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Kiel: Direct Support Achievement Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


You must start from tier 1 and work your way to tier 4 with both candidate separately. The top-most option will always be the highest tier. If you want tier 1 then select the bottom option.

Selecting the bottom option, it does not bring you down to tier 1. I have tried this multiple times to no avail. It will only go down to tier 2.

I did the tier 1-4 (in order) for Evon and It is completed, however now when I go to Kiel to do all 4 tiers, it will only let me go down to tier 2. It will not go any lower no matter which option I choose.

Can't get tier 4 survival.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


Same here. I completed Kiel’s trial but having the same issue as you are on Evon’s. Cannot go back to tier 1. The lowest I can go is to tier 2. It would be beneficial if they would add “Back to the beginning”, “Start Over” or “Go to tier 1” to the list of options.

Noob Question

in Mesmer

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


Wow, loads of information thanks everyone. When I first heard about combo fields/finishers I could not wrap my head around all of the possibilities each brought to a given fight/situation. I still can’t, but I now have a starting point to launch off of. Thanks again.

Noob Question

in Mesmer

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


What are some good combo fields for Mesmer’s when roaming with a group in wvwvw? I asked this question today on my server and was laughed at, heh heh. So, I figured I may get a better response here. Thanks in advance.

I play solely with a gsword, scepter/focus.

Your matchmaking is so legit Anet.

in WvW

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


And what’s that supposed to help? All it would do is cause empty areas. 50 people on a borderland? Lol. That’s a 30 man guild, 10+ people being AFK and a couple of roamers. It’d be boring as hell and one big karma train, cause no one will bother to small scale. So you’re going to send WvW queues skyrocketing to 5+ hours for what exactly? You’re going to feel so much better by forcing people to pay those $25??? GG indeed.

Any “fix” that reduce functions of the game is a bad fix. Its a complicated issue that cannot be “solved” by such simplistic ideas.

It is much easier to pick through other people’s ideals rather than bringing your own. What exactly are you bringing to the table of debate? In your opinion, what will stabilize all servers?

Having Overpopulated servers in the first place is what is ruining the wvwvw experience for players. This is a very simple plan. Cut the population of said servers and in return even it out across all servers. You are in the mind frame of today’s wvwvw logic. In order to accept change one will need to look outside of the box.

There are 24 N/A servers. The majority of the wvwvw population are all playing on, maybe 5 servers. The rest are sporadically dispersed across the rest. How is that logical? When it comes to GW2’s wvwvw, it seems that “flight” is more prevalent than “fight”. Making the overpopulated servers even more of a burden on the over all stability of each tier, with more transfers coming in. This is not a complicated issue. Some people will be hurt due to them leaving their overpopulated servers for lesser populated servers. However, a displaced soul is rightfully minimized by the overall stability of each tier.

(edited by TrojanBallz.2359)

Your matchmaking is so legit Anet.

in WvW

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


Well… What do you expect to happen? Should Dragonbrand just say “oh hey we are owning these guys, that’s so bad! Lets all roll over and die instead”.

The only way a server is going to improve its game is by fighting through adversity. Yes, that means fighting against 600+ ticks. Cant do it? Well then you’re going to keep seeing 600+ ticks, obviously. Its unfair, its bad matchmaking but its not going to change.

Hell why is it even bad? Looking at Yaks Bend history, most weeks has ended with fairly close scores! Looks like its about time to give them a challenge. Magumma has a little more varied score history, but the times they faced Yaks Bend they have owned them hard. Dragonbrand may be a notch above the two, but that’s why there is a 3 way conflict.

Look at the bright side, at least you’re not fighting a tier 1 server. Or two.

You are missing the point. One server dominating each tier (with a higher population) is counterproductive to their original plan. Stabilizing the tiers seems to be getting worse, not better. More and more guilds/pugs are leaving servers who are outmatched on a constant basis, undermining the original intentions of stabilization.

They need to limit the number of players from each home server to 50 who can enter a borderland at one given time. Anyone trying to enter that borderland who’s home server has already reached the max number of players, will be queued. (50 players on Green, 50 players on Blue and 50 players on Red.) The overly populated servers will be met with extremely high queue times.

The benefits:
Lesser populated servers will be more appealing.
Properly stabilizing all tiers.
Less lag for all.

(edited by TrojanBallz.2359)

kitten bugged fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


It is believed that the harpy invulnerable “bug” is due to a change made in game to thwart LOS glitching mobs/bosses. I am unsure if there are plans to fix this in the future. I typically run with the same players while running fractals and the only way we were able to complete this smoothly is to run as a group killing each harpy as you ascend.

As for the skill swap bug in Urban battleground I made a post and was quickly responded to. The Dev stated that they are aware of this bug and they are investigating. As seen here.

My opinion about what things should change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


This game already has the foundation to cater to both types of players. As someone else stated earlier in this thread, it seems as though this first year is somewhat of an unofficial live beta test. So, give it time, I for one am hopeful that they can pull it off. If ArenaNet only catered to one certain play style, then I would assume they are limiting themselves financially. I just do not see that in the games longevity. There has to be something up ANETs sleeve for us hardcore players.

+1 OP I agree on almost every point.

Ascended crafting mats...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


kk my bad. I got confused. I have only gotten 1 vial so far not a glob. After running close to 70 instances I have 1 vial and that’s it. 0 globs and 0 shards. What level do I get shards and globs at? and are they more common than the vials are at lvl 15 and below?

Vials are lvl 1+
Globs start dropping at lvl 10 – 19
Shards at 20+

Hope this helps.
Reference :

Ascended crafting mats...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


Like LordByron, I have accumulated a lot of shards and very few vials from fractals, however with shards you can forge globs which you can then forge vials.

Ascended Armors and Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


The rumor is that Anet will not be releasing any more stat-based vertical progression items, but instead return to the fully skill-based 100% horizontal progression game GW2 was marketed as for years.

Where did you get this information? Please post a link, as I am probably not the only one wanting to read through it. If they stop vertical progression at the trinket level, then the implications of such, would ripple through other parts of the end game content. I.E Fractals of the Mists. It makes no sense for them to spend the time on Fractals and its current AR progression through ascended gear, to simply say, “Well, we won’t be releasing anymore ascended gear (for whatever reason), instead we are ONLY going to focus our efforts on cosmetic gear exclusively .” This just does not sound like something they would do. To me anyway. I only want more ascended gear so I can further my leveling in fractals.

Urban Battlegrounds Fractal - BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


There’s a known bug where utility skills can’t be swapped out while transformed. We’re investigating it.

Thank you for the fast response. Much appreciated.

Urban Battlegrounds Fractal - BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


Urban Battlegrounds Fractal bug. Not able to change skills. Being out of combat does not allow for one to change skills either.

Need some advice

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


Sorry to hear that. It is very unfortunate when you put the time and effort into a dungeon only to get kicked in the end over something so petty. Especially if the run was going smooth.

In my experience with running in pugs as of late, many want the warriors to stack strength. So with 4 warriors it will look something like this 3x Strength banners 1 Discipline and 2/3x Standard. I typically run FoGJ, OMM, Banner, Standard.

The irony in the criticism against RNG...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


OP: Let not reward people actually playing the game, but I love throwing my cash to get stuff in the box-lotto…

Go drunk, you’re home.

Are you grammar stunted? I think your last line refers to you.

Wow, talk about facetious and condescending! Relentless hijacking of threads that you personally disagree with for what? What do you get out of it? After taking a look through your post history a clear picture emerged. It is okay for you to post your concerns on things that you wanted changed in the game. But it is “stupid” for others to post their issues on things that bother them? Nor is it okay for others to disagree with you on any account or you simply underscore their opinion with an ad hominem attack? You said previously that you are in the business of Finance. With that said, you are obviously an Adult, correct? Do you treat others in the real world as you do here on the forums? Keep in mind, that at the end of the day, this is a video game. You should tone it down and allow free expression from others without constantly injecting your repeated disapproval. We get it. We really do. You love this game as many of us do. You have no issues with RNG. There is no need to personally attack others for having a different opinion. Agree to disagree and just move on. Be the bigger man/woman. My goodness!

Fix Rewards, Time, Fun; Fractals of the Mist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


more challenging? and you still need rings?

try higher levels please….

Also as said (that s why its not OT) some fractals are too hard.

But some overpowered classes can just negate the challenging mechanics :/ while with “normal” builds/professions its Beyond frustrating.

I run nothing but lvl 48 and up. Sounds like you need help with making viable high end dungeon builds. As far as rings? Infused rings with the right stats for my build on each of my level capped toons. Not the same bunker/trash stats 4 days in a row. I take it shards tend to drop like candy for you. Not for me man. Like I said in my post, RNG loves to give me trash.

Fix Rewards, Time, Fun; Fractals of the Mist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


+1 to the OP for the well thought out improvements to our current fractal rewards. Although, I am all for these changes I just do not see them implemented. For one, going off of their previous actions, instead of making fractals up to par with CoF p1 rewards they are more apt to nerf CoF p1 as a way to create a healthy balance, making the other dungeons more appealing. The devs, when referring to skill/build balancing, have been known to say that instead of bringing the weaker skills up to par with the powerful skills it would be best to bring down the powerful skills to a more balanced level with the weaker skills. This philosophy can easily be adopted across the entire game. In other words, they don’t want to make changes to one part of the game that will in turn create more work for them in the end.

My gripe is with the ascended rings. I have basically gotten the same ring 4 days in a row. Duplicate rings is what their RNG has in store for me. If there was an achievement in game that rewarded getting the same ring multiple times in a row, I’d be wearing a new title. However, this to me, places a microscope on the current issues with their RNG system. I am hoping that over time they will fine tune their current RNG algorithm. It is obvious, at least to me, that the current one is a bit generic in regards to the vast differences between each instance, dungeon, mob, map, chest etc. I also think that they should bring choice based rewards to the end game content as they currently have in the beginning part of the game. I.E Give you the ability to chose between 2 or 3 different rings. It would also be nice if they would make ascended rings salvageable. Giving you 1-3 vials of condensed mist essence. There are forging recipes that will allow you to make globs and shards from them, so it will keep them fractal orientated.

Also, I think that fractals need to be more challenging than they currently are. There are some players who are leveling up alts by running fractals. This is not end game content imo. They do need to fix the invulnerability bug, I.E harpies. Despite what some others have said. With a greatsword, I have ran up at the start of the fractal, targeted and beat on a harpy. Got knocked off, ran back up while the harpy was performing rapid fire on me yet I could not attack it due to invulnerability. Rangers are also having issues with harpies as well. They are range classes yet they are penalized by playing their class the way it was designed due to changes being made in the game to thwart LOS glitching mobs/bosses. Quick fixes to areas of the game where people are exploiting content that in return creates different problems in other areas does nothing but send bad messages to some players.

/end rant + my two cents

Why no /inspect ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrojanBallz.2359


Want to know why I love Guild Wars 2? Because it is so different from any other MMO that I have ever played. In terms of build diversity. The build is only as good as the player itself. The only thing that I care about is that we have a good mixture of classes when running a dungeon or fractal. Too many of one class can lead to an unpleasant experience/armor breakage. Unless you are all glass cannon warriors and can usually complete any dungeon with very little problems. Except for high level fractals where glass cannons become a burden on a party due to their excessive death rate. In this case it all boils down to the party they are in and how well they each adapt to his/her shortcomings. I.E Devise new strategies on the fly.

I am against /inspect in the game period. Especially in PVP. Those guys/gals spend a lot of time tweaking their build and if they so happen to find a great build, their hard work should not be given out to everyone who has the option to peer into their trait tree and gear setup. If I know what my enemy has as arsenal I then know how to counter that by changing my own setup. Competitive pvp should be closed to inspect due to these facts.

I am more so against /inspect in pve because Elitism runs rampant in EVERY mmo, and having this option available only encourages this biased philosophy. Making sure a party has a good mixture of classes is one thing. But giving others more power to try and tell you how to play yours is not an option for many who play for fun. Some hardcore players are more open to scrutiny and will most of the time adjust their skill bar to suit the current team. However, there are many more out there who just want to play the way they want with little to no outside influence. I am happy with being able to ping gear. As my friends and I can discuss our mixture of gear and how it works for us in certain situations.

In conclusion, I feel that /inspect will bring more harm than good. If you want to ask people to ping their gear, well, you already have that option. Asking for more tools at your disposal in order to further your prejudice on others is a game breaker for many.

tldr: I say no to /inspect period.