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Sweetfx still working for GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Thanks guys! Much appreciated, I will try reinstalling or something

Sweetfx still working for GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Sorry I wasn’t sure where to put this topic but:

I am a returning player I’ve always played with Sweetfx shaders.
I was wondering if it still works for gw2? Is anyone else still using it?

I couldn’t get it working despite following all the instructions and such.

Much appreciated.

Combat sound effects are very underwhelming.

in Audio

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Please address this ArenaNet..

I’ve read a post by Anet somewhere that they’ve promised 2014 to be a Year where they would focus a lot on the Audio aspect of the game. However, no confirmation has been noted for any upcoming changes. I am very concerned with this issue, it is one of the major reasons why I don’t like to play any class other than Elementalist, they have the most colorful SFX imo.

Tempo Lock on Lute

in Audio

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Enabling the tempo lock on your lute quantizes all of your lute chords to a global 120bpm tempo. This allows you to not only play in-time with yourself, but also to play in time with other tempo-locked lute players’ chords as well as people playing the Musical Frame Drum.

Unlocking your tempo allows you to play your chords freely, outside of the global tempo, similarly to how the individual lute notes are played.

I would like to ask how come sometimes the lute “chords” are different? Despite pressing the same key, it would play different strums. I’ve tested this and noticed that there can be 3 different strums (or maybe more) from pressing the same note.

I also don’t quite understand how we are suppose to duet with other players on a locked 120bpm tempo? Unless you’re specifically playing songs that are 120bpm only…

Hammer Sound Effects Lacking "oomph"

in Audio

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


You’re not the only one bro! I’ve been wanting to vent this for a while and have just created a suggestion page for it here

Combat sound effects are very underwhelming.

in Audio

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


=Basic overview=
I’ve been playing GW2 since it first launched, and one of the most disappointing aspects of the game was definitely the sound effects while in combat. I feel that the sound effects currently used are too “soft” and the player definitely cannot “FEEL” the power of the attack and “FEEL” the damage being dealt.

Let’s take the Warrior class for example. The hammer weapon should be of a weapon that pounds very hard against a target. But when the hammer does hit, it sounds of a “clink” as if you’re toasting 2 teacups. This, for me, makes it less believable that my character is actually doing a lot of damage and just makes my character feel weak. Another example is the Warrior’s 2handed sword- Hundred blades. When used against a target, you can BARELY hear ANY sound effects of the sword slashing against the target- I heard more grunting sounds from my character than the sword! Imagine hundred blades used in a movie clip. It would almost feel as if someone forgot to add the SFX! My point is, I feel that Anet needs to add more of the “UMPH” when attacking an enemy, otherwise it makes the combat very dull! You want to be able to FEEL your attacks making an impact on the target you’re hitting, and without a more significant or noticeable sound effect, I can’t feel that I’m doing a lot of damage!

What I propose is that first of all, Anet needs to change up the SFX when a weapon lands a hit against a target. They not only have to be louder than the grunting sounds your characters make but make a distinctive sound of a target being slashed rather than using the generic “clink” sound all around. Secondly, add “SWOOSH” sounds when swinging a weapon (this is especially important before landing a hit) to make the impact of the weapon more dramatic.

I understand that this isn’t as easily done as said, due to the MMORPG nature of this game, there are going to be issues, like an overabundance of sound effects when in crowded areas. Although, I’m confident that with years of successful MMORPG development experience, Anet can figure out a solution to such a simple problem- if they already have not. I feel with these changes, players can feel more immersed while fighting will overall make combats more entertaining.

A guide to crafting Celestials?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Like Electro said you need the recipe which is available on the tradingpost. The required Recipes for Armor are Celestial Intricate Insignia and for weapons Celestial Orichalcum Imbued Inscription along with the recipe for the specific armor or weapon

I’d like to point out that Charged Quartz Crystal, required by all Celestial pieces (5/each) be it weapons or armor, can only be refined once per day at a place of power at the cost of 25 Quartz Crystals which are available on the TP.

I’d recommend putting you specific piece into gwspidy for a complete material list such as: Celestial Draconic Coat It works wonders for almost anything craftable if you want a buy-list aslong as you know the names, it sadly doesn’t display required recipes.

For trinkets I’d highly recommend getting the Ascended versions with Laurels, but if you want to craft exotic ones this page should be able help you: Celestial Trinkets and put their names into gw2spidey.

Thank you and Electro very much for the help! I just wnated to know if it’s still possible to get them. I can probably figure the rest out. Thanks again.

A guide to crafting Celestials?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Hi guys, I saw a build that I would like to follow and I need some celestial gears. I’ve never crafted anything before and I’m not sure how it works.

I googled some ways to craft celestial armors but my friend told me they’re out dated and was only “available during an event” or something.

So Im wondering is it still possible to craft celestials and if so, is there an updated guide somewhere that can walk me through on how to do it?

Much appreciated

Just a thought

in Audio

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Hello everyone. Just dropping by to relay a message that Maclaine wrote after reading the suggestions in this thread.

“Thanks for your suggestions, and most of all thanks for your concern. We do actually know what music is playing where. I was the one that set up every play list for every map, both in the original release and in all content released since then. I mentioned this in a livestream a couple of months ago, but I’ll reiterate it here. I’m not happy with how the music is used across the game, and I know from reading feedback that neither are players. One thing or another has kept me from overhauling it until this point, but music is my #1 priority for 2014, and what you’re talking about it something I am literally working on right this very moment. I’m going through every single map, from 1-80 for all races, and working on a plan to both redistribute the music in an intelligent manner, as well as figure out where there needs to be more new music. It will take a while for this to roll out, so I ask that folks are patient, but it will be coming at some point in the future.

Thanks again."

I’m glad Anet realizes this problem and plans to address it. I would like to ask if there is any way to check updates on this? Is there a place where we can see progress updates on this matter? This was one of the major reasons why I couldn’t be immersed in GW2.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


Here is a simple yet impactful change that I think would tremendously help this game out in its RPG element.

- Nothing is as powerful within a game as a good soundtrack, especially if the tunes aren’t just generic but iconic and something people can associate with certain areas and characters within the game.
- Don’t misinterpret that as though I am not aware that ambient soundtracks have their place to enhance the mood and feeling of different types of areas as well.
I find listening to the soundtrack a very enjoyable pastime, but to my regret I cannot associate many of them with certain places or characters.
- One example that I must draw attention to is “Legion Of Flames” which, according to the name, I should associate with the Flame Legion, but I associate it with Zhaitan.
- The soundtrack in and on itself is amazing, there are many different tunes for different purposes, but again (as is my standpoint with the LS as well) how it is executed/used within the game is the determining factor how we as players perceive it.


Make customized folders/playlists function that is LOCATION based. For example, make a folder that is (MY DOCUMENTS → Guild wars 2 → Music → Queensdale). And whatever music file we drop into that folder, will be played when we enter queensdale! This will not only save devs money from having to create new audio content, but also it is extremely easy to do! I feel this will definitely help with the “living and breathing world” that ANET advertised. This will make each area an UNIQUE experience to explore and not have to listen to repeated use of the same music for completely different environments. We ALREADY have a system in place that is the custom playlist. All ANET has to do is make it more customizable!

The Music of GW2 - Understanding the issue

in Audio

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


there are so many different threads in this section that say this exact same thing but worded differently. I’m not sure why but it almost feels like Arena net is avoiding this suggestion. I really wish they would give us their standpoint on this matter… even if they can’t implement this, I’d like to know a valid reason as to why. Personally this was one of the biggest turn offs from this game- and i am rather dissatisfied as a customer because I’d expect this to be a very basic element to a RPG that they failed to address.

Generic music problem suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


I’m pretty sure this issue has been brought up before that the whole game music is too generic and bland. There is no “specific” music that makes each other that you explore/visit an unique experience. I don’t know about you guys but it REALLY is a bummer when you visit a beautiful forest and a song starts playing that sounds appropriate for a wasteland!

So here’s my suggestion:
Why don’t the developers let players choose what “ambient” music to put in our games? I understand that it can be very costly and time consuming for them to compose different music for all of the contents. So my suggestion is, why not just divide the contents apart into different folders in our game directory and allow us PLAYERS to choose for ourselves what kind of music we would like to have in THOSE specific contents? We ALREADY have a feature like this (the custom playlist) but it is not content specified! It doesn’t address the problem at hand.

I believe this should be very simple to do and not costly at all since the Devs wont actually have to create anything new. Just give players the ability to customize our own music according to our location and our situation.

An example of this:
Make each major town a different folder, where we can drag/drop music into it. And those music will be played when we enter those towns!

Opinion Regarding Music

in Audio

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


I really wish the Devs would see this… honestly, one of the reasons why I found exploring to be dull is because of this!! There is no ‘new’ content for our EARS! I am personally an animator and everyone knows that music is JUST as important as visual effects in setting a mood… guild wars 2 fails to capture this unfortunately.

I actually made a suggestion a long time before and they locked my threat (cuz i posted it in the wrong topic or something.. i forgot) but i will post it again.

Why don’t the developers let US choose what “ambient” music to put in OUR games? I understand that it can be very costly and time consuming for them to compose different music for all of the contents. So my suggestion is, why not just divide the contents apart into different folders in our game directory and allow us PLAYERS to choose for ourselves what kind of music we would like to have in THOSE specific contents? We ALREADY have a feature like this, but it is not content specified! It should be very simple to do and not costly at all since the Devs wont actually have to create anything new. Just give players the ability to!

If you guys think this is a good idea, please forward this to anyone that can make a difference. I am not active on the forums and I don’t know how it works. However, if they do go forward with this idea, I would definitely come back to guild wars 2 after quitting because of lack of content!

A recommendation to Arenanet- PLEASE CONSIDER

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Turtlebear.9136


I’ve had Guildwars 2 for about a month and one of the main aspects of the game that I absolutely LOVE is that the world is SO immerse and SO huge that it is like a never ending journey of exploration.

With that being said, I feel that the game lacks the BGM/MUSIC/OST to go along with the VAST variety of visual content it has to offer.

One thing I realized while exploring the world is that different contents have the same “ambient” music playing in the background, and this can often be inappropriate in certain circumstances. For example, I was standing in this forest/flower/peaceful area and the environment was absolutely stunning. Yet the music that was playing was rather something that was more relative to a rocky/dark desert area. This kind of killed the mood for me because I kept wondering, was I in battle? Or… was this area suppose to have this kind of music?

I am aware of the “jukebox” function where you can create your own playlist under the documents guildwars2 folder. This however, does not give us the function of WHERE we want the music to be played. Every area of the game should have the unique feeling of something new and exciting yet to be explored. Having an animation background myself, I can safely say that Audio is just as important as Visual. So why provide so much variety in visual, but so little in audio?

I am aware that creating new content of music would be both costly and time consuming for Arenanet, so that would not be a viable choice. However, all Arena net has to do is elaborate on their current “jukebox” function. Instead of only having 7 playlists to choose from:

-Arenanet should give us the function to choose our own music for each specific AREA and TOWN. The areas in GW2 are very obviously divided on the World map. With this function, players can customize their own game audio unique to their own playstyle (which is a very big factor in replay value). This is just like making mods in the game Skyrim, except we do it with Music.

Let me know what you guys think? I think this is a win-win situation with low cost to Arenanet and huge benefit to the players.