(edited by Tristar.2687)
Showing Posts For Tristar.2687:
and then people wonder why arenanet decided to keep communication to a minimum.
You mean why they managed to announce a roadmap back then and never gave us any updates on it for over a year so the community got pretty mad about the silence (understandable).
And then they had the audacity to call the community toxic as a consequence of their major mistakes?
Then change their communication policy dramatically to everyones disadvantage (Arenanet’s revenue suffered from it, I would bet on it) and blame it on the community?
Where does that relate to harmless ironic posts in this thread after the disaster ArenaNet wants to sell us as communication? For almost 2 years now.
When did they say that the ‘’community is toxic’’ ?
And when tey say it they ‘’blame the community’’ ?
kitten kids , spouting nonsense 24/7 ……They did say it while defending their communication policy. Too lazy to research the article now. And they stated that a consequence of multiple community reactions lead to their change in policy.
What does that have to do with kids? I’m 25 years old.
I am 27 , you are a kid !
Deal with it !Are you really sure , they said :
a)Because the community is TOXIC to us , and they dont +1 in Facebook , we blame them for the lack of transparency ?
Not cool guys , we dont love you !b) Or because we didnt have time to implnat things (like precursor crafting) and something more eager things shown up , we had to implanted first and postpone some other thing ?
What are you talking about? Don’t quote me when you make up random arguments I didn’t bring up. Read my post carefully, think, maybe draw a timeline about what happened and what caused which reaction (publisher and community are the two parties) and maybe respond. Or just leave it.
and then people wonder why arenanet decided to keep communication to a minimum.
You mean why they managed to announce a roadmap back then and never gave us any updates on it for over a year so the community got pretty mad about the silence (understandable).
And then they had the audacity to call the community toxic as a consequence of their major mistakes?
Then change their communication policy dramatically to everyones disadvantage (Arenanet’s revenue suffered from it, I would bet on it) and blame it on the community?
Where does that relate to harmless ironic posts in this thread after the disaster ArenaNet wants to sell us as communication? For almost 2 years now.
When did they say that the ‘’community is toxic’’ ?
And when tey say it they ‘’blame the community’’ ?
kitten kids , spouting nonsense 24/7 ……
They did say it while defending their communication policy. Too lazy to research the article now. And they stated that a consequence of multiple community reactions lead to their change in policy.
What does that have to do with kids? I’m 25 years old.
and then people wonder why arenanet decided to keep communication to a minimum.
You mean why they managed to announce a roadmap back then and never gave us any updates on it for over a year so the community got pretty mad about the silence (understandable).
And then they had the audacity to call the community toxic as a consequence of their major mistakes?
Then change their communication policy dramatically to everyones disadvantage (Arenanet’s revenue suffered from it, I would bet on it) and blame it on the community?
Where does that relate to harmless ironic posts in this thread after the disaster ArenaNet wants to sell us as communication? For almost 2 years now.
@Kuldebar – Right on spot.
And instead of giving the community what it really wanted they gave us this.
Where are the ingame achievable armors after 2 years? Without Gem-Shop theres not much.
Where are the new skills?
Where is a change in balance and making the feeling of the game less stale?
Where are new professions?
Where are new traits that make our characters more cutomizable?
In general – excluding the gem-shop there are not much possibilities to customize your char. Every class has 1 max. 2 builds. Every weapon type has 1-2 good designs. Means you see everybody running around with the same build and with same/similar weapon types. It is frustrating if you take into consideration the amount of variety excluding the gem-shop. Since that was the initial offer for $60 that did not really change in 2 years.
What’s this thing about allowing a dungeon path per day? o.o
End rewards and the chests I think. You used to be able to be able to run the dungeon(s) on alts and get the full rewards, including boss chests, but those were made to once per account for some unknown (and unasked for) reason.
To reduce endless CoF P1 farming, which was a good thing…
So instead of adjusting the other dungeon’s rewards or making CoF remarkbly harder/longer to finish the solution of Anet to limit the player experience is a good thing? Well, if that is your mind-set, you should consider applying to ArenaNet.
Why did I even click this thread?
I honestly don’t know.
If they weren’t working on “stuff” that would mean they would shut down their business in the next few weeks.
Whats the freakin sense of this topic? Making fun of people who were waiting for 2 years to actually get some real content next to simplistic and linear LW fragments that barely tell anything and always end up grinding stuff nobody needs, like the 5th back piece?
I honestly laughed out loudly when I read the first Post.
I mean, what are you thinking? That is literally a worse topic than any of the mount begging ones. Like completly useless. You might just consider closing it.
I think it is ridiculous to have to buy 400 gems at a time! They should have left it the way it was.
To be fair I have been “forced” to buy at least 800 gems every time I have wanted to buy gems since release. And yet no one seems to have had any issue with that.
Well that is your problem. Nobody forced you to buy gems with real money. Removing features that actually limit the ingame-conversion is a whole different topic. I’d consider you to open a seperate topic for that.
Please, just move on to a new game.
Please take your own advice and stop posting on the forums since you quite clearly have no sort of interest in the game?
You are being robbed over and over and still defend thoae thieves? How are you able to see positive aspects in this move, removing features from the game to maximize profits of their already overpriced gem shop items. Have you ever had a basic economics class? I advise you to take one.
Clearly they are a paid shill, an employee/relative of one. Possibly just one of those confused new players, but I doubt they can type “yet” as obviously it is too confusing.
Well it is easy to blame new players again since they are already the scapegoats for many veterans due to the NPE failure of anet. Guess they were sitting on a table at their conference room and discussed who to blame for the upcoming robbery they have planned. Easiest solution: New players. Plus send Gaile out to defend the move since she is one of the last remaining persons shining in the light of GW1. But this time sending Gaile was not enough to calm down the masses.
Please, just move on to a new game.
Please take your own advice and stop posting on the forums since you quite clearly have no sort of interest in the game?
You are being robbed over and over and still defend thoae thieves? How are you able to see positive aspects in this move, removing features from the game to maximize profits of their already overpriced gem shop items. Have you ever had a basic economics class? I advise you to take one.
The great thing is how Anet literally has no waay of backpedaling out of this.
Even a full retraction and reset will cause everyone to wonder why they did it in thhe first place.
There is no plausible answer other than, ‘We want more money and didn’t want you to notice.’
Please, just move on to a new game.
GW2 ‘golden age’ was year 1 (sadly, I missed even this, as I literally started playing right around year 1 and I’ve seen nothing but decline in game quality).
Star Citizen looks incredibly awesome.
The answer is: Nexon. Monetarization specialists that took over the game. You wonder why we get no new armors or weapons ingame, just skimpy outfits and all the other gimmicks in gem store? The answer is Nexon. They destroyed the whole franchise for me. Sadly.
All customers can do in this particular case is: Stop purchasing Gems.
The only way to stop the greed.
To come back to the topic: It doesn’t make sense to write in here – Those few GW2-White-Knights countering any criticism won’t change this fact.
There’s still no content updates that affect the game, no additions comparable to add-ons, no new pvp-modes, no adjustment to wvw, anything that was known and written down here since beta. No new incentives to start the game except for the confusing LW-Story and the mini-areals, that can be played in around 50 Minuten each. Low quality, low standards, some people here even seem to be satisfied with that extremly low input of arenanet, even defending their work arguing that the ranger update, which was needed since beta-times, has been implemented last week.
You have many reasons to be completly disappointed, but there seems to be a customer-tier, that can be served anything tagged with the name of “Guild Wars” and they are satisfied. Pretty disappointing to me.
This is not the subject of the thread… by the way.. it’s not personal story, it’s swerver story, and you make it by zerging with 40 players on you left and other 50 on your right… not really personal..
it’s like going to the bathroom with 15 person looking at you.. not so personal
So what about those three maps that they didn’t add then?
And to be fair the majority of Season 2 have been instanced with small groups or solo. But I suppose that doesn’t count either?
Are you serious even counting these reworks / mini areas that have been added in the last TWO (2) years.
The quality of the added content was very very low, even lower than the personal story. The story telling was bad / is still on a very low level (do you feel involved or even appealed to the story?) and the whole added content was built around the gem shop. You can feel it in every corner.
So, writing here or trying to change something by giving well-thought input is rather useless than anything.
wait wait wait… .i got what you are saying but.. i was talking about “bigger” suggestion… not eye color, UI changes, or aesthetic stuff…
you know what i mean …
Guess you mean real content. Haven’t seen it in over 2 years either. No new class around, no new weapon types, no new maps, no new personal story.
With UI improvements you don’t build loyalty. These things had to be finished when releasing the game.
It doesn’t matter at all. I wouldn’t even put any effort in trying to create ideas.
2 week intervals of milking the cow with the weekly gem-shop-update.
2 years have passed and the game hasn’t even moved out of beta status.
Is there any solution for the overflow-problematic concerning a new world boss who was claimed to be quite difficult yet? Because to me this means a high grade of coordination (like e.g. Tequatl) and different groups having different tasks to do. This simply cannot be done on overflow servers (happened to me once on Teq that it actually worked there) since they are seen as an overflow-queue to the actual happening. Well, which they basically are.
So to me this upcoming content design has already quite a high frustration-potential even though i have no clue of whats really gonna happen. Is there anything planned to avoid this (to me) quite ridiculous problem for a MMO? Even the prequel had a solution on this by dividing in different districts because im not gonna spend a few hours idling on a server to wait for something that may fail on the first attempts on a high %.