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Precursors: Will it ever end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


Here is a simple solution:

Boycott playing the game untill the precursor situation is rectified.

Its the only way you will get ANETS attention.

The gold grind for legendaries is an issue. Thats why I stopped playing, as the game devolved into a horrid gold grind for a trinket.

The other barriers to the legendary: aka map completion, wvw goals, etc. are more than enough of an effort grind. The gold grind is purely boring. Thats why I moved on to other games.

If they remove the gold grind and make legendaries more accessible then more people will level alts and do other game related activities that are actually fun.

As it is without a gold grind, it takes close to 1-2 months of regular gameplay to farm the mats/events for a legendary. With the gold grind it takes a year.

Gold/Gem Conversion Shennanigans

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


That is exactly my problem.

I bought 10 gold worth of gems at 1 g 96 silver per 100 and got 429 gems

Initially I could sell those gems back for around 7 gold when first purchased.

Gem prices rose and are still higher than my purchase price. Highests was 2 gold 5 silver and currently is 2 gold.

Yet if I want to sell back the best I can get is 6 gold and 10 silver. That is a 10-15% decrease in their value despite an increase in their value listed on the trading post.

The math does not add up. An a flat tax cannot account for that.

Gold/Gem Conversion Shennanigans

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


No, its clearly manipulation. If the price of gems for gold is going up then the amount of gold that gems are worth must increase. It basic math.

Gold/Gem Conversion Shennanigans

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


I foolishly bought 10 gold worth of gems right before wintersday expecting them to go up in value. Although they have gone up in value modestly (about 5% increase from 1g 95 silver to about 2 gold 5 silver), they conversion of them back into gold has steadily decreased (From 7 gold at purchase to today only being worth 5 gold 50 silver).

I realize there is a tax on transfer, but this is clearly manipulation being done by arena net. Both are increasing in cost. Inflation cannot affect both, if one increases in cost the other should go down,

Day 3 Rewards Bugged

in Wintersday

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


Actually, I double checked my banked item. The icons are the same but one is a toy soldier and the other a toy ventari. So I guess no bug. Still the event did not give an other loot but thats not really a big deal.

Day 3 Rewards Bugged

in Wintersday

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


Just did the Charr city Tixx run and got a repeat version of day 1 reward with the toy ventari. Did anyone else get this? Will I be able to get the Charr reward now? Also event was buggy with 3 times Toxx spawning and no loot dropped the entire 30 minutes from any mobs.

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 STILL bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


Ok, im a necro, speced 20 power line, 30 precision line, 20 healing line

weapons are dagger/warhorn and staff
utilities are vunderability well, boon conversion well, and blind well
ultimate is plague form

Start fight and drop wells which gives a large dps boost to the whole party, melee tank him with dagger

Once things get hairy I pop my ultimate plague form and aoe blind everyone on a 1.5 second cooldown for 20 seconds. After that I then drop my blind well for another 6 seconds.

That gives around 40 to 45 seconds to beat him without anyone taking damage. Not mentioning I can also drop a fear mark and I can death shroud tank and pull the mobs away to protect the group

We did it with a 5 man on our second attempt.

We had ele, mesmer, ranger, thief, and me the necro.

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 STILL bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TrojanKilla.6382


I just played it for the first time and beat it today. Yes it is hard but it is totally completable. FYI the start is easy compared to the later golem bosses.

The first boss can be burned down pretty quickly with enough dps before adds become a problem.

The second boss is a little harder as you have to run past the mobs and engage at the door so the adds dont cumulate. Then the boss fight is hard with all the singularities, but it is doable.

The golems are really hard. All I can say is kite in to tunnel and fight one at a time. Pulling utility skills help. The fire golemn is really the only hard one, but he can wipe the whole group fast.

My only gripe is that the starting endless inquest never despawn, even if you kill their respective bosses. That seemed pretty stupid, cause the run past mechanic gets old as there is no distal waypoint.