Showing Posts For Tyr.1963:

Superior Sigil of Demon Summoning

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


I bought this sigil for my necromancer thinking it sounded cool, only to be very disappointed after realizing it’s fairly useless in pve.

In PVE After summoning the Fleshreaver, charges cannot be gained indefinitely until becoming downed or defeated, or moving to a different zone. (This is not stated on the sigil description at all, only on the wiki)

I understand ArenaNet did this to prevent a person from walking around with an army of them but that still doesn’t really make sense since the flesh reaver dies after 60 seconds anyways and if you can kill 26 things in under a minute, you probably deserve to get that second flesh reaver haha, I’m kidding.

The flesh reaver despite looking quite cool doesn’t seem to be worth it if it takes forever to summon it then once summoned you can’t do it again.

Compare this to other sigils, many sigils have on crit effects, such as 20% chance to lightning strike on crit. Well that seems a lot more common than 26 kills without getting downed and then only being able to do it once.

granted the flesh reaver’s stats aren’t available on the GW2 Wiki so I don’t know how powerful or weak it really is but I can’t imagine it’s so insanely powerful that that rule justifies it.

I propose removing the rule of:
After summoning the Fleshreaver, charges cannot be gained indefinitely until becoming downed or defeated, or moving to a different zone.

and implementing this rule:
After summoning Flesh Reaver, charges cannot be gained again until flesh reaver dies.

Then consistently every 26 kills without getting downed you will spawn a flesh reaver.

Chat box in Character Selecet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


love this idea. ANET GET ON THIS!

Auto Deploy Mini

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


I like the idea, however I also understand why ANet didn’t implement it this way
There’s already the issue of overpopulated areas not displaying all the players models, minis are just another model to load. Though I think to modify this idea there should be a minipet slot on your hero panel with your equipment. it should have a toggle button, this would allow players to have them and actually use them, while also preventing them from getting deposited as collectibles when you don’t want a specific one to be.

last login tracker for guilds.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


I agree with this completely

Portable door! Player housing.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


lol neat idea, though I think, what would make more logical sense(to Arenanet programming wise) is to have an asura gate in all the major cities, that leads to your home.
I really do like the idea though.

Dye-able weapons?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


I really want to be able to dye my weapons as well, they don’t fit my character’s look.

I get why ANet isn’t going to want to do it though, since they’d have to redo every weapon in the game but still I’d pay for a special item from the gem store if it let me do that(that should make it worth it to ANet)

CACTUS Sylvari Hairstyle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


Cactus Anet get on this.

Guild Halls & Duels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


If you are for this suggestion please post something at-least, to help it get seen.
I believe these two features are two of the most desired features of the game.

The ability to Duel anyone in the non-pvp areas of the game. (allowing it in WvWvW would keep players who actually want to do what you’re supposed to do there from getting in. Allowing it in the mists, would also be a problem as there would be too many duels in the main area. A gladiator like arena could be done for 1v1 duels if people wanted that.)

Dueling should work similar to the WoW feature where you simply type /duel (person’s name or if left empty current target)

Dueling must be accepted. For it to begin.

A count down would be displayed to both combatants, once the countdown ends, both players become enemies to each-other. Enemy NPC’s can still do damage to the players, this is to prevent the dueling system from being exploited to get through tough parts of the game.

To enhance the dueling experience and show to everyone that a duel is taking place, a circle should display on the ground around the players,(maybe a small ring of fire?) if the players go outside the circle for too long they forfeit the match.

Once a player defeats another player, the defeated player is not killed, but is downed and must get back up.
The duel ends when the player becomes downed.

Above the winning duelist a symbol appears for a short period to indicate he won.

RPers and regular players alike would love this feature.

Guild Halls

Completely separate from the above idea.
Players who played the first Guild Wars, remember the amazing Guild halls and Guild battles. That was one element of Guild Wars that was shocking to not have, in-fact it actually makes the name of the game meaningless. Guild Halls, their beautiful maps, the upgrades that could be made to them, and the actual battles themselves were fantastic. Guild Halls were also great for RP players allowing them to call a place home, give guilds a formal meeting place.

A physical location in the game isn’t necessary, a simple asura gate from LA to your guild’s guild hall would suffice. As well as a button in the pvp section of your hero screen would be great.

As stated before if you like the ideas please comment, if you don’t like the ideas, suggest ideas to improve them.

What Would You Pay For?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


Saved Builds / Gear Templates - Up to 800 gems / slot
Cosmetic mounts - up to 2000 gems
Pet abilities / new emotes and gestures - up to 1000 gems
Guild Name Change - up to 1000 gems
10 levels booster - 300 gems (gain 20 levels on a character. 2400 gems for 80 levels. Of course only available if the story mode and world exploration are 100% completed with at least 1 character).
Unique guild banner - 1000 gems (option to upload your image)
Replay Living Stories - 1000 gems (option to replay past living stories achievements I missed)

I agree with all of these except the 10 level booster

I don’t like pay to win games, and Guild Wars 2 has been good about leaving those kinds of things out of the game. I have a level 80 character, 2 40’s and a 30. I felt like I accomplished something when I got my character to 80, and I will feel that again when I do it with my other characters. If I could just pay to get to 80, I’d feel like I wasted time.

We have Moa racing so why not arena gambling?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyr.1963


I for one like this idea, it’s unique.

Cannot receive mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyr.1963


I had this issue myself, I discovered the fact that the mailbox only holds 10 messages but I think it would be really helpful if there was some sort of notification that your mailbox is full. I Think more and more players will run into this issue.

Giant in the town of Nageling

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tyr.1963


Again you guys are missing the point, yes it’s a group event. Problem is how do you do a group event now that the amount of players on the servers has dropped so much. Even still before that it was a problem as well.

@the NPC issue – if you just make them stronger and deal less to almost no damage, that issue is solved. The battle feels a lot less epic when you have 2 people trying to battle a giant that easily kills any player who misses a dodge, plus when you have that few you need the NPCs to atleast act as pincushions or else you’re screwed.

Again the reward for killing him is completely not worth the time and effort. Iruwen I don’t see how you can be happy with a chance at maybe a crappy blue. He’s supposed to be a CHAMPION!!!!!!

His drops should be worth something, otherwise why bother killing him other than for the event XP? blues you can get from practically anything.

In addition the horrible balancing allows players to exploit the game by constantly reviving NPC’s for hours. Granted 50 xp will only get you so far, it is none the less still not what you’re supposed to be doing.

(edited by Tyr.1963)

Giant in the town of Nageling

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tyr.1963


Iruwen, I’ve been to the higher level areas, my main is max level and pretty tanky and still the “unshakable” ability most champions get is ridiculous, as much as I like the concept of it, the execution isn’t quite right. Don’t even tell me the final dungeon isn’t buggy!

I’ve beat the giant several times, but that’s not the point. The point is there’s no satisfaction in the battle really because you spend an hour doing it, assuming you manage to dodge like mad you, you get nothing from beating him really, you get more xp just reviving the town than the battle itself.

This is a serious problem that affects more than just this one boss.

Events were supposed to scale, currently unless you have a really good tank and atleast 3 others you will take an hour to kill him, and likely everyone will die on average 4 times.

You can’t honestly tell me that’s fun.

I don’t mind challenging battles, I enjoy them, but there’s a quality level that needs to be achieved.

Giant in the town of Nageling

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tyr.1963


This bug has been in since the game got released, and it’s sad. I really want to love Guild Wars 2 but it’s biggest flaw is thakitten ’s so buggy. That’s the only thing that keeps me from continuing to play.

In the town of Nageling in diessa plateau the Giant that attacks needs a serious nerfing, on average he does 1-2 hit kills on players. and 1 hit kills on all npcs. I wouldn’t have a problem with this if his health didn’t heal back up so quickly and that you didn’t always need a minimum of 10 players to kill him. you die so often you likely spend the amount of money you earn from the event and the loot is petty compared to the hour long battle.

This has also been a bug that’s stuck around and needs serious work. Why are all NPC’s dead in the first 2 seconds of any battle? I understand having them not deal much damage. I understand the game is about the player being a hero, but seriously?

Why should I retake this town that’s been attacked by a Giant if there’s no one even alive to occupy it?

(I hit Q&A thinking I could pull up a poll)

Please leave a comment if you also found this bug.