this “team effort” bonus could be the basis for all types of bonus rewards in the future, since the team bonus is based on the final team score, and the team score is the cumulative points of everyone’s effort, yes?

Your idea deserves to be approached. However on the calculation of “Team Effort Gold Rewards” it should have a ceiling at 500 points even if the score of the team is of 640 as in your example. Because in this case, that would encourage of advantage the farm (that depends on the situations, but that could generate best like the worst).

Personally I like your idea but would bring there of another small modification.

Reward for the victory:

Here the system for a victory will start from a base of 500 points some is the situation (because it can happen that the match lasts 15 minutes and that the two teams did not reach the required score, according to me its teams must be rewarded for the same manner)

Custom Arena: 25 silver
Solo Arena: 1 gold
Team Arena: 1.5 gold

Reward for the defeat:

Custom Arena: 12.5 silver (for the custom arena this system would not be allotted if not that will support of advantage balancings automatic)
Solo Arena: 0 to 50 silver (depends on the final score)
Team Arena: 0 to 75 silver (depends on the final score)

Daily max gold rewards:

Custom Arena: 5 gold (this kind of arena does not deserve modification on the limit)
Solo and Team Arena: A fusion of the 2 limits to make only one of them only, therefore a maximum of 30 gold per day.

A) As I specified above Team Effort Gold Rewards, would leave on a basis 500 for the victory, some is the situation.

  • 1.5 gold by victory for a team arena

B) For the losing team, indeed this system would be good, the basic reward will leave on 50% the price the victory and would be variable according to the score.

  • 0 silver with 75 silver per defeat for a team arena

Frequency of Gold Sellers, worried

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trinity.8340


1 message from time to time, it’ll still. But today, I have already received already more than 20 messages coming from PvPBank, sometimes 2 or 3 messages at the same time. It is really an unpleasant. More when you block one, another comes up. I to have already blocked 10 today. Thank you for something and this quickly!


[EU] Gold League Predicted Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: Trinity.8340


A moderation on the cheat is of course useful but however not sufficient to eject a maximum of players using the “cheat”. There are many anti cheat today, why Arenanet does still not use one? 1 year and a half after the release of the game the cheat is still as this see more. What will happen if you do nothing, you will simply start all servers “challenger” gold or any League simply to leave everything players who actually play for their server without using the cheat as a way to win. There is room for 9 servers in the lower leagues, if you really want to have a future League gold deserted and or just the cheat will reign to play victory, continue just like that. For me this League is already more worthless in 1 week, give the same rewards to everyone at the end of the League would be more correct or simply repeat the same matches if you won’t.

[EU] Gold League Predicted Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: Trinity.8340


1) Cheater #1
2) Cheater #2
3) Legit #1
4) Legit #2
5) Legit #3
6) Random Looser #1
7) Random Looser #2
8) PvE only pop server #1
9) PvE only pop server #2

Totally agree, the first two servers do that cheat (more the future 2nd than the 1st). No glory. In reality, all servers cheats a bit because of some players. But some much more than others. It is a pity but we know anything about it (or not much). Good luck to all the other servers, there is even a 3rd place to play yet.

My prediction

1. Seafarer’s Rest
2. Riverside (no glory)
3. Vizunah Square (manipulate) or Jade Sea
4. Vizunah Square or Jade Sea
5. Elona Reach or Desolation
6. Elona Reach or Desolation
7. Kodash
8. Baruch Bay
9. Augury Rock

(edited by Trinity.8340)

Anybody able to access the EotM map?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Trinity.8340


The servers are completely out of service. Just wait…