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Titles for winning only please.

in PvP

Posted by: Tuzas.2369


This seems like the problem that plagued this past season. Simply giving participation rewards and as long as you manage the few mouse clicks and then pressing a button you will eventually get what you want. While at the same time ruining the experience for your team. I will not lie, I was happy when i saw an afk on the other team but at the same time it sucks when it happens to your team. The whole system needs to be rewarding for winning not queueing and then afking after your team loses the mid battle. There have been countless matches that my team lost mid at start and still won so that in my opinion is simply unacceptable. I understand the participation based rewards to get more people to experiment with pvp but sadly its not working. There needs to be some sort of punishment system in place for people that do not truly participate. It cannot be a player based voting system since that will get abused, dont like player spam vote on him regardless if hes trying. While I cant offer a suggestion but that is my experience and people who do not put in the effort need to be punished.
Now that i had a think, the spam based style is friendly to almost anyone. But, the get out of jail free skills need longer CDs. It should not be about who presses button x faster but who uses button x more wisely. While this would go against all the fundamentals, there is as advertised a team working on pvp. The game mode is already separate so it could be possible to make skills adaptable and possibly balanced to the game type. Every class has its advantages and disadvantages but for sPvP they should not be so blurred. Every class should have its pros and cons but not be a master of all trades. Simply put, you should either be a glass cannon or a tank not both. That goes back to the get out of jail free skills. That is something that needs to be looked at. Currently there are counters to everything but that is based on having the correct meta build and the rest of your team playing meta builds. That goes against the casual basis of the game since it eliminates any sort of build deversity. All it takes currently is looking at the classes that you are against and you know their build. That should not be the case, looking at classes should make you wonder what they are running.

(edited by Tuzas.2369)