Showing Posts For Tuknog.2691:

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tuknog.2691


1. Ranger
2. Ele
3. Engi

Tuknog – Piken Square

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuknog.2691


My little ranger


Tuknog – Piken Square

Shortbow mastery

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuknog.2691


It was meant as a condition/control weapon, not power I assuke…

It was meant as a hybrid weapon.

Like the Mh axe so we have 2 hybrid.

Tuknog – Piken Square

Shortbow mastery

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuknog.2691


New Trait: turn your weapon of choice into a 1500 range, 0.5s attack speed auto attack that explodes on impact dealing AoE damage to everything in a 600 range radius and stuns all targets hit for 1s. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THING BROS!!!!!!? GOOOD YEAH?? LOL WHY DOESN’T A MAJOR VIDEO GAME COMPANY HIRE ME TO DO THEIR BALANCING!!!!

Sit down kid…

Tuknog – Piken Square

Shortbow mastery

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuknog.2691


Grand Master trait (Skirmisher tree)
Improve shortbow dmg by 15 % , remove the bleed effect from auto shot.
Increase range to 1100(?)
Auto shot bounces to additional target.
What do you guys think?
Is this Op or ok?

Tuknog – Piken Square

Oct 11 Patch Preview now Beginners Guide

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuknog.2691


Coming Monday, October 14th
“Tuesday’s Guild Wars 2 update will bring some balance changes, but you’ll get a peek at them on Monday! Karl McLain and Roy Cronacher will be livestreaming a first look at the balance changes beginning at noon PDT, right here on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel!”
im a sad panda now

Tuknog – Piken Square

Post Your Build Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuknog.2691


Tuknog – Piken Square