Showing Posts For Type Moon.5820:

The Nightwatch Issue

in WvW

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

Their is one and only one way to fix this issue, everyone, everywhere quits their jobs, moves to America (preferably the same state.) then agrees that the hours of 12 midnight to 8am is sleeping time. We eat at 9am, 12noon and 6pm, our shower is at 7pm and lasts for 15 minutes. The rest of the time every player plays WvW.

Cause how else would it be fair right?

Because guess what it isn’t only the australian’s ect that are apart of our nightwatch, its people who work afternoon shifts at their jobs, or people with no job and spare time, people on vacation or breaks.

More importantly the reason GoM has caught back up was because 40 people decided to sacrifice sleep for many nights in a row, to catch up. This is a war, a contest. The rules are given to us and we work towards our strengths. Can we match other servers with numbers, kitten no, its a pve server primarily. However those who do WvW are some of the most dedicated kittens you could ever meet, We are willing to not sleep, to play more hours and try harder then our competition right now, and thats why we are doing well.

So yeh, let this drop, the only way to fix it is to discriminate against everyone who isn’t living exactly your situation, you might as well complain about the fact people who only play 3 hours a day arn’t making as much gold as people who play all day. The game as it stands doesn’t discriminate against anyone personally, your either restricted by your real life situations and desires, or you aint.

And that I think, is the way that is fairest to the community, not the individual.

Assault Knights not dropping loot/chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

YES!!! FINALLY! Okay. My complaints are fixed, Ill go kill some champs, get some crafting done and patiently wait for the fix to the knights and achievements.

Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

Thank you! Just Thank you so much. This, this is all I was waiting for. bows in gratitude I can finally stop ranting and just wait patiently for the fix’s.

Assault Knights not dropping loot/chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

Went to bed, slept for 7 hours thinking, this problem will be fixed when I wake up surely, first thing I do, check the forums and no kitten change.

Congratulations ANET, Only you could develop something so cool, such an epic battle, give it an awesome villian that makes me love her instead of just want her gone, add a DRILL CASTLE!!! and yet manage to absolutely make me hate this event. And most of it isnt that theirs a fraking bug in the first place, its your fraking silence. IS IT SO HARD TO GIVE US AN UPDATE. Im getting very suspicious that your company was in fact the precursor to a zombie invation and your currently all eating eachothers brains. Because if your not all the living dead could not a single person type up anything like this.

“Dear players, The Knight bug appears to be some problem with our RNG Code working in conjunction with a unique scaling system we have given them, its complicated so its taking time to fix, just hold on. Until then we have added some extra chests as a reward for defeating HoloScarlet until we can get it working as designed.”

Oh look suddently you have 1 single thread that people can go to immediatly and go “Ok, guess bugs happen. Atleast we get extra loot from Scarlet.” the players then are atleast motivated to spend their 35min time investment fighting scarlet, it would take all of 5 seconds to implement and everyone is happy.

But no, do it your way leave everyone in the dark, let your own masterpiece event slowly die because apparently its a public holiday or something and no one can be kitten d fixing it either temperately or letting us know you care. I’m gonna go play something else now since what I really want to do just isn’t worth the time.

Also before anyone says anything, I am not saying No Loot event is unplayable ‘wah wah wah’ cause I only care about the loot. (Though admittedly as i’m poorer then sin the loot was making me giddy with happiness.) No because of all these Achievement Bugs and No Loot rewards, people just arn’t trying anymore. All the new people who are attempting this event are having their experiences ruined from the beginning because the Knights are just being ignored now, or attacked purely by said amateurs and thus the event is failing, I was lucky and was part of the very first battle and it worked perfectly the first time, so I at-least have the memories of when this all worked awesomely. Since then ive had to listen to the disappointed voices of my friend when they ask where the chests were for the 5th time in a row and say as they watched the Knights fly off “Was that it?”

Assault Knights not dropping loot/chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

Seriously though the worst thing is not the bug, but the lack of communication from a moderator, a small post to let us know they are aware of the problem and are fixing it, or that we are doing something wrong or unaware of something. The lack of communication between ANet and their player-base is disgusting considering how amazing it was in the beginning.

ANet, We love your game, its why we play it, you don’t have to worry about scaring us off by admitting their is problems, just let us know, that you know the problem is real and let us know your working on it and a vast vast portion of the player base will happily wait for you to fix it.

What we cant handle, is the silence.

Not getting loot from Legendary Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

Well, Before the most recent patch, as long as I was in a 5man party I would get loot and all was well. Now no loot for anyone who isn’t RNGjesus.


Its bad enough that Ive been DC’ed from getting Scarlet’s chest 11 times since event start, if the knights stop giving loot I may as well not do the event, id rather go watch someone much funnier then me doing a ‘Lets Play’ since its basicly the same result.

Achievements bugged hologram

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

Definitely broken, ive never been so high strung as my last run, it was perfect, no mistakes, not a single hit on me, or a wrong hit on her. Only shame is now I gotta do it again when its fixed…

Norn Thieves- Dude what?

in Norn

Posted by: Type Moon.5820

Type Moon.5820

Also lets be honest, there are no thieves, the class is called "Blue Mage. We “steal” monster ability’s, use shadow magic to teleport, summon clones, have a average ability with both range and melee, make magical arrows that can change direction and can turn invisible for very short periods of time.

Do we steal anything of monetary value, no
can we steal anything in any story event, no
do we lock-pick, pick pocket or stay hidden for extended periods of time, no

So yeh Anet call it what it is, Blue Mage!

ok…or Assassin which was a much better name anyways.